How To create Audio visualizer In Premiere Pro & After Effects

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. HOW To Add Audio Wave Spectrum visualizer In Premiere Pro & After Effects
There are different ways to make audio spectrum visualizer in premiere pro or after effects. but in this tutorial I'm going to show you the best and easiest way to create audio spectrum in premiere and after effects.
To add the audio spectrum in premiere pro, the first thing you need to do is to export your audio separately from your video file. to do this in the export window, you will need to deselect the video and set your export settings to mp3.
Now create an after effects composition in premiere pro to create the audio visualizer in after effects. To do this first create an adjustment layer and place it over your video on your timeline and stretch it to the duration of your clip. next right click and select create after effects composition and this will automatically launch adobe after effects.
Now Upload your audio. a high quality MP3 or WAV file and drag into your after effects timeline.
and create a new solid over your audio file and move to the effects and presets tab and search for audio visualizer.
place this audio visualizer over your solid and in the effects control set the audio spectrum effect to be responsive to the layer where you have your audio file
you can now Customize the audio visualizer to your liking and Export your video.
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00:00 Export Audio
00:23 new after effects composition
00:59 import
01:15 new solid
01:25 audio spectrum effect
02:54 drop shadow
03:15 outro
#audiospectrum #premierepro #aftereffects