07 Oct: BRUTAL DEFEAT! Ukrainian Forces DECAPITATE RUSSIAN STRIKE FORCE! | War in Ukraine Explained

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Today there are a lot of updates from the Bakhmut direction.

Here, in a daring push, Russian forces launched the canal-crossing operation to establish a critical bridgehead, threatening to penetrate the southern flank of Chasiv Yar. But in an unexpected turn, Ukrainian forces located the commander of the strike detachment, and successfully targeted him and his unit, crippling the Russian operation, and setting the stage for a decisive counterattack.

Previously, Russian assaults in a residential area of Chasiv Yar failed to make significant gains. In response, Russian forces shifted their focus to the less elevated, more open southern flank of the city. Their objective was to cross the canal to the south by using the forests for cover and establishing positions to take the town of Stupochky. Securing Stupochky would allow the Russians to expand their bridgehead and gather a larger assault force to attack Chasiv Yar from the south, bypassing costly frontal assaults across the canal directly in front of the town.

This approach was chosen because the highway from Bakhmut to Ivanivske, and then the road to the canal through open fields, allow Russian mechanized assault platoons to move quickly, reducing the risk of being targeted by FPV drones. Additionally, Bakhmut and its surrounding areas, including Ivanivske, are protected by a vast network of Russian electronic warfare systems, offering a relatively safer route for the assault.

Since the highway from Bakhmut to Ivanivske is short and the paved roads allow Russian armored vehicles to move quickly, they were able to deploy their assault units to Ivanivske in intermittent bursts within minutes, avoiding drone strikes. Upon arrival, Russian stormtroopers dismounted and dispersed, using Ivanivske's urban environment for cover. They then moved into the forests just south of the town, where they regrouped. Once gathered in the forests, the Russians decided to cross the canal via a ground crossing, as the two nearby bridges had been destroyed in fighting over a year ago.

With the entire area covered in forests, Russian forces crossed the canal undetected at night, establishing positions on the Ukrainian side. The dense forest cover made it difficult for the Ukrainians to spot the advancing Russians, who effectively concealed themselves. Shortly after, the Russians released footage showing their stormtroopers raising battle flags to mark their presence at the Stupochky bridgehead. The original, uncensored footage of this operation can be found on our Telegram channel through the link in the description.

After realizing that the Russians started to push toward Stupochky, the Ukrainians swiftly organized a counterattack. First of all, since the Russian forces had crossed the canal at night to enter the forests on the other side, the Ukrainians established total control over this section of the canal using FPV drones and ground forces. With all Russian troops positioned in the forests, this move undemined the connection to the Russian assault detachment near Stupochky, severing their supply lines for food and ammunition.

Secondly, by holding their positions on the opposite side of the canal, the Ukrainians were able to steadily build up their forces. While the Russians concentrated on advancing across the canal, the Ukrainians patiently assembled a decisive strike force. This allowed them to launch a counterattack from the south, cutting off the Russian retreat route through the canal’s underground crossing. As a result, the Ukrainian forces effectively destroyed the Russian detachment and reclaimed the bridgehead.

During the operation, the commander of the Russian assault unit was reportedly killed, severely disrupting the organization and command of the Russian forces, effectively decapitating the assault itself. Aware of Russian plans, the Ukrainian command reinforced their positions on their side of the canal, using the forest cover to their advantage. They fortified the area to ensure that any future Russian assaults would be very costly.

To further prevent any future Russian assaults, the Ukrainian Air Force deployed JDAM-guided bombs to strike a Russian ammunition depot in Bakhmut, putting additional pressure on Russian logistics. These strikes are expected to cause immediate short-term ammunition shortages for Russian forces, which may take several days or even a week to replenish...
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Love your short and to the point reporting thank you.


Excellent reporting!!! You and your team are doing a great job of keeping us informed!!!! Thank you for your great work!! Slava Ukraini!!!


Unfortunately for the ruzzians 🥰

Thanks you RFU for the report, Слава Україні! Слава Героям! 🇺🇦💪


Russians: *attacks something*
Russian ammo depot: buh-bye


Not mentioned in the video, the Russian commander was wearing a hat that said, "I'm here. Hit me."


Good reporting. Thank you. Strong Ukraine. Strong NATO. Strong Poland.


Always wondered why Ukraine kept so many top tier units south of CY, now it makes more sense. I think Russia tested whether Ukraine has had to thin out the brigades a bit to other parts of the front. Thankfully seems like it’s still adequately defended


The Ukrainians had trouble seeing them in the forest so the Russians raised a flag. (facepalm)


Excelente análisis operativo !! Felicitaciones


Glory To Ukraine 🇺🇦

God Bless Ukraine 🙏

Stay Strong 💪


Længe leve Ukraine. 🍀Luck, ❤Love and 👍Victory


Thanks for informing. Stay Safe.
💙💙💙Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦
💛💛💛Heroyam Slava 🇺🇦


6 km past the outskirts of Bakhmut since May of last year. How many Russian soldiers died for each meter? A few more than yesterday by the looks of things.

I look at two conflicts. Russia in WWI and the USSR in Afghanistan. The Soviets controlled almost every major urban area in Afghanistan. Stayed there for 10 years. Lost "only" 30, 000 soldiers. The writing seemed to be on the wall. Afghanistan's president had been assassinated. Any Soviet deaths brought swift retaliation with the execution of civilians. And yet Soviet tanks still bake in the sun after their crews abandoned them as they fled the country. This is one of the primary motivators that eventually led to the breakup of the USSR.

WWI saw the immense mismanagement of the Russian army. Nicholas II took personal command and soldiers died in droves. The ineptitude of the Russian military was one of the key driving forces behind the Tsar's eventual execution and the downfall of the Russian Empire.

Here, we have the Russians still trying to invade. The occupation has not even begun in earnest yet. While Russia currently has the Ukrainian army to fight in a conventional war, Ukraine has shown that they can easily reach out and touch them without being directly detected via drones. Let's just set up the hypothetical where Ukraine completely buckles and gives in to Russian occupation. How many men would keep cobbling together or smuggling in drones? Ukraine has an absolutely huge border with Europe and just as large a coast. I really doubt that Russia can create a new Iron Curtain over such an area. The insurgency that will be present will make the ones the US faced in the Middle East look like pacifists in comparison.

Why? Because Russia can't change its stripes. Bucha, the kidnapping of children, the bombing of maternity hospitals, and so many other atrocities. Do you think these things will stop just because Russia wins? That the type of people they would send as occupiers would leave the women and girls in peace?

The USSR couldn't control a much smaller nation receiving much less military assistance. Russia has already likely suffered 10X as many dead as the USSR did and yet still believes that triumph is inevitable. If the Russian army keeps being treated this way, there is going to be a mutiny. Russians in the end are only human. At the very least, they'll get fed up with the antics of the Chechen blocking units. Without those, who knows what kind of retreats would be possible?

Ukraine will recover. Japan and Germany were devastated to a much much bigger degree and lost a much larger portion of their population. Any reluctance by the West to support Ukraine during war will be replaced by an insatiable drive to invest in Ukraine's peace. Putin's decision to cause widespread damage to cities just means that they will be rebuilt with Western influence that wipes away the Russian footprint of architecture. This capitalistic rush will drive the eventual acceptance of Ukraine into the EU. NATO may not be feasible in the next decade (although this conflict has surprised me in many ways), but there will be enough defense pacts and intertwining of cultures that any future Russian incursions will likely draw the response of more than just Ukraine itself.


Thanks. My utmost respect to the heroes for the AFU! The Ukrainians are doing phenomenal work. Slava Ukraine. HEROYAM SLAVA!! ГЕРОЯМ СЛАВА. СЛАВА УКРАЇНІ 💪🙏💙💛💙💛💙💛


Russia's never been good at fighting enemies without wave tactics, and they have the lowest manpower since they no longer have their massive size and empire.


Thank you so much for this update. God bless you and Ukraine. Praying for all Ukraine people all over the world.


Blessings, peace and luck from California to Ukraine. 🙏🙏☮🍀💛💙


17 months ago Russian trolls bragged about the Russian capture of the rubble that used to be Bakhmut even though it had taken a year to capture Bakhmut and even though in the process Russian forces had suffered immense losses of men and equipment.

The Russian trolls bragged that the capture of Bakhmut was a "major victory" that had huge strategic implications and claimed that Russian forces would soon charge westward taking huge amounts of territory.

Instead the leader of Wagner which was heavily involved in the fighting led a convoy charging towards Moscow and now he is dead and Wagner is no longer a significant force in the war and Russian forces still have barely moved since capturing Bakhmut 17 months ago.

When Russian forces capture heaps of rubble that used to be average Ukrainian towns the Russian trolls still start bragging and claiming that Russian forces are about to make a huge advance and conveniently forget that they made the same claims before.

They also seem to want to ignore the fact that Russian forces haven't made a major advance since May 2022, 29 months ago and that Russian forces today control about the same percentage of Ukraine as they did in May 2022 - likely even less than they did then.
So much for a three day special military operation.


I still remember six months ago when the rusbots were trying to convince everyone that Chasiv Yar would fall within a week. Yet here we are.
