John Piper - Why Doug Wilson?

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One of the colors in God’s rainbow of valuable teachers. So thankful they’re not all the same.


John Piper looks like a happy old man.


Anyone who calls himself a "Chestertonian Calvinist" is one of a kind, and therefore invaluable.


Calvinistic views help me sort out how bad my faith was. I’m out completely and I appreciate their help. They added a whole new thing to think about. It isn’t about going unto all the world and preach the gospel anymore. It’s about go out unto all of the world and make them just like us!!

They literally have a fake it til you make mentality regarding coming to Christ. Why wouldn’t they want minorities, including myself, to act and think and to be JUST LIKE THEM, because people who act and think and ARE JUST LIKE THEM have it all figured out, so let’s turn it into law.

I’ve been digging into this crap almost full time for a year now and it never ends, it just gets more and more dark.

Look up Project 2025. Trump cannot be elected.


I don't agree with Doug's Post Millenial views, but I agree with him on pretty much everything else :) I think he really understands the bible and today's society. He's very insightful and on track :)


When Doug Wilson is preaching to a congregation or when he is debating Christopher Hitchens, he speaks soundly. When he does his staring into the camera in the studio diatribes, letting us all know he's adept at figures of speech, his personal politics take front-and-center. Frankly, I think he misses the mark on his political views, which is fine, of course. Christians can disagree about politics. I'm not so sure, however, if pastors should be so political. His calling and confirmation should be used for higher things.


Sadly, Piper is wrong with his 2-part justification (or final justification), at least according to the Westminster Confession:

Q. 70. What is justification?
A. Justification is an act of God’s free grace unto sinners, in which he pardoneth all their sins, accepteth and accounteth their persons righteous in his sight; not for any thing wrought in them, or done by them, but only for the perfect obedience and full satisfaction of Christ, by God imputed to them, and received by faith alone.

We are not saved by our good works; we are saved by grace alone (Ephesians 2:8)


"He loves history and is a historical student" - Douglas is a racist revisonist that literally wrote slavery was good for blacks.
Piper's blinded by Douglas' literacy, but Douglas is a wolf in sheep's clothing.


How can anyone with these bizarre views preach goodnews to people if he really doesn't believe they can respond? Sooo crazy....yikes....maybe Piper and Wilson say this might be goodnews, but probably not, either way there is nothing you can do so it's makes no actual difference what I say, how you respond, and how you all


That's not "Getting the gospel right". It's more like "Getting the transformation of the gospel to a race-enabling ideology right". Because that's the real "replacement" that Doug Wilson has been representing all the time.


I’ve been looking into Doug Wilson and he seems to be a Dominionist, one who believes that Christianity, through Christians on earth, will overcome all sin and wickedness in society to ultimately herald in the Millennial Kingdom of Jesus. That his highly unbiblical.


Bingo... GOOD NEWS.

That’s what the Gospel is.


The GOOD NEWS of Christ’s death, burial and resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:1-4).

The GOOD NEWS that God sent His Son to provide a way back into fellowship with Him.

Jesus is the WAY, the Truth and the Life.

... Reformed theology on the other hand is NOT the Gospel because it’s NOT good news.

In fact it’s terrible news for those who are supposedly predestined to hell before the foundation of the world with zero hope of salvation.

That is NOT the gospel.


what an idiotic example. Cheating on an exam as an analogy of the gospel?
