The Ukraine Crisis Explained: United States versus Russia

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In this episode of The Source, we talk with history professor and author Peter Kuznick about the recent escalation in Ukraine and the geopolitical issues surrounding it. We also explore how the crisis in Ukraine may evolve and whether there is a possibility for détente.

Watch our previous parts on Ukraine that deal with historical context:

Peter Kuznick is Professor of History and Director of the Nuclear Studies Institute at American University in Washington, D.C. He’s the co-author of the book The Untold History of the United States, written together with Hollywood film director and producer Oliver Stone. He was active in the Civil Rights and anti-Vietnam War movements and remains active in antiwar and nuclear abolition efforts.

The Know Your Stuff is an educational program that promotes understanding and context on social concepts, historical events, and specialized topics that are not adequately addressed in the media landscape.

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Danke endlich!! Warum hört man dies nur hier. Endlich ein Kommentar der objektiv die Situation u Hintergründe offen darlegt. Jetzt müssen die Hörer nur nach gewillt sein darüber nachzudenken u das richtige zu tun. Gruss u danke.


Thank you for your guest & coverage with context of this critical issue. 👍 Hope this gets shared everywhere!


A very interesting and competent analysis. Thank you for this.


Biden is as just as much of a clown as Trump. Obama and Clinton’s frosty relationship with Russia did helped get us to this point.


We must reinforce the respect and credibility of International Law and United Nations.
All leaders and countries that disrespect either, must be fought by democrats.
Otherwise we will continue to have a arms race.
The violence is fast and very easy to start. To stop it is extremely hard and sometimes just impossible.
War means for sure destruction of humanity.
USA must try to get the support of United Nations on building diplomatic peace and must shut their mouth.
Support a ally, maybe put Germany as a spokesman, to get a diplomatic deal with Russia and Ukraine.
The USA lost completely their diplomatic credibility in the last years, their recent faults are huge.
The recent deal AUSUKUS was another strike in european confidence, made by this administration's.
Kosovo independence and Crimeia's? Everyone serious sees that International Law is a joke to major powers, complete contradicton by them, supporting opposing arguments for similar situations.
Euroasia block is building up allies. USA is ripping apart his old alliances and falling down.


Sorry, why listen to this professor, when you can have insights from Roeper or Alex Thomson.


You assume that the US is the only party that doesn't want the Russians strong and expanding.
They are known and despised around their neighbors. It's biggest ally in EU is germany.
Russia needs to change in order to be accepted and supported economically.


With all due respect, sir. Do yourself a favor and get rid of the wig.
