I've been accused of a sexual assault should I talk to the police?

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If you have been accused of a sexual assault, the police or a detective will be contacting you to ask you to make a statement. They may call you, they may stop by your house or job, or they may arrest you and then try to question you.

If you are falsely accused and the sexual act was consensual, or maybe it didn't even happen, you may be tempted to just go talk to police because you believe if you tell them your side they will see the truth and you will be okay. Sometimes that is exactly right. Other times, unfortunately, it can be a disaster.

In this video, I give you an example of where a father took his son in, who was falsely accused, to talk to police to try to set the record straight. After a full investigation, including hearing the falsely accused kid, the police even wrote in their report that they believed the accused juvenile was being truthful and that he did NOT commit a sexual crime. But when the officer turned that investigative file over to the prosecutor, the prosecutor charged the juvenile with criminal sexual conduct in the third degree. The prosecutor then tried to use that statement against the juvenile, even though the officer believed the accused juvenile was being truthful when he said it was a consensual encounter. If the juvenile (and his dad) would not have brought the accused juvenile in for questioning, the juvenile may never have been charged with a crime. Instead, the family had to go through the stress of a criminal charge for their son, and the expense of fighting a long legal battle.

Each situation is unique. Sometimes talking to the police is the absolute right decision. Other times, even if you are falsely accused and you feel like you have nothing to hide, it can HURT your case. So what do you do? Talk to an experienced criminal defense lawyer first. You should NOT feel pressured to talk right away. Take the time to talk through this very important decision with an expert before you make the decision.

If you have questions, please ask in the comments below. If you found this video to be helpful, please let me know by giving it a thumbs up and subscribing to my channel!
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!!! NEVER !!! - You think you can convince them you're innocent. They already believe you're guilty, and will be very devious to "prove" it. GET A LAWYER AND SAY NOTHING - ALWAYS!!!


It's never advantageous to talk to police. They're not on your side.


Don't invoke the Fifth, invoke the Sixth: "Yes, Sir, I'd love to answer all your questions, Detective. I'm looking forward to cooperating. But I would like to have an attorney present." Then call an attorney and let _him_ tell the Good Detective that you're not going to answer any questions.


They get paid by how many people they put in prison not how many people they don't


Never never ever ever talk to the police on these type of charges I just got falsely accused it got thrown out but I repeat get a lawyer don’t ever talk to the police they are not there to help u!!!!


My son is in college and about to graduate and now this he is innocent. I told him hell no don’t talk to anyone . Called a lawyer asap


Absolutely not! Identify yourself and ask for your lawyer and use your right to remain silent. The cops are not your friend and not trying to help you.


So what was the end result of the juvenile who was charged in this case?...


This has happened to me apparently I have touched the inside of a girls leg and asked “am I making you uncomfortable” when I haven’t done this my school basically blamed me straight away and put me in icolation straight away without telling me why and didn’t even say what I’ve been accused of until I got home and they rang my parents and I didn’t even get to defend myself to the school since they didn’t tell me anything and I have a two day suspension and have a meeting with my school on Tuesday


If you're under investigation" by the police or they already have "probable cause" to believe against you! In a criminal case, a few advantageous you already have over the prosecution is exercising your right to remain silent! Because if you should choose to go to trial! The prosecution cannot argue that! he or she was silent therefore they are guilty! Matter of fact, you will probably get a new trial if your prosecutor tries to argue that! And two, the judge will tell the jury that if you should choose not to testify! That can't be held evidence against you that you are guilty! Another advantage you have over the prosecution. Is that it's the state's responsibility and or burden is on the state to prove you guilty Beyond A Reasonable Doubt! It's not your responsibility! So knowing your rights can help you when arrested!


If a cop says you’re being arrested/questioned about a sex crime. NEVER TALK


I’m guessing most of the times it doesn’t help to talk to the cops is if there’s a possibility the allegations are true.

Otherwise, you’re gonna be facing a huge legal fee whilst being totally innocent.


Oh and the college suspended him unfair to me


Piss on the prosecutors: they, like the media, try the case in their own minds and pursue every means to keep the defendant in trouble for as long as possible.




2:40 Big mistake, never talk to the police when brought in for questioning.
3:15 I've seen cops who try to prevent a "miscarriage of justice." When they take the stand they talk in favor of the defendant.
At the George Zimmerman trial, all of the cops talked on his side when they testified.
A policeman's job is not to prove if someone is guilty or not guilty. When a police man testifies in a case, the defending attorney may ask him if he thinks the defendant is guilty or not guilty.
He'll say that's not my job and he will not answer that question. Because if he says, "Yes, I know he's guilty" the defense lawyer will move for a dismissal because prejudice to his client.
If he says "No." than why is he up there?
Their job is to collect evidence and make a report. 3:31
A child molestation case is a bad situation to be involved with, because a prosecutor may want to take up the case, and have a feather in his cap among the community.
And that may act as an inducement for him or her to go ahead with it.
I know one retired man who was offered a job to drive mentally handy capped children to and from school. The pay was good, but he turned it down cold.
I knew another who was tutoring children and a lawyer told him what he's doing is highly risky and he stopped doing it.
The lawyer told him if just one of the kids he's teaching says he did something, he'll have a serious problem that no matter what comes out of it the accusation will always be looming.
This is a reason why males should seriously consider whether or not he should take a job working with children because there is a risk.
The accusation was made against Woody Allen in a custody dispute. The judge in the case, Judge Elliot Wilk, was totally not in Woody Allen's corner.
He issued a court for investigation on the molestation charge. Yale New Haven Hospital conducted the investigation and they exonerated Woody Allen.

The investigating committee was highly skeptical from the beginning. For one thing there was never any accusation made against Allen like this.
For another thing in high profile case like that, when it's announced that the investigation is going forward, there are people that come out of the closet with "Me Too."
That did not happen with Woody Allen.
Woody Allen even took a polygraph and passed it with flying colors. But the accusation is still looming.


I believe if you've been accused of a sexual assault, you don't deserve the benefit of the doubt from anybody
