Why BAD Champions are OP in LOW ELO! (NOT what you think)

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"This irelia has been easily shutdown"
* syndra and shako barely surviving with 1 hp *


my problem with Irelia isn't losing to her in laning phase, my problem is her going 0 / 5 buying Bork and then dominating teamfights catching back up from kills


I think to play good against a champ, you need to play him yourself. You will understand the abilities better and it will all become an overall easier thing. You can catch these in free rotations i guess, none of these are in this one, but some annoying champs are here.

For example: I hated Yone matchups. Then I played him when he was in free rotation and understood what he does. Im never getting bullied by that champ ever again.

- Average draft pick enjoyer


I don't have much trouble with Irelia on early levels, but level 5 and double long sword is already enough for her to only needing to tap W to get all casters on her Q range. Unless the lead I get on early levels is enormous, the more levels she gets scarier it becomes to walk up to the wave.


"the jungler come to help and irelia get easily shutdown" while the syndra almost die 1v2 from irelia at full hp


I think irelia is ridiculous because of how much she snowballs not her laning phase lmao
the mid laner gives her 2 kills suddenly she's an unkillable raid boss who kills anyone just as well as if she was a 2 kill fizz


12:37 you didn't explicitly say it but anyone watching should notice that walking up like this level 1 vs irelia also messes up the first 3 minions dying around the same time if either one of you pull some aggro


8:20 the difference is also taking bone platting as it's super effective against all in melee champ


That GM Irelia misplayed hard. She was too indecisive during the second wave. She either could’ve all ined by buffering her e with q the minion. She instead chose to kill the minions back off and then decide to all in with q and e’d after so q wasn’t reset.


As a fizz main i cant stress enough how much of a difference it does, to punish autos in early into him.


It's funny how the difference between low and high level mages was significant, meanwhile irelia and fizz stayed same or even worse.


As a Fizz player, most people at average elo (silver-gold) don't play around his cds. The counter to most assassins is playing around their cds and being smart, if they don't get fed they will struggler later.


I’m a Fizz player and I can tell you that baiting out his E is everything. It has an enormous mana cost especially when maxed first. It’s an extremely versatile ability but it’s were all his power budget is. Q is only for all-ins and W is just an auto attack. E is his only wave clear, his dodge, his main damaging tool, utility, a gap close, and his only escape tool. Most of mastering Fizz is good E management and most of shutting him down is punishing his E cooldown. Watch his mana and bait out E, then trade. Also watch out for level 16, his ult has a ridiculously low cooldown with the utility of a Thresh lantern and the damage to half health a squishy.


Ive watched three mins in by now, and well, fizz can walk through units and has a flat dmg reduction agianst basic attacks. So fizz is surprisingly resillient to both champion and minion attacks early on.


Dude i just lose lane at lvl 2 two times agaisnt a fizz just when this video was uploaded. Thank you so much it feels like he can all in me from level 2 till the end of the laning phase an i cant do anything


My brother and I are playing a Fizz and Zac duo to climb through low elo. Currently at an 82 percent win rate and just hut gold 3. We basically just printing lp.


without watching it, my guess is Chmaps that are good at exploiting positioning mistakes, and just low elo mistakes in general. Then champs like Ekko, fizz etc. can just 1v9 the rest of the game waiting for other team to make more mistakes


My issue with going against Fizz is how shitty it feels when you get behind early. Like you can/should beat him early, but if you make one mistake, he can easily dominate you the rest of the laning phase... It doesnt make him a good champ; it just makes him annoying/stressful.


Irelia is not a hard match up at all, you just wait for her to Kamikaze under your tower because she wants to outplay herself and be an anime ween all the time. Plus you can rush anti heal to counter her too. I'm guessing that people in low ELO are very robotic when it comes to itemization and often build their "main" item first without considering the match up. I've bitten irelia, zed, yasuo, yone, and even ADCs with both fizz and Galio and I'm confident to say that i rarely loose lane. a majority of my loses are because I've failed to impact the map properly, but aside from that i win laning phase using patience and good itemization.


What most players don't realise is that control mages and adcs are the hardest champions in the game to pilot cause they are glass cannons. If you overstep you are dead most of the time. I would advice you to stay away from syndra, viktor and ori rather than irelia.
