Should You Bulk, Cut, or Recomp? The Complete, No BS Guide

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book . angeletti @ gmail . com

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0:00 CUSB
1:27 Trade-Offs
3:00 Clearly Defining Terms
6:09 Recomp
9:56 Bulking
18:11 Cutting

should you bulk cut or recomp? the complete no bs guide pros and cons no solutions only trade offs body fat gym beginner novice lifters new to weight training weightlifting what to do where to start what program plan routine bro split how many sets and reps exercises per day week should i do 10-20 muscle growth group maingaining bulk cut recomp bulking cutting food foods meal prep muscle kitchen diet nutrition full day of eating macros calories hypertrophy powerbuilding powerlifting for mass aesthetic body building aesthetics bodybuilding hamza push pull legs upper lower fullbody full body 5x5 cultivating mass when and when not to train to failure are you ego lifting know the signs how to stop starting strength ice cream fitness 2.0 stronglifts strong lifts nouns grey skull phul gzclp candito 3d delts every reason why you are not getting stronger nsuns 531 5/3/1 bbb the triumvirate boring but big conjugate concurrent linear daily undulating periodization lp dynamic double progression 2 3 4 5 6 day are you ego lifting signs you're in novice lifter purgatory skinny fat truth fitness industry body dysmorphia normal rpe rir reps in reserve rate of perceived exertion we trained like kyriakos grizzly andrew tate redpill red pill blackpill black pill dating modern women looksmaxxing gymcel myths mistakes overweight obese bigger and stronger physique neck traps chest pecs arms forearms grip delts front rear side lateral shoulders back lats traps lower low back glutes hamstrings quads legs calves core abs optimal science evidence research based pubmed ned algorhythm preworkout hopscotch on the machines zyzz constant time under tension brah how to lift weights safely more gain less pain rf power hour

Chest up, shoulders back. Your home for gains and brains.
—REVIVAL Fitness— 

#BodyComposition #GymProgress #REVIVALFitness
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10 hours of photoshop>10 years in the gym


I give up. I'm gonna start Reculking.


A complete, no BS guide with lots of praticai tips. Thank you for this content. And congratulations for almost 40k subs!


I bulked from 115 to 167 in 16 months. I went from XS to M shirts. I was stuck at maingaining for 1 year. 1 year of MG, I went from 112 to 115. Bulking has totally changed my look. I still look fairly well without a shirt. A little chubby, but it’s all apart of the process. I look much better in clothes. My calories went from 2500 to 4200. Bulking is king if done as stated in this video.


You forgot about a decomp. Weight stays the same but fat goes up lol. Great video! Love your channel


I screwed up my first bulk. Had to cut back down 12 pounds of fat only after 3 months. However the gains are amazing. In only 3 months bulking I’ve made more gains then the 8 months cutting and watching Greg.


on a cut right now.. feels like absolute death. low energy, weak, and hungry. but i’m losing weight and getting leaner!


Good thing seeing this for the first time and I’m doing great, didn’t mess anything up 🎉


Thank you so much for enlightening us about the value of cutting, recomping and bulking and being honest about it instead of presenting us with a perfect solution

The first time I checked my PR for the bench press it was 100kg, after 2 years of training I went to check again today and my PR was only 105kg…

I think I needed my ego to get crushed in that moment for me to finally give your channel a chance instead of disregarding it as a typical bro science fitness channel

It’s not like I didn’t make any gains in those years, I’m a intermediate or nearly there depending on what my squat and deadlift PRs end up being (I’ve yet to check them) it’s just that I didn’t progress as well as I could’ve been by always going extreme with cuts and messing up my bulks one way or another as well as my training

Now I finally have a good idea of how to train and diet (thanks to your advice) properly, now I’ll repay your kindness by testing the limits and seeing how far I can get in my journey to becoming as strong as possible


I think this whole thing is overcomplicated by everyone. The main reason is because for whatever reason everyone is afraid to get fat. Who cares if you get fat. Fat can be lost easily and extremely quickly but building muscle takes time and hard work. Eat alot, lift big, get big...then cut the fat and repeat. Why are yall so afraid of fat? Fat is fuel, fat is energy, use it to get big


Screwed up my first bulk when school and work got in the way but it helped free me from body dismorphia so worth it hands down. Cutting back down from 275 at 6'6-6'7 to something leaner then will bulk much slower. I'm genetically prone to chowin. I did gain a good bit of muscle in weak areas for sure


Absolutely top tier fitness content. This absolutely bodies most of the big influencers out there. Only exception I can think of is Dr. Mike.


Honestly hyped for this video since I'm staring down my first bulk beginning next week once I'm back from vacation. Have been cutting/recomping since I've starting going to the gym back in August.


Bulk and cut baby nobody maintains. Best begginer fitness channel on the net


I lost 50 pounds recently and still have a considerable amount of belly fat at 128lbs 5’6.5”
I’m the poster boy for “skinny fat”
I was gonna get down to 120lbs but thought to myself “wtf are you doing?”
Started a bulk 1 month ago… hitting the gym 3-5 times per week focusing on progressive overload. Sitting at 132lbs right now. Can’t wait to see where I end up on month 3.


This was a fantastic video brother. I’ve been cutting for 8 months now and i went from 215lb to 178lb, as a 6’3”” tall. Am i satisfied with my new 13.8% BF? Yes! Am I satisfied with my look? Absolutely not, as I haven’t gained any muscle. As a matter of fact, I’ve lost it.
I am ready for some real bulk and your channel is blessing! Thank you brother, !


Love your no nonsense approach man, keep putting out the content


I'm the same way. I cut when I was weaker and did NOT have visible abs. Now i'm more of a thicc boi who got up to a 500lb deadlift and there is a ab outline wanting to push through. Just started isolating with weighted decline sit ups also, so i'll see how that goes. Staying around the same body weight is gonna be the path for me right now.


Great to see some decent and honest advice / information on eating or not eating. Cheers and keep up the great content :)


People just stay in body recomp, cut if you feel you’re fat or bulk up if you think you’re too slim. Bulking up and cutting is not healthy in long term unless you’re competing or you’re doing it for money from a great looking body like this guy as a youtuber. Bulking can get your blood pressure high and decrease your insulin sensitivity. Stay in your most healthiest fat percentage in regards to your hormones all year-around, it’s better for your health in the long run

Even the hollywood actors slim down when they don’t have movies that they’re paid for it
