How to Get Rid of Fleas Guaranteed (4 Easy Steps)

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Watch how to get rid of fleas guaranteed! This video will show you the step-by-step solution for total flea control indoors and outdoors.

DON'T FORGET TO TREAT YOUR PET!! Click the links below to shop our flea treatments for pets!

See how to treat your pets for fleas by clicking this link:


Solutions has come up with a 4-step flea treatment program that was developed from years of experience in both application and selling insecticides through our stores. We are 100% confident that the below program will rid any flea infestation and offer a guarantee on it. If for some reason the program does not 100% get rid of your fleas in 30 days, give us a call and we will figure out another solution and provide it FREE.

Step 1: The first step in any flea program is to treat the source. If you are a homeowner then there are two possibilities, you have a pet bringing them in, or they are hitching a ride in on your pant-leg while you are in the yard. For these reasons we recommend treating your pet with a topical flea treatment, Prefurred, or a flea spray such as Petcor so they do not continue to spread the infestation.

Step 2: The second part of this is to treat the yard with a granular or liquid insecticide. Fleas get introduced to your yard by wildlife, rodents, stray animals, etc. and using Bifen LP or Reclaim IT will prevent establishment of the infestation when the wildlife comes back around. Typically, exterior applications need to be made every 90-120 days to prevent future problems.

Step 4: This is the MOST IMPORTANT STEP. You will need to vacuum all flooring surfaces every other day and dispose of the bag or rinse out the canister. This will decrease time expected in elimination. We do need to stress that it will get worse before it gets better. To help decrease the number of fleas hatching, we recommend vacuuming every day.

After application you will have 7 months of protection, as Novacide puts down an IGR, which prevents re-infestation even if new adult populations are introduced into the environment. Typically, if someone applies an exterior treatment twice a year and an interior treatment twice a year, they will never have any flea issues.

P.S. This application also prevents silverfish, ants, roaches, and many other insects too! Checkout our How to Guides!
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Me And My Fleas Watching This Together 😂
Edit: Me and my fleas are a family now 😭


I hate it when I find a flea on me and I try squeeze but it jumps away and I can’t find it😫😫


Fighting fleas is a battle of attrition, I've been constantly vaccuming, mopping, and reapplying poison, got flea treatments for all my pets, used sevin dust around the perimeter and porch as well as light and bowl traps all over the house, and I'm applying a growth inhibitor tonight lol. it's been about two weeks of constant effort but I can finally wear shorts in my house and only have to worry about getting one or two. Best of luck to anyone else fighting these assholes, and remember that it's an ongoing process


I've fought this battle for about 4 years. what worked for me and I tried everything all the home remedies. bombs. pesticides. It's hard work but a steam cleaner and a vacuum are my best friends also dehumidifiers and air conditioning kept my humidity levels below 50% flea free finally hope this helps someone I was so irritated with these little demons. best of luck all


This dude is a straight up cold flea killer. A true warrior.


my cat has brought fleas into the house, my pups are scratching and ive been bitten to, oh and in the middle of covid lockdown too, this is hell!


I have so many flea bites...I almost want to burn down my house


Honestly ready to end it all I’m tired of this & I feel absolutely ugly from all the scars. None of my family is taking this seriously and I’m the only one getting bitten


Knowing that I have them makes me want to cry


"Fleas, are you kidding me" is my new favorite quote


You can also take a really shallow bowl or lid or plate of some sort. Put some dawn or liquid dish soap in the water enough til it fells slimy like but don’t maybe it foamy. Put a night light or a lamp next to that of the night in all your rooms that are infected. They will try to get to the light and get stuck in the soapy water. It really works. Do that along with all the other methods of getting rid of fleas. It helps a lot.


I meant rinse warm. Anyway, cats are difficult if you cannot bathe them. I go everyday with fleacomb and a dish with soapy water, where the comb gets dipped and fleas into water, then dry comb and do it all over again . It helps big time ! Then take a lintroller and roll all the indoor catplaces and vacuum frequently.
God bless you and your family and pets. Amen


Me: sees flea

Also me: places down TNT block


Thanks man! My cat had fleas when we bought her, and now I find them frequently! Now I know how to control those nasty pests


Me realizing the stuff my cat leaves everywhere when she scratches is flea poop: 👁👄👁


I am so frustrated, we moved to a new place and they followed us here!! I feel so dirty and close to crying. I hate these damn things and I’ve been doing everything I can to get rid of these things!!


Also if you wear lavender oil they won't jump on you. It doesnt last forever buy I put it on before bed and they stop jumping on me. Not a forever treatment but it helps you deal.


my cats have fleas. when we used a spray, they all went to my cats face. it was a horrible sight to see. I was scared of fleas at first but whenever i see them i get filled with anger and try my best to get it off of them


I’ve resorted to wearing long white socks and walking around my house, allowing them to jump all over my legs. Then I sit down and pick them off one by one and place them into a bowl of soapy water. On day 3 of doing this, the number of fleas I get per day is shrinking.


Thank you everyone for your comments. Its been like a mini group therapy session! I have two Huskies that I have to walk twice a day and I know they pick them up on their walks and bring them home. I'm fortunate I don't get bit for some reason but I've been at this for 3 months already😵I've yet to find the happy balance between a life and flea death but..."If you're going through hell, keep going!" Update- it’s been a month and we are on the other side of hell😅It’s been raining a bit and they still get a few here and there but it seems the worst is over.
