Neovim is better than VSCode, and I prove it - My plugins setup

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- How to install my setup:
- My config:
1. Hop
2. Barbecue
3. Indent blankline
4. Vim Illuminate
5. Nvim tree
6.1 Gitsigns
6.2 Vim-fugitive
6.3 Lazygit
7. Nvim-colorizer (NvChad)
8. Bufferline
9. Telescope
A. Symbols-outline
B. NavBuddy
B (ups). Goto-preview
C. ToggleTerm
D. Trouble
E. Vim-Spectre
Support TB channel here:
Amazing music:
Led Foot - Ethan Meixsell
In the Shadows - Ethan Meixsell
- My config:
1. Hop
2. Barbecue
3. Indent blankline
4. Vim Illuminate
5. Nvim tree
6.1 Gitsigns
6.2 Vim-fugitive
6.3 Lazygit
7. Nvim-colorizer (NvChad)
8. Bufferline
9. Telescope
A. Symbols-outline
B. NavBuddy
B (ups). Goto-preview
C. ToggleTerm
D. Trouble
E. Vim-Spectre
Support TB channel here:
Amazing music:
Led Foot - Ethan Meixsell
In the Shadows - Ethan Meixsell
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