15 Things Money Teaches You About Other People

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15 Things Having Money Teaches You About Other People

You'll play it with a different perspective now.

How does having money change you?
How do your friends treat you when you begin having money?
Do people treat you differently when you have money?
How does money change other people's perception of you?
Does money change the way people see you?
How do people see you when you have money?
What changes when you have money?
Do others treat you better when you have money?
What do most people think about those with money?
What is it like having money?
What are some valuable lessons you learn when you have money?

00:00 - Intro
00:52 - Money validates you in their eyes
01:32 - When you have money, you see how high the stakes are for people around you
02:23 - Everybody has a price, even you.
03:22 - Some people won’t close the gap, so you have to leave them behind
04:03 - Once you have it, money is overrated - but they don’t know it
05:04 - People want the outcome, the secret to your wealth, not the process
06:05 - They think money solves all your problems and treat you as such
07:05 - People are embarrassed by their lack of money
07:46 - When you disagree with them they will always say money changed you
09:07 - If you choose the right partner, the money is fine but you’re still grounded
10:01 - The poor are emotionally attached to money, while the rich see it as a game
11:32 - The more money you have, the more you want to be left alone
12:25 - Everyone will overcharge you for anything
13:20 - Most people won’t know you’re rich unless you advertise it
14:13 - People are eager to do you favors
15:40 - Question


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Hey Aluxers! What did having money teach you about other people?


To the *worthwhile person* seeing this, your dream is not dead. Don’t allow the past and current pains and hurts stop and define you. You’re more than a conqueror. Rise up and put yourself together. Keep pushing your future depends on it. I wish you all the best in life ❤️


START One thing that hurts, when having money, is watching those falling behind in the gap you mentioned. It is hard to let them struggle through things that a little extra cash could fix, but ultimately wouldn't prepare them to resolve on their own. Whether its my adult children or my friends, when I recognize a need, I want to lighten their burden. Seeing my best friend "put in the work" to bring about his own prosperity, has been confirmation though. It would have been easier on him to subsidize his expenses, while he got started. The struggle was what drove him to succeed though. Now he is doing well, accomplishing more than he thought he'd ever do. Because of his journey, still feels like he "could be doing more". Now he's setting goals, and meeting them.


Having money can be quite lonely, and there are very few people you can share your financial triumphs with. And yes, focusing on your own life instead of catering to entitled and controlling people really changes things.
My big moment was when I realised that I am now able to define my career as 'philanthropist'. I used to just tell people I work 'in finance', and then I realised that my focus for making money was to give it away. And the more you give away, the more comes to you, which is bizarre.
The first time you wear a $15, 000 watch is pretty weird. And no, I didn't waste my money on it, it came to me through :)


#15 is really about providing value to others. This is how success happens. I know so many people who really aren't going anywhere fast in life because they refuse to "put out" some value before they get something. And they want to be way overpaid for something that basically anyone can do, so they don't find themselves working that much. Whereas people who are moving ahead in life are serving others through what they do. There is always a benefit to it, even if it's not monetary in the beginning. Maybe they are getting information by seeing how others react to the product or service they are putting out there.


What did having money teach you about the people around you?
Having money taught me that people respect & value me more.


When you invest you're buying a day you don't have to work


Having money and valuing education has allowed me to be selective and more strategic daily. Energy vampires, groupies and other bottom feeders are everywhere, once i mastered being quiet and letting ppl speak it really helped show whose characters are legit in comparison to the fake/ poor.


Fun story! Speaking of expensive watches -- in 1975, I was passionate about jewelry, so went into the business as an entrepreneur. At that time, bought myself a gold/diamond OMEGA watch, $4K (wholesale) at the time, much more in today's dollars. Wore that watch daily for nearly 25 years. It was my fake it 'til you make it in the beginning, then a symbol of making it. In the early 2000's, I put it away, no longer feeling the desire to be flashy (as you mentioned!). Being that I'm an entrepreneur and not in the corporate world, fast forward to this time in my life, there's no big retirement party and no gold wait, there is a gold watch! I recently pulled that gold watch out from it's resting place and "gave it to myself" as a token of my full circle success. Yes, success is often measured in money, there's no way around that, but once the money is there, success is in living a long, happy & healthy life. Thanks for all your SPOT ON advise - here's hoping people see it for the truth it is! :-)


The more money you have, the more you want to be left alone. - a statement that hit home.


I retired several months ago and have been learning & trading stocks for about 10 months.
...enjoying it immensely.
In the past I would tell friends that I was 'dealing in stocks'.
Their reactions were almost 100% negative.
"OOHH, that's dangerous", "You'll lose all your money".
"Stick with your day job..it's secure.", "etc, etc, etc...."
I've since stopped speaking with them and found some new like-minded friends and associates.
Most people would rather feel 'secure & miserable'...instead of breaking out and looking for something better. (The security is an illusion and the misery is acceptable..go figure..).
I did something as simple as buy a used BMW 328i 2-door coupe. Great price, good shape, fun to drive; etc.
You'd think I bought a Lambo!
Again...advice from old friends of worry, fear, doubt & disbelief.
They knew nothing about it...but knew everything about their own fears.
When I drove away...It was like...'the great escape'.


100% true, I tried to lift Family & Friends for the past 15 years ( on my journey to wealth),
But I couldn't lift anyone of them to atleast to the path towards wealth. All they want is money for their expenses and to buy some gadgets. They don't want to be educated or invest their time on the projects I recommend or learn useful methods to earn money. They will come to me to borrow money for some routine expenses and wishes. All I could do is educate my kids about money and now they (kids) are on the same page with me . I am nearing 55 and already retired and doing projects I love to do


I have noticed that a lot of my friends that I had in the beginning of my wealth journey I no longer associate with. As well, they think that I have changed because of how I carry myself and who I associate myself with. Of course, it hurts but you have to realize that you are doing this for yourself and your legacy. I am so grateful for Alux, and how you guys continue to encourage, inspire, and motivate people like myself to keep going and let us know that we are on the right track.


Started investing everything I have into stocks of March of 2020 and been holding on till now and it Just hit 500k in stocks while being only 26. I still drive cheap cars I can afford fives times over. I live by the rule that if you want to buy something nice you need to afford it 5 to 10 times over. Willing to help my family and friends if they are willing to listen to me.


Success depends on the actions or steps you take to achieve it. Show me a man without investment and I'l tell you how long it takes to go bankrupt. Investing creates a safe haven for the future. With the right investment choice that has at least a 2% minimum risk and with the advice of an expert, profits and interest are 100% guaranteed


By living well below my means I am able to save 75% of my check. That translated into a possible startup. After pivoting a commercial property was offered through trying to work a deal. I called it, activity breeds activity. You call it returning favors.
I am in a position now to also start a specialized business working as a contractor. If this occurs I will be leaving my cushy union job, that pays well. I smile on the inside every time a co-worker asks why I drive the oldest vehicle in the lot. I like the payments, (which are zero), and they always proceed to say how great their new vehicle is with all these doodads.
I see a path to my first million and going forward is key. Keep up with the encouraging vids!


Thanks a lot Alux! I am still an undergraduate & earning way more from my side hustle than well off people (who are in their 50s) in my country. I have been watching you videos for the past 2+ years and you guys played a huge role in my journey. Aiming to retire by 30 & travel the world. Thanks again!


Great video. As for what having money taught me about people, when I got my first corporate job, I learned how quickly people close to you will jump on lifestyle inflation. We were all 20-somethings getting our first jobs, and some friends were like, “oh, you can go out for $70 drinks, it’s fine! You’re working now!” Not a big deal but it relates to number 13. The times I was poor growing up make me hesitant about spending like that, but without being stingy. Thanks Alux!


I'm not at 'wealthy level' yet, But because my business makes a substantial amount above my expenses and lifestyle, ..., 90% of My Week is Free-Time where I don't have to do anything.

What that has taught Me, is that being comfortable can become lonely.

I'm already seeing that after acquiring a level of comfort...You can sink into a dull place if u don't have 'A Purpose'.

My advice to all of yall who are growing in Wealth.. Is that when u reach your goal financially.... Ensure you still are active doing something meaningful and adding value regardless of if it's to family, a small group, or masses.
A purposeless life is a sad dull place regardless of how wealthy you are.


What i learned is that when you are rich you are surrounded with friends and family, once you fall they wont even know you existed