The JUSTIFIED Execution Of Adolf Eichmann - Architect Of The Holocaust

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Following the Second World War, a number of high ranking Nazis were placed on trial for their role in the Holocaust, and the crimes against humanity of the Third Reich. However a number of these Nazis escaped to South America and other places, subsequently escaping justice. One of the most famous names associated with the crimes that took place at camps such as Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, Treblinka and many more is Adolf Eichmann. Eichmann's trial following in the 1960s was televised, with millions around the world learning of his crimes during World War 2.

Adolf Eichmann would rise up the ranks of the SS, before becoming a leader in the office which would handle deportations of Jews within the German empire. For this he would move millions of people into horrific ghettos and eventually the concentration and extermination camps. He would become known as 'The Architect of the Holocaust' for this role. It would be Eichmann who would organise transport to the death camps, and his office were responsible for the mass exterminations following the 'Final Solution.' For this he was responsible for the deaths of millions.

After the war he travelled to South America under the name 'Ricardo Klement,' and worked in a Mercedes-Benz factory before he was captured by Mossad, Israeli Intelligence. Eichmann was then placed on trial before he was sentenced to death. Years after the Second World War and the Holocaust had taken place, justice would finally catch up with Eichmann as he was executed in Israel.

So join us today as we look at 'The Justified Execution Of Adolf Eichmann - The Architect Of The Holocaust.'

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Music - I Am A Man Who Will Fight For Your Honour - Chris Zabriskie.
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I'm so pleased I found this channel.
Thank you for your uploads, excellent narrative and quality videos.


It's an injustice Josef Mengele didn't face the the hangman's noose.


Eichmann's guards did not taste his food before serving it to him. They would collect food from the jail's kitchen and the serve themselves and Eichmann. That way anyone who tried to poison would have poisoned the whole guard unit. I heard this from an Israeli police historian while visiting Israel's national police academy


My God, the atrocities a man, a culture can commit. Never forget...


The team captured Eichmann on 11 May 1960 near his home on Garibaldi Street in San Fernando, Buenos Aires. He was hanged on June 1st. 1962. He was 56 when he died..


It’s absolutely horrific and despicable what those poor people went through at the hands of so many evil men


I think it's that shear smugness that makes me dislike his existence.


No matter how much we as humans learn about the monsters of the past, there will always at least one alive at the moment and many waiting to be born.


People like you and a few others, must continue to post this horrific topic so people will never forget what these monsters did!👍👍👍🇨🇦🇺🇸🇨🇦🇺🇸


I remembe watching his trial on TV. He looked just like a timid bank clerk.


Played brilliantly by the German actor Thomas Kretschmann. In the film Eichmann. It's crazy how Eichmann was just one of thousands. Of Nazis who escaped to South America after the war.


So great that they dumped his ashes outside of Israel territorial waters as to not defile the holy land.


Excellent video and enormously important historical recount. Thank you so much for this information and very professional, well-made and narrated film.


You should do a video of Simon Sudbury.
Not only was London Tower breached for its 1 and only time, but his death was brutal.
Great video


Looking at could never expect he was capable committed this kind of utmost cruelity.


I'm learning so much watching this channel Thank You😊


I wonder if they showed him the custom made crematorium before he went to the gallows.


I find making educational topics mandatory in schools to be distasteful but of all the things of the history of humankind - this alone - must be taught to everyone before they come of age. Most European countries require this and I (for one) will send off a note to my political representatives asking their support to make the teaching of the history of the holocaust mandatory in all US-accredited post-elementary schools.


I'm so glad they got him! GOD bless Israel and the Jewish people everywhere.


I've watched several of your videos. The research seems to be solid, even if we find ourselves looking at exactly the same photos and film clips in all of them. However, I'm curious as to why you choose to use the word "would" instead of simply saying what someone did. I must say I find the indiscriminate mixing up of the conditional with the indicative verb modes quite confusing. "Under Eichmann's supervision huge deportations would take place..." Why not: "under Eichmann's supervision huge deportations took place."? "Eichmann would oversee the transportation...." is much clearer if you simply say "Eichmann oversaw the transportation." Clarity trumps quaint style any time. Just ask Hemingway.
