ADHD & Meal prep 🫠

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You know when you feel super motivated to get your life together but end up burnt out in a day 😅? Yep, that's what happened. Thanks, ADHD brain! Do you relate? Share your story in the comments!
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I've always failed in mealprepping. Its mainly because of my sensory issues which is very sensitive with the slightest change of taste and smell for something that has been in the chiller more than 3 days even though it was kept in an air tight container.

Also sometimes I just suddenly don't feel like eating the meal I cooked or I got invited to un-decline-able family dinner. So my prepped meals often ended up just sitting nicely inside the fridge for longer than it was planned to be, forgotten, and eventually spoiled until I need to clean up the fridge.

So I'm trying something new :
1. I'll prepare & cook more variant so that I'll have more options
2. Vacuum seal all my cooked meals portioned by days (can also be portioned per meal, I usually stick to the same meal for lunch & dinner), label it, and froze it.

By doing that hopefully I won't fail in mealprepping again, since I'm gonna have food options to choose for up to 2 months I suppose (could be longer but I prefer something less than 3 months). So whenever I feel like to eat one of the menus I cooked, I can just grab one from the freezer and reheat it.

Hope this make sense and helpful for any of you that have the same struggle at mealprepping like me😂


Cooking and baking are core interests of mine, and I have a fear of making people sick, so I try to be extra careful to avoid mistakes when it comes to food.

4 hours isn't so bad. It's more than the recommended 2 hour window for the food service industry, but food service and food manufacturers have to be overly cautious lest they get sued for making someone sick/dead. People tend to be more lax at home. It's fine.


I have put an ice cream cake in the refrigerator and come home to find "the meltdown"...🙄
BTW, I loved your book, The Mini ADHD Coach! It was so easy to read and VERY relatable! Thank you! ❤


Bro I just was like “oh shit” the same reaction I usually have when forgetting to do something important, I’m too used to this 😢😭


Ngl if the food wouldn't seem to be too bad... I'd just but it in fridge even at that point and just pray it's still editable


It was only a few hours old, you could just put it in the fridge.


LOL, for real though. that’s why microwave dinners are actually my best friend. maybe not the healthiest, but they’re cheap and easy 😅

apologies for the triple commenting, i just found ur profile and it’s so cute and relatable. can’t wait for you to get big 💞💞💞


Awful to here : ( !, i hope some is Still good ! 😃


You lost me at finishing meal prep in 2 hours. That alone would have taken me like 6 hours because of distractions/lack of motivation 😭
