Neovim is Better

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I’ve never experienced a program with such power and potential than Neovim. It does so much and we are at the beginning as it isn’t even to a 1.0 release yet. The best part is the program works on Windows, MacOS, and Linux.

00:00 Neovim
02:10 The Setup for Beginners
04:30 My VIM Setup
05:08 Init files in Neovim
09:00 Keymaps
10:10 Plugins
20:44 Checking Neovim Health
22:23 Mason - Installing new features
25:55 Why use Neovim over VSCode .

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P.S. - I'm still a beginner in Neovim and do make mistakes, such as tree-sitter being used for syntax highlighting, NOT file explorer lol. My way of learning is to make videos about my conceptions and then read comments on anything I did wrong. Then fix any mistakes and grow faster. Youtube is amazing at picking up skills and crowd sourcing knowledge. Hopefully you see value in these experiences to help know what to expect.


Dude that click bait photo is epic 🤣 have no idea what's going on but I'm watching lol


Treesitter is not a filetree. It is used for better syntax highlighting in files.


Thanks Chris for making this video! Something helpful to be aware of: Inside Neovim you can enter the command ":help rtp" which will pull up the documentation for runtime paths. It starts out with a listing of the paths nvim will search for configs to run and roughly in what order, and you can scroll down to get more information. You can make use of the "after" directory to place configs that need to run at the end of setup. Picture these scenarios: 1) You have multiple plugins that can interact with each other, and you need to make sure they are both loaded before you run the config to connect them. 2) You have config for something that depends on that thing being loaded first. 3) You have a plugin setup that changes something when it runs, and you want to change it back after the plugins sets itself up. In all these cases, By using the "after" directory, you move those configuration steps to later in the initialization process and you can guarantee they run at the right time.


I'd love to see a video on using neovim in windows. I program in a windows environment and I gave neovim a try, and while it was very nice I had soo much trouble getting plugins to work and adapting their instructions on my system, I kinda gave up on trying to turn it into an IDE and just use it for the occasional command line file editing, it was too time consuming otherwise


Title: "Neovim is better than vscode"
Video: "I'm not saying neovim is better than vscode..."


Those vimprojects (nvchad and lunarvim) are awesome! Definintely worth checking it out and ideally learning from it so you can do it yourself. Nice rainy summerweek project.


I started using neovim in Windows a few months before your first video on it. If you made a guide explaining a lot of the issues and how to deal with them, I'd be very interested. Maybe even a comparison with using WSL to show pros/cons of that?


Would love to see a video on dedicated windows set up. I use nvim on both windows and Linux.

Lf and nvim on windows has been an excellent pairing has largely replaced the use of windows explorer for me.


I find it ironic that people who use Vim to run away from IDEs, end up customizing it as an IDE.


Great video! Another Windows Neovim user here! Would like to see your setup.


Treesitter is not a filetree 😂
Gotta love the genuine discovery process


A lot of people forget VScode has vim extension(s), which will be more than enough for most people, and you also get to keep the advantages of VScode.


I use AstroNvim which is a pre-configured neovim setup.


I am also one of those people who uses neo vim in windows without wsl

So make a video about how to use do things in neo vim in windows


that's a nice introduction to neovim. even i, being a (neo-)vim user for like 2+ years, have learned something

one thing i would strongly recommend you to do, is to pin the plugin versions (check your plugin manager docs on how to pin the version to be installed to a certain revision/tag). some plugin developers use their master/main branches as dev branches, or just don't have branching whatsoever, which makes those plugins break periodically from installation to installation (or upon an upgrade). this happens because the plugin devs may develop their plugins with nightly version in mind, which breaks compatibility/introduces new features in api, which, in turn, makes the latest stable version at best and the nightly version at worst a requirement for those plugins to work. this is especially true for telescope and lsp-/linting-specific plugins iirc. and of course, you, being a debian user, obviously won't necessarily have even the latest stable, never mind nightly, version easily available to you. it has caused a lot of frustration for the guy behind lunarvim (and a couple of other similar projects like this) in the past, because people were constantly coming to him with support request when another plugin breaks. the next level of nerdiness is to always compile whatever version of neovim you want (the guy behind lunarvim has at least discussed this and done so on stream), but it's probably not something you need to worry about

also, regarding the guy behind lunarvim (and neovim from scratch, and some other project too), you may want to check his channel out, he explains a lot about neovim and stuff related to it


That's a really cool channel! Thanks for the valuable contents.


fun fact, the neovim guys won't help you if you're using lunarvim (I think, maybe it was a different one) because it's changed so much so they just direct you to get help from the lunervim specific places

You seem to have flown through the neovim journey and made a lot of good choices.

You can have packer self install from the lua, I forget how exactly but it should be in the packer readme

You mentioned vimtutor, did you do the neovim version? :Tutor
It has an interesting last line 😉


How do you get the top bar menu thing? It looks cool and I don't know how its made


It's been a while since I took a drink from a fire hose... Thanks! LOL Great info!