Chris Weeks, VP, Humanitarian Affairs at Deutsche Post DHL and Dr Craig Hansen, UARD

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Today we learn with Chris Weeks, VP, Humanitarian Affairs at Deutsche Post DHL and Dr Craig Hansen, UARD.

Chris Weeks is VP, Humanitarian Affairs for DeutschePost DHL. He is the founder of DHL's Disaster Response Team, which helps airports cope with a sudden surge in aid traffic (cargo and passengers) after natural disasters. He has recruited, trained and equipped over 700 DHL employees to form three volunteer teams located in countries around Panama, Dubai and Singapore. These teams support UN agencies and NGOs by providing emergency ground handling at the nearest airport following a major sudden-onset natural disaster.

Chris also runs a logistics preparedness programme for DHL called GARD - Getting Airports Ready for Disasters. With DHL colleagues, he runs week-long workshops at the main airports in developing countries at risk of natural disasters. Chris has led workshops in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Turkey, Lebanon, El Salvador and Philippinnes.

Chris is British, based W Sussex UK and has 25 years experience in Express Logistics. He has first hand experience of Airport Logistics following many major disasters including the Asian Tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar, 2011 floods in Pakistan and earthquakes in Kashmir, Peru, Indonesia, Haiti, Chile and Nepal.

He regularly speaks on how major Companies can get involved in CSR activities and lectures on his specialist subject “Humanitarian Logistics”.

He is on constant standby to lead DHL’s pro bono efforts following the next major disaster. After a 42 year career with DHL, with the last 15 being in Humanitarian Affairs, Chris is about to retire. DHL has set up three Disaster Response Teams staffed by 700 employee volunteers. Their mission is to help airports cope with the surge in relief freight following major natural disasters.

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