5 Changes To Expect 60 Days Alcohol Free

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Literally day 60 for me and the difference is night and day. I was a bottle of wine a day person. I’m now off blood pressure meds/ oesophagitis meds, I’ve lost half a stone but look like I’ve lost more, I sleep better, my mood is stable, outlook more positive and I look five years younger. I’ll be honest, sometimes I miss that initial buzz ethanol gave me but I don’t miss the destruction it also caused. It simply isn’t worth it. Keep going everyone!


58 days, which is the longest time I haven't had any alcohol at all since the 1980s. I feel really groggy in a morning which I put down to rem sleep, I'm not used to it.


Just hit 66 days. All okay so far - just occasional urges that I've managed to quell. Brain farts - exactly! Mostly I miss it in the evenings, when settling down to watch a movie. All I have to do is remember that I can now actually remember the ends of the movies! The benefits are psychosomatic. Just thinking to myself 'I haven't drunk for a long time, and I don't need to drink, and my body is clean of alcohol' makes me feel physically better. I don't get so tired, and whatever tiredness I have is natural. I'm sleeping better. I'm eating better. I'm not an alcoholic, but I was certainly drinking more than I should - mainly during evenings and days off. So I probably could go back to it without any really drastic consequences. But you know what? I don't want to. The brief buzzes of drinking aren't worth the long-term buzz of being clean.


Day 58 going for 100. 25 year old and didn’t consider myself an alcoholic but since 18 I’ve been drinking heavily (10-20 drinks a night) every Friday-Saturday night and this year I was getting drunk 4-5 times a week (7-10 drinks). This year was BAD and what’s also bad is that I’ve partied every weekend for the last 7 years and I don’t think I took a 7+ day break once. Lost so much weight and feel so much more mentally stable and happy, way more energy. Just enjoying life so much more. If I wasn’t an alcoholic I was absolutely on my way to become one down a slippery slope. Going for 100 days but might just never drink again we’ll see


Day 5 for me, not constant thoughts but I do get the idea in my mind. I am a heavy beinge drinker on my off days 10 to 18 beers. But still had atleast 5 every day for the past 8 years. I'm so done. Its already started affecting my health. One day at time. Thank you for your videos!


Day 35. This is the longest I have gone in...14 years? In recent years I had it under control in that I could drink one or two without the desire for more. I am enjoying the better sleep, clear skin, losing weight without trying, and having waaaay more motivation, time, and money. Tip for ya'll: 100% tart cherry juice. It's anti-inflammatory, has tryptophan, potassium, loads of antioxidants! I find drinking a glass in the evening is a good substitute for wine.


Those brain farts have got me a few times, sneak attack and its easiest to say you win. 30 days 1 bottle then back sober next day...except one bottle put me back in withdrawal back to square one... i will be ready i hope for next sneak attack brain fart


Today is day 50 for me, feeling absolutely fantastic. Anxiety, depression, bloated face, irregular heart beat, anger, etc all gone. Take the leap!


I've stopped now for 30 days after many attempts. I can't wait to do another 30 days. Thanks Kevin for being here for your friends. Onwards and upwards.


Day 53 for me . Im going for 90 and who knows maybe forever.


I just did 59 days. For the first time I didn’t enjoy having a drink. After an hour I couldn’t even finish one. It tasted bad and the thought of drinking is still so unappealing to me. Back to better choices and being sober 👍


When PTSD happens like with the current situation going on in the world, that little voice makes me want to drink, but I dont.


Hi Kevin sometimes I think you have a crystal ball into my life when I hear your talks. I have been doing great, and then on my 59th day I had my brain fart, as you call it. I was leaving my friend's to go home, evening was falling, (my drinking danger time zone), and suddenly I was entertaining the thought of going home via the drive through bottle shop, and how wonderful, that red wine was going to be. I was fully emersed in the imaginary scenario. My "Gollum" was jabbering away at me, "Only this once, and you can get back to it tomorrow". I was so close to doing it, I was shocked and dismayed at the intensity of the desire for the alcohol. It was the worst since I've stopped. I drove home ignoring the bottle shop, ate dinner and the crisis was averted. Happily just finished day 61 and now after watching this video, I realise those little brain farts will happen, and just need to be swatted away, and just keep plodding. Next time it happens I'll try to remember to have some humour and tell Gollum to "Sod off". Plodding on now towards 90 days 😀


things seem to glide more easily, keys go I doors easier, tasks are easier, there is more understanding and forbearance towards others I have found


I have 60 days sober this Sunday. I don’t think about it much during the day while working. Weekends and weeknights are still a little hard. I think of future engagements like football parties or cookouts. People say those get easier, but it really is boring. Lol! The good thing is waking up after those parties and not feeling like pure shit!!! So I think I can handle the boring! 60 freaking days. Never thought I could do it.


“Nothing is hard when you set your mind to it” that’s a quote I’m saying to my self one month from now when I become sober.


9 weeks now. Still going strong. Things are going ridiculously well for me atm. I do have to say tho, It's a little bit of a critical period. Sometimes the thought of drinking can be intrusive, and since things are going so well the drinker brain is trying to use that as a justification to go back to my old ways. It goes something like this
"Well you've basically unf€%^ed yourself in two months, so why not just have a few?"

Gotta stay strong!

Once again, thx for your videos!


Today is day 2. I want it to stick this time. I want to be alcohol free. Any advice is appreciated.


Just hit day 60. I drank every day for years and years. The biggest difference is appetite change, weight control, less body pain, less headaches, difference at the toilet, and better blood flow


Day 92 for me & remarkably easy, which really really surprised me……
