The World Goes To Space And Russia Is Left Behind | World News Update As Seen From Russia

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This is how Russians view important news happening all over the world.

The World Goes To Space And Russia Is Left Behind | World News Update As Seen From Russia
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As an italian I know very well my country. The vast majority of italians know nothing and do not want to know about the war in Ukraine. I must say they know nothing what happens in the world. Such a people elects politicians that are the like.
I hate them all. My opinion is that cowardy is widespread in this country, more than in the rest of the world. I am so sorry.
I do my best to support economically Ukraine since the beginning of the war.
Shame on us


Qatar and Uzbekistan dealing with Germany of fitting. Pooty is losing all his buddies! And China is avoiding secondary sanctions by cutting off business deals with russia too! KARMA! And great news from Toropets depot full of Kalibr, Iskander and North Korean missiles went BANG!...this morning. 2.8 magnitude on the richter scale!


Russia is a simple Cleptocracy. The best future is the breakup of the Federation. And all of the new independent States can build their societies with profits from their own natural resources, not send the money to Moscow. Russia can be a small country with Moscow and St. Petersburg. The rest can be free Democracies...


This isn't a triumph of the United States. It's a triumph for all good people, including you. This is your triumph and our legacy will bring us a livable outer space. You're no longer monetized, but when you were, there were companies paying Google to put ads on your videos. That money was taxed and played a part of our economy. You are part of us, like it or not.


It was the soviet space program, not the Russian space program. The soviet union included Ukraine. But Russians for some reasons forget that, and want to take all the credit.


As an American I had the same emotional response as you. I was following the space programs with a smile on my face.😮


And Laika. She died after a couple of hours in the space.The first victim there.


I feel your pain in losing everything you loved about Russia. As if it was always a lie. This is so tragic.


You must have been taking singing lessons, Konstantin.
You're almost ready for the stage.


The biggest space news of the last few days by FAR is the fact that ESA (European Space Agency) successfully used the METAL printer in space, on the international space station! The first time in history of the humanity something like that happened.


Brother Konstantin! I love all, and I mean ALL of your brilliant podcasts, but despite the downer experience of your demonitization by the EVIL urchins at GOOGLE and YOUTUBE, I've noticed recently that you are quietly laying the groundwork for a parallel career as a standup performer at comedy clubs. There are still lots of them sprinkled throughout the sadly shrinking community of free speech-protected democratic countries, which means JOB SECURITY. So why do I say "....a parallel career" as a standup comic? Because as I obsessively watch your top tier, world class quality podcasts whenever a new one drops, I find myself ever more frequently laughing out loud at your occasional quips of humor. You are mastering the art of subtle sarcasm, my friend, not an easy thing to do in one's own native tongue, let alone in English! For example, I just had a good therapeutic chuckle over your news report on Malaysian palm oil exports to Kremlinland as a cheaper alternative to Russia's rapidly inflating prices of domestically produced or illegally imported ("smuggled"?) black market (but superior quality) Danish butter. The funniest part of the story was that to "grease the skids", so to speak, for favorable customs treatment of Malaysian palm oil imports into the Russian marketplace, the Malaysians had engaged in "ape diplomacy", (or is it "monkey business"?) similar to how the Chinese use panda diplomacy for the same general purpose. To eliminate confusion you differentuated the separate species involved by saying something like "....monkeys, not pandas. That's the 'Chinese Department'". Somehow, the subtle, off-hand way you said it, with a little smile, really cracked me up! Trust me, and keep working on it, you're on the way to the comedy club circuit. Maybe you can even get a little coaching help from fellow Russian emigre' and "Triggernometry" star co-host, Konstantin Kissin, who started out as a standup comic. Hey! how come he didn't get demonitized by YouTube? He's Russian too after all! 😁🇺🇦🇺🇲🐻


The secret service didn’t fail this time… they succeeded.. hindsight is crystal clear. Foresight is not.


Yes, Russia is falling apart sadly, but what Putin is doing deserves that saying, 'What you Reap, is what you Sow!'. Wish for a better world and for humanity to be unified so I feel so bad this has happened, but it is what it is. Wish you all the best Konstantin, I pray you and your family are doing great. Guess I should watch your other post with Silicon Curtain. That is next my friend. Be well.


The US should kick the Olaguard out of the US who live in Florida.


No Grammy For You, Konstantin. Not this year anyway.


As a high school student in the 60's, I remember watching Space Odyssey 2001 and thinking that it was a very believable future. Then the U.S. got bogged down in Vietnam - many thousands died and the billions of dollars wasted there meant that constructive progress in space was lost. So now, once more, think of the billions of rubles wasted in Ukraine - many more thousands have died and meanwhile, all that money could have gone into a constructive space program. Humanity never seems to learn.


I was eleven years old when Sputnik I was launched; I well remember the USSR as a great power, and that is the first thing that comes to my mind when I think of Russia. Several years ago I saw photos of the Buran spacecraft decaying in its abandoned maintenance building; more recently I saw photos of it with the building collapsed around it. What a shame.

On another note, there were two attempts to assassinate US President Gerald Ford, only 13 days apart. There are far too many guns in the US; the reason, in my opinion, is that the US Supreme Court misinterpreted the clear meaning of the second amendment to the US Constitution, which was meant to provide for a national militia in the place of a standing army. Two of my ancestors were in such a militia in Canada--- it was intended to hold off American invaders (if necessary) until British regular troops could arrive. Legally speaking, the US Militia does still exist--- it is better known as the National Guard, but all National Guard members must take an oath to the Militia.




Kostantin Italy has a fascist government, ... what you expected?
