STOP Giving OP Champions FREE Wins! - League of Legends

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I don't think showing a poppy vs Jax matchup is a good example. Poppy has good natural disengage from Jax because of her W. In contrast, Darius, Sett, and Urgot can stand between the minion's waves and still win the trade.


Perfect video right after I went 0/10 against Fiora


I love that Skillcapped still uses Fiora's old splashart for their video thumbnails


Since when is Camille an extended trader. She hates extended trades, she wants to q1 e q2 and w out. Her entire thing is kind of short trades and then all ins


I signed up for skill-capped and I gotta say. The videos and courses really do help. Just the videos on CS alone are good enough to improve your games at least a good bit


ty for this video.
How should jax play in this situation ?


This is a really incredible lesson in restraint, I'm just getting in to league and I have to admit I am so guilty of tunnel vision when my opponent gets low. Seeing just how effective holding your ground and not getting greedy can be at relieving the pressure in your lane is really helpful, especially when you're up against a stronger opponent or even an opponent you just don't know the matchup for. Which in my case is most of them lol


Explanation why Camille wants extended trades? I don't get it, unless we assume Camille runs Conqueror as main rune.
Due to her Q2 burst, but very mostly because of her passive Adoptive Defenses it's normal to think she wants a slower pushing, poking her opponent with bursty trades, in order to set up a possible dive. This is what I think when thinking about Camille's lane phase, all the more so if she runs Grasp instead of Conqueror.
Thank to anyone will provide clarifications.😄


Here's some "dumb" tip that actually works with any even Platinum Joe, if someone counter pick your counter or get some "op" champion against you... do not die... "yeah duh".

Listen, some champions wants to fight and snow ball to be impactful on team fights so even perfect CS sometimes is not enough for them like Riven, Fiora, Jax, Darius, Irelia, Yasuo, Zed, LB, Rumble etc etc...
why? because every time they kill you they'll be or get closer to their power spike, so being behind on 30 CS against one of those guys means YOU are weaker but THEY are NOT stronger against your team as whole, a 3/0 Jax, Darius, Yasuo if absurdly dangerous because he got his items first and can very well solo you and your jungler but a 1/0 is well inside your reach if your team helps... hell he might even be overconfident and end up dying to your team.

Want to see what i said on pratice? Pick Malphite and do not die... CS what you can but do not die... and wait your lvl 6, push your lane and do not mind loosing some CS and gank mid or help your jungle every time your ult is UP and bam... enemy top laner is just 0/0/0 with good CS meanwhile you are winning 2 diferent places and being impactful for your team even with low CS... hell even if you are still squishy because of the lack of gold and itens, it's still better than having and enemy top laner being 3/0 or worse.

Ho yeah if you lose lane and your mate's also lose lane, the game is doomed so even if you actually won lane, you can win by not just dying.


TL;DR - Take a champion that wants short burst trades, only trade in your minion wave. Freeze wave in front of tower and play around lvl advantages and cooldowns. Don't be overly aggressive.


great info as always. why not have an actual gold or student do the strats tho? every time i watch one of these i think "yeah okay but it's challenger into gold tho." could possibly even learn more from watching a student make mistakes trying the strat. u guys rock.


It would be cool to see how to play out the machup as a long-trader


I stopped losing to OP champions when I stopped playing LoL :)


I play wild rift on my mobile but I can just learn the mechanics and strategies of the game so easily and it really helps me a lot. So keep up the good work (:


Camille is not an extended trader at all. She wants short burst trades with q2. Once all her abilities are on cd, she does the least dmg possible. Darius and Jax can easily win extended trades against cam.


So just freeze the wave and wait for jg?


Having a champion that can clear CS effectively also helps so that you can control the culling.


This is the most advanced video I've seen from you guys, really excellent


How does this even work against someone like darius who can excel in either short or long trades by nature of his abilities? He likes long trades to stack his passive and can go grasp with a w max build for big burst short trades and if you mess up then attempt to grab you with his e and recover with his q. The biggest reason why its so hard against a darius though is the slow applied on his w which also stacks 2 of his passives and is a relatively short cd for what it does.


I played Morde against Jax. He defeated me
