Flea Infestation

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when I was younger my house used to be infested with flea and you couldn't walk around the house without 20 fleas on you. I remember sprinting through the house just to get to my bed or the kitchen trying to not let fleas on me. we had to bomb (flea bomb) the house like 10 times to finally get rid of them


I had to get rid of fleas in a place I'd moved into. It had carpet. I ripped out the carpet, mixed a bucket of hot water, Dawn dishwashing liquid and about 1/5 of a bottle of tea tree oil and with a mop put it all over the wood floors underneath the carpet. I actually put the solution on my legs to kill the ones trying to escape and eat me. Worked incredible.


Ugh, I've dealt with a TERRIBLE flea infestation before. I actually had to move out temporarily and it took FOUR treatments for the pest control company over about a month before I was able to move back in. Seeing those fleas gives me the heeby jeebies


I fostered two litters of kittens then got fleas everywhere ! That’s what I get for trying to do something nice! Lol!


Went to take possession of an apartment after driving halfway across the country for college. When the door opened the fleas jumping in the sunlight was like rain splashing. Went back to sleeping in the uhaul until we found a clean house. The slumlord kept our deposit but we kept our blood. Nasty.


When I was a kid we rented a summer home in Fla that had a flea infestation. I remember it well. Called the exterminator real quick. I remember vacuuming and hearing them bounce around inside the vacuum bag after we stopped. Disgusting


I wouldn't call that an infestation. More like a potential infestation especially if apartment is empty. His boot would be covered in fleas if there is already an infestation. Wondercide is great for flea control and is pet friendly


I wash bedding with a bit of peppermint oil added to the water. Can also use a hankerchief soaked in peppermint oil for the cat or dog collar. Never had a problem with fleas.


I remember as a kid, we moved into an apartment for a few months while we were having a house built. The apartment was FULL of fleas. It was horrible trying to get rid of them. We had no pets at all. Us kids would wake up covered in flea bites. I remember the traps. And we had to have ant traps in the cupboards and in my dresser. Ants were all over that apartment. They liked the food cupboard and my underwear drawer. No, I had no food in my dresser. Why would I? We also had a few crickets. They died from the flea traps (they liked them). And the freezer smelled like dead fish. It was a horrible experience.


Thought we got rid of them one time, went on a ten day vacation and came back to fleas all over the house! We had vacuumed everyday leading upto the vacation, bombing the house every time we went out. All it takes is one small little egg, one patch of carpet you missed while vacuuming, and they will absolutely take over


What flea treatment will you end up using for this? I'm currently having issues with a potential flea infestation. What can I use to treat fleas outside?


I feel bugs in many houses that had water issues


Doing my own pest control for fleas…I got conquer & precor IGR concentrate to mix. I already treated my yard & basement with permetherine because I wasn’t spraying that crap in the rest of my house. Do you think this is a good combo?


I'm experiencing this now, it's hell! And somehow the flea only attracted to me, AND my skin is sensitive if they bite me, bump turns red then purple, horrible!

It hurts me financially, physically, and mentally, especially others in the same home aren't affected/get bitten, like the urgency I feel to get rid of the flea compared to others who unbothered, baffled me, I'm heartbroken


Now weve fought with cat fleas 30 years ago, but now out of nowhere, a bumper crop of smaller fleas like babies ( between dog or rodent < very bad bc Pasteurella Pestis aka carrier for The Plague, which has resurfaced in parts of th US( see Monsters Inside Me)


My hotel was infested with fleas. The carpet was wet, I thought it was due to the rain. It dried up and one morning they were all over my ankles bitting me. Now I’m suffering bites all over my ankles and I feel dirty. The hotel knew about the treatment, they moved me to a new room.


"wait really?"
*Aggressively throws boots as soon as they see a flea*


Wear cowboy boots, it helps out a lot.


You should do a video on your end of day decon procedures


....what was this video about? I've watched it 10 times and I only see baby blues 😳
