Xbox One: 7 Reasons You WILL Use Kinect

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Xbox One: 7 Reasons You WILL Use Kinect: Annoyed Kinect 2.0 is bundled with your Xbox One? Even so, you're going to use it. No, really.


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Only reason to buy kinect is to play dance games.


The only reason I would get a kinect is if I could shout in skyrim by saying it


7 ways you can use the Kinect

2019 nevermind


This video convinced me not to get a kinect.

• you can auto sign in anyway

• physically speaking "xbox on" is longer and harder than pressing a button.

• no need to bend down to turn on. Just sit down first with the controller already next to you and turn on that way.

• voice commands are not a novalty in this day and age

• you burn more calories actually doing proper exercise like going for a jog or even an hour walk. If it's boring then listen to an audiobook or something.

As far as I can tell, the kinect doesn't offer anything revolutionary about the system. It just seems like it only offers a bunch of superfluous features that don't actually improve anything, just serve as flashy unecerssary garnishing


Not having a go at anyone, but a more accurate title for this vid is "How Kinect solves 7 1st world problems".


I will be blocking it for sure. Then I'm going to sit back in my plastic wrapped chair with my tin foil hat on, thank you very much.


I personally love my kinect, it's nice to be able to command my system with my voice, and record clips by simply saying "xbox record that".  I also think the voice commanded on off feature is good to.  Things like face scans, in game voice use, etc, make me happy to be a proud owner of kinect, and xbox one.


1.  I have my Astro's for voice chat
2.  I use my pad to turn my xbox on, that is on my coffee bending to turn xbox on
3.  I dont want to skype people mid game....I dont even answer my house phone while gaming and If I was really desperate to use skype I can do it on my ipad, phone, macbook or PC
4.  My living room is too small to do an "exercise regime"
5.  Even if my living room was big enough, I have £4000 worth of push bikes (yes I said push bike) to the x-trainer and exercise bike upstairs if it was too wet/cold to go outside
6.  I haven't played split screen for about 10 years, so don't care how it intelligently splits the screen
7.  I cant think of a 7th

Those are 7 (ish) reasons why I wont use kinect.  Not to say its rubbish, but I just dont need it.


I think it will be great my wife will use the fitness and my 3 year old may like the sport and ill probably use it to sign in as I'm going to have to walk over to it to get the controller so I will just turn it on then only 50 hours to go!!!!


fun fact if you have a vr set and you have a kinect you can put it on your computer and this allows you to not only have hand tracking but full body skeletal tracking for cheap


It just seems to require more effort with less reliability than moving your thumb a quarter of an inch.


13 reasons why u NEED a Kinect 13:just dance


Wow. I know it's been several years but I've still got mine hooked up and 6 of these 7 reasons were broken or never got used. I keep it hooked up for the infrared remote and I still use a few voice commands. None of that other crap though.


I like what they are doing with the Kinect but personally its not really my thing. Automatic features are good and I'll probably use the call feature but I prefer playing games with a controller, until they master Virtual Reality I'll be sticking with the game pad for the heavy lifting.


Ive been interested in kinect a little, but not enough to think id use it on any particular basis. This was pretty enlightening on multiple planes. Thank you for this information. I almost feel like im excited for the kinect now more than the console itself. Thank you for your videos.


I'm asking for a Kinect 2.0 for Christmas for two main reasons: Xbox navigation (like voice commands), and as a webcam for things like Google Meet or Discord calls.


1) Xbox one can do 1080p games, because the Kinect reserved 10% CPU is released, allowing the CPU to focus on the thing it was supposed to be designed for.

2) Kinect is being quietly swept under the rug by MS themselves.

3) 60% of commands are not actually recognized, voice or motion.

4) I'm not some cracked out junkie whose lazy to use the controller, which if you say people are "married to", then you know I could really care less about your gimmicks right?

5) Only has about... 5 games that would work... Somewhat.

6) I would rather get more RAM, GPU and CPU power for the $100 you make people waste their money on this.

7) A useful product, however not at all to the gaming community.

"even so you're going to use it". Really? After calibrating I unplugged it day one and sold it for parts. Made my money back while it was still worth anything, lol.

This is so old but looking back at this now it's so funny to see them sell out to a product that's dead now.

On a last note, during E3 when they were showing the Kinect and what it does, every command was done with a button in the guys pocket, It falls under false advertising because it does not work as well or fast as advertised.


i bought a kinnect last year for Xbox 360 and the only useful thing I did with it was play Dance Central 3 with my friends and literally only recently used the voice commands


It’s pretty clear that Microsoft got the Kinect idea from the Wii, so I’m at least grateful that they didn’t make an Xbox One with Kinect inside


When Microsoft announced Kinect 2.0 is mandatory I thought why would I use it when I didn't have interest in Kinect on 360? Since then I've seen videos and read articles so I'm very impressed with it and looking forward to trying it out. I'll definitely use the free fitness and check out the free Kinect Sports demo mentioned here. And apparently in BF4 you can use it to lean round corners? Very handy.
