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Do you agree with Bob The Drag Queen that straight people are a hoax? On this weeks episode of A Gay And A NonGay, James and Dan are unpicking the societal constructs around heterosexuality and accepting fluidity in sexual preferences.

Whilst James supports Bob's viewpoint, Dan has a more historical perspective on human sexuality and the conversation expands to the nuances of bisexuality and asexuality, and the subconscious influences on sexual identity.

If that all sounds very heavy... it isn't! We promise it's funny too... we promise!

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Sexual orientation is biological, not socially constructed .The change in the brains of homosexual males is due to the organizational effects of hormones on the fetal brain prior to birth that have have permanent effects. It's the same with determines other gender traits and how masculine(male-typical) or feminine(female-typical) a person will be. Many of the brains differences in gay men are determined before birth. It's believed that gay men, during some point in fetal life, were exposed to unusually low levels of androgens, which allowed their hypothalamic circuits to develop in a female-typical direction. There's also countless studies on animals been done manipulation hormones that leads to them being sexually interested in same sex or opposite sex mates and these are un-changeable with hormones later on after birth.. as well as hormonal genetic disorders like congenital adrenal hyperplasia in girls that leads to them being more masculinized in gender traits and more likely to be same sex attracted.

These studies cannot be experimented on humans as that would be unethical, , but there's ton's of research on animals that mirror some of the same brain differences in humans. Same difference found in homosexual male sheeps (oSDN) (called the INAH3 in humans) was the same size as females and it was twice as large in heterosexual sheep, the same as they found homosexual mens compared with the heterosexual mens. This was tested in hormonal lab treated animals like rats called the (SDN-POA) in rats and further tests were done on the sheep to determine this was determined during the brains development in the womb.

Neuroscientific studies have shown that Structures and patterns of brain organisation appear similar between gay men and heterosexual women and between lesbian women and heterosexual men. Gay men appear, on average, more “female typical” in brain pattern responses and lesbian women are more “male typical” . Differences in brain organisation mean differences in psychology and study after study show differences in cognition between heterosexual and gay people. Gay men and lesbians are gender shifted in a variety of male favoring-visuospatial traits such as mental rotation, targeting, and navigation, as well as female-favouring tasks such as verbal fluency and object location memory. Many of these functions, particularly the spatial skills and the verbal skills reside in different sides of the brain and they call it cerebral asymmetry, the asymmetry in the way the brain is organized. This asymmetry is determined and organized around the middle of pregnancy and these correlate very highly with who you are sexually. Sexual orientation is something that is hardwired before birth.

Sexuality does tend to be more fluid in general in natal females, especially heterosexual females. Men tend to be more cut and dry and monosexual most of the time. Bisexuality is more rare in males. The vast majority of scientific studies on men's sexuality, arousal patterns, pupil dilation, activity in the brains reacting to erotic visual stimuli show that they are much more inclined to be all or nothing.. meaning really into men and not into women(homosexual) or really into women and not into .men(heterosexual).

In other words sexual orientation and sexuality works exactly the same in homosexual and heterosexual men. The only difference is gay men's attraction is to males and straight men's to females. The network of brain regions that are activated when gay men look at gay porn is the same network activated when straight men look at straight porn, in regions like the thalamus, which regulates sexual behavior, and the anterior cingulate, which regulates emotion. Men typically display significantly greater physiological responses to sexual stimuli depicting members of their preferred gender category and stated sexual orientation.

Category-specific pattern, demonstrating sexual arousal patterns play fundamentally different roles in male and female sexuality. These findings were consistent with the literature on sex differences in the agreement of genital arousal with subjective arousal and in line with other research suggesting that some aspects of the neurological organization of male sexual arousal are independent of sexual orientation, and therefore expressed similarly in heterosexual and homosexual men. It's hypothesized that males might have evolved to coordinate their sexual arousal and attraction indices more strongly than women because it aids them in building their sexual orientation towards relevant sexual targets. Perhaps, then, men’s, more than women’s, reactions are an integrated part of their sexual response system that involves the synchronization of other aspects of their sexual arousal.

That's why paraphilias are more common in men. Research suggests that paraphilia is maybe akin to a sexual orientation. It's the same idea conceptually as being gay, it's someone's preference and it can't be changed and it's with them from a very early on. With the sexual orientation women tend to be more flexible with their sexual preferences. So if they have a partner who's very kinky they might be into whatever he's into, but then if she's with someone who's less kinky it might not be as much of a problem. Whereas if it's a man who's really into something, if his partner's not into it he's always going to be into it.

The arousal patterns, pupil dilation etc responding to male or female stimuli of identical twin males where one is gay and the other straight, is exactly the same as what they found in gay and straight men in multiple other studies from the general population. The straight male twin responded significantly more strongly to female stimuli and his gay twin to male stimuli, and they pretty much show no response to their least preferred sex.

They found exactly the same patterns in female twins with different orientations to what they found in multiple studies on straight and lesbian females in the general population. That is straight females respond the same to both sexes and homosexual females responded more to female stimuli, having more of a male typical pattern than heterosexual females. (Nature; Sexual Arousal Patterns of Identical Twins with Discordant Sexual Orientations)

These identical twin males had the exact same upbringing and socialisation, yet their orientations are completely opposite and was determined in their mothers utero by hormonal exposure and in the organisation of their brains which can develop differently even in identical twins with the same genes, due to less testosterone exposure or in the way their brains responded to these hormones....Earlier studies found similar results for patterns of brain activity. For example, parts of the brain involved in reward and emotion are more strongly activated when straight men look at female faces, and when gay men see male faces.

Even taking sexual orientation beyond just physical attraction, you have studies showing straight men and gay men respond differently to the smell chemicals that act as human pheromones. There are odors that drive a person’s sexual response, and homosexual men differ from heterosexual men in the way they respond to such smells. Their brain activity more closely resembles the responses observed in women because the brains of gay and straight people are organized differently. Brain scans of men and women differed dramatically from each other in response to chemical smells that mimic male and female hormones. When you put gay men into a brain-scanning machine and saw that the region of the anterior hypothalamus became activated when the men were given male sex hormones to smell. Heterosexual men showed more brain activity in this region when smelling odors associated with female hormones. There is some evidence in humans too—at least in men—that the brain circuitry serving same-sex attraction is actively suppressed in heterosexual individuals.
