Polish habits/traits I took over really FAST 🇵🇱

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These Polish habits and traits were really easy and almost naturally to take over in this first year in Poland. It's interesting to see how a Dutch girl implements these traits and habits so easily. What do you think?

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Don't even dare to give up, of ANYTHING!


Kliknąłem "subskrypcja", bo miła, sympatyczna osoba z tej Holenderki. Stereotypy są zwykle mylące. Moi znajomi mieszkają w Holandii i mówią, że trudno zaprzyjaźnić się z Holendrem, bo po pierwsze Holendrzy mają negatywne stereotypy na temat Polaków, więc się na nich nie otwierają, a po drugie ogólnie nie są specjalnie otwarci na obcych. A tutaj od tej dziewczyny bije ciepło i życzliwość. Nie widziałem wszystkich filmików, więc nie wiem czy Nynke była w Gdańsku, ale dobrze aby wiedziała, że w Prusach Królewskich, które należały do Królestwa Polskiego, osiedliło się bardzo dużo Holendrów na przestrzeni wieków. To właśnie oni zbudowali gdański port, który jest teraz tak podziwiany przez turystów. Nynke w Gdańsku poczułaby się chyba swojsko.


Hello, dear Nynke!

Cieszę się, że uczysz się od Polaków pewności siebie i dumy z bycia sobą. Naprawdę masz ku temu powody, bo jesteś fantastyczną osobą i nigdy nie powinnaś w to wątpić!
Ja osobiście nie odczuwam dumy z tego, gdzie mieszkam i kim byli moi przodkowie, kim są moi rodacy, bo uważam, że dumna mogę się czuć wyłącznie z własnych osiągnięć. Ale jestem bardzo szczęśliwa, że urodziłam się i żyję w tak fajnym i ciekawym mieście jak Kraków!

Masz rację, że trudna historia i konieczność wielowiekowej walki z systemem wykształciły w polskim narodzie wyjątkową umiejętność radzenia sobie z przeciwnościami losu. Tę cechę bardzo cenię wśród rodaków. Polska kreatywność (zwana też kombinowaniem) nie ma granic! :)

Kulturalny i dobrze wychowany gospodarz nie będzie oczekiwał od swoich gości zdejmowania butów. Tę kwestię powinno pozostawiać się osobie odwiedzającej, choć ja zachęcam każdego swego gościa do pozostania w butach, lub przyniesienia ze sobą pary na zmianę. Sama nie lubię chodzić boso - zwłaszcza, gdy brak butów psuje mi stylizację.

Życzę Ci przepięknego czasu spędzonego z tatą i przyjaciółmi! Mam nadzieję, że pokażesz nam, swoim widzom, impresje z Waszych wycieczek!

Dobrego, słonecznego tygodnia, droga Ninko! <3


1. Not giving up
2. Shoes off
3. Being proud of the country
4. "How are you" question taken seriously
5. Food
6. Pedestrian crossings with lights
7. hat when its cold
8. winter tea


Be yourself - a proud Dutch-Polish girl - and hold your head up high.

Hold on tight to your dream and never give up your life's mission.

Enjoy yourself - enjoy Poland and everything it offers (excellent food, enchanting places and landscapes, difficult but beautiful language, rich culture and history, warm and friendly people), enjoy traveling and sightseeing, enjoy having fun with children and friends.

Enjoy just being there, in a moment, resting in the summer sunshine at a Vistula river bend, walking among falling yellow and brown autumn leaves in Planty, hiking in a snowy valley in Tatra Mountains in winter (and warming yourself up with a winter tea in Krupówki), marveling at the flowering orchards and fields of the Cracovian countryside in spring ...

And keep filming, filming, filming ...

And you will have a lot to film - can't wait to see the excursions with your dad as well as with your university friend. Having a camper at your disposal will give you the opportunity to do longer excursions than just day trips, hence you may consider visiting places located outside the region of Małopolska (Lesser Poland).

I'll give you one sightseeing tip today which may appeal to a creative person like you who enjoys drawing and painting. Have you ever heard of a village of Zalipie? It is located 68 km north-east of Kraków and it is known for a local custom of painting the cottages (and other architectural elements such as fences and wells) with decorative motifs. These decorative motifs are a true feast for the eyes and spirit and were invented by an incredibly gifted folk artist Felicja Curyłowa (1904 - 1974). Her farm cottage is now an open-air museum. Look up 'Zalipie' and 'Felicja Curyłowa' in the usual sources of information and watch this video (pay attention to the reaction of visitors when they see the Zalipie decorations for the first time, it is just an outburst of pure joy and happiness):

You may even try your painting skills at a local Community Centre, together with other visitors and the local folk painters (the tradition of folk painting is still alive and thriving in Zalipie).

Dużo zdrowia i radości Ninko, uściski! 🌹🤗


wyjątkowe humor dzisiaj wyjątkowo wyglądasz dzisiaj wszystkiego dobrego


Dzień dobry Ninka😊, baw się dobrze, korzystaj z lata, dopóki piękna pogoda, "ładuj baterie na zimę", życzę tobie i twojej rodzinie wiele radosnych dni 🤗❤🌞🌻🚴‍♀️🚣‍♀️


Te mosty kolejowe co budują i został jeszcze ostatni z nich do ukończenia to będzie miał też chodnik dla pieszych i drogę dla rowerów więc będziesz miała nową trasę na spacer . Pozdrawiam.


😂And that's what surprised me with taking off my shoes at home. I never thought about it because it seemed natural to me that everyone wants to have a clean house and not bring dirt or mud into the house.


Nynke you just woke up your inner tiger 😀


You must learn this phrase in polish "BOSO, ALE W OSTROGACH" is a survival way.


Word “poddac się” has two English meanings: „give up”/„quit” and „surrender”(military meaning, like in a fight or war). And we almost never surrender, although we can be overcome.


Taking Shoes off is new habit. In the past you could get offer to wear home shoes to give brake for your feet . Most of the time you wear your regular shoes. It was even inpolite to take your shoes .off


Dzień dobry Nynke! 😉Who are Bassie & Adriaan? ...apparently half of the Dutch grew up with this!...haha 😊😂


Dzień dobry,
a tak z przymrużeniem oka Ninko klaskasz /klaszczesz 😘 w samolocie po wylądowaniu. ? 🤗🤗🤗


Warzywa i owoce kupujesz na Kleparzu?😊


Nynke, I shall address some of your specific points (I copied them from Monik A). 1) Not giving up - this has two sides. Poles are often persistent in the good, but sometimes also in the wrong. 2) Shoes off - this is rational. It may snow in this country from October to April, and when it does, cleaning services (in Warsaw at least) often have the weird habit of waiting until the snow piles up, then throwing tons of salt on it and only eventually removing it physically. The result are heaps of salty mud that pose a destructive threat to everything, plants, vehicle bottoms, shoes, and floors and carpets at home. So it's highly recommended to take off shoes in the cold season on entering someone's flat. As for summer, when people come to my place and start taking shoes off, I just tell them it's not necessary. 3) Being proud of the country - I think that as in other countries, some people are proud to be Polish, while others (like me) see no special reason to be proud of the fact of being born in a specific place. No-one chooses his/her place of birth. To be proud of one's country's achievements, is another matter. I'm proud of my country in some aspects, in other I'm not. Anyway, the world-famous "Polish pride" issue is a bit strange for me. 4) "How are you" question taken seriously - as many other Poles, I'm no fan of the Western (especially American) "small-talk" habit. The perpetual "How are you?" means nothing, it's not even a real question, why do people waste their time on a blah-blah. But, on the other hand, IMO Poles often complain too much and are excessively pessimistic. 5) Food - as time passes by, I'm increasingly tired with the huge share of potatoes and meat (especially pork) in Polish cuisine. I'm not a vegetarian, but I don't understand why beef and fish are so secondary on Polish tables. 6) Pedestrian crossings with lights - as many other Poles, I also (usually) wait patiently for the lights to change before crossing the street. The reason is simple - safety. Polish drivers speed massively what makes jaywalking very dangerous, even in centres of cities. It's wise to stand still and wait even when there's no car approaching in sight, if only not to acquire the habit of ignoring the lights. 7) hat when its cold - in Poland, it's wise to wear (or at least to carry in your pocket or bag, ready to put on) a warm hat in winter not only because of the cold (Dutch winters are milder than Polish, keep in mind), but also due to fast-changing temperatures (from freeze to thaw and vice versa). In a single day one may feel that the hat is not necessary, but moments later it is. But, some Poles IMO go too far and become warm-head-obsessed. I've seen people with winter hats on their heads in mid-summer at 27 degrees (in the shade) and mums putting warm hats on the heads of their little kids in... 30 degrees. Why? because some wind was blowing. 8) winter tea - yes.


Nie należę do tych, co płaczą na widok bielika czy białoczerwonej, ale zacząłem czuć dumę z bycia Polakiem po 24.02.2022. Nie ma nic piękniejszego i bardziej jednoczącego, niż pomoc Siostrze czy Bratu zza granicy, którzy chcą w Twoim domu odnaleźć spokój i bezpieczeństwo. Od momentu pełnej agresji na Ukrainę, mam ochotę podkreślać, że jestem z Polski. Putler tego nie planował, ale to jedna z nicznych rzeczy, za którą mogę mu podziękować. Boli mnie jedynie cena, jaką Siostry i Bracia z Ukrainy muszą za ten fakt płacić, dlatego też satysfakcja jest znikoma.
Pozdrawiam z pięknej i bogatej w historię Warszawy.


Woda w Wiśle w Krakowie krystalicznie czysta tak jak i rządzący Polską..


Hello, It was really nice meeting you the other day at the bus stop :o) I totally agree with you that the polish people are so proud of their country. When you buy products from the supermarket and it has been produced in Poland on the label, I think we tried that in the UK once and the far left got upset and we have to remove the label. I know it is so strange waiting for the lights to change. There is a slip road near Ikea and hardly anyone uses the road it has traffic lights and we still have to wait for the little green man to appear. 😀😀> It is a wonderful country and the people are so friendly.
