Do I Need An MRI Of My Knee?

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In this video the surgeons discuss the indications for an MRI of the knee.

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I went to my doctor about an injury to my knee but I couldn't recall an incident that caused me to have the pain ( I didn't want to make something up). Sadly, he refused to do an MRI and just told me to do some home remedies. I have been putting up with pain for years. Finally, a new doctor ordered an MRI and I need surgery due to years of no treatment . If he would have ordered an MRI I could have had the proper treatment and it could have prevented me injuring my knee further. Thank you both for explaining this ! Happy New Years!


Just a big THANK YOU for your channel. I am having my 1st TKR Jan 3 & going in completely comfortable. My history with Ortho Docs is that humour seems to be part of your DNA. My 1st Dr told me 35 years ago, "You know Rod they don't last forever", another after a small accident said, while we looked at my xrays, "If you don't mind me saying that is the ugliest knee I have ever seen". Laughter is a great medicine.


I found what you said about no longer doing a scope in an arthritic knee interesting. I had one done 10 years ago and it definitely helped me. Although, the damage inside my knee was so bad that the Dr. wanted to replace it right away. Well, I went another 10 years before having it replaced. I’m glad I waited as I know there were other people out there who needed theirs done way more than I did. I was still very mobile and they were hobbling around with canes and walkers. I still didn’t need a cane or a walker on a regular basis when I finally had mine replaced but I finally had pain so that is why I went ahead and had it done.


I love you Dr's ❤ unfortunately I do have an advanced stage of arthritis 😢 waiting for the surgery


I love how you give us good information and save us from costly unnecessary things!
MRI's are very expensive in the US and like you said, other X-rays are sufficient for diagnosing most problems.
I had a scope on my knee about 20 years ago and both knees are giving me problems now. The knee that had the scope always pops when I get up from sitting and take my first step. And of course stairs are my biggest challenge.
I'm happy to see doctors like you who don't order unnecessary things! Medical treatment of any kind is so expensive these days! And I've found as I've gotten older the need for doctors and treatment has grown with each passing year!
However, if another doctor tells me that I'm Old, I'll probably slap them! 😋 That's a horrible thing to tell a patient! 🤨 We all age every day! Telling a patient that they're old is just a cop-out!
Of course we creek and pop when we walk but we're still walking!
But thanks to you we're armed with better information and know what problems to present to our doctor!
Old is not a diagnosis, it's simply a fact of life! Sure parts wear out and we're not as spry as we used to be but we're still participating in life!
Thanks for sharing another great and informative video!


You guys are so informative and entertaining. I love your channel. I've had my knee replaced and, believe it or not, my surgeon DID order an MRI. I live in the States, so he probably just wanted to fleece my insurance company while doing the test within his own facility, but we'll just leave that one right there on the floor. That being said, I'll continue to watch you and share your videos. Keep up the great work!


Loved the information. It is great how diagnostic tools have advanced. They must make figuring out what you need to do much easier.


Going through pain in one knee right now so relevant for me. Thanks for the information.


Interesting. Always wondered about differences between the imaging tests like x-ray vs. MRI vs CT scan vs. ultrasound... I had knee x-rays first and then went on to MRI which showed torn meniscus. Now I understand why they did it that way. Hope you are enjoying the holidays and getting some good rest, too.


Thank you for this video. I need an MRI!


I have this same argument with a Circle C healthcare company at the moment. In August 2021 not being able to see my NHS General Practitioner (GP) and over the phone I was being told their was nothing wrong with my knees I consulted a Private Knee Consultant he saw me for 2 minutes did not examine me charged me £250 and prescribed an MRI scan. I already had an x-ray stating
XR Knee Both :
Left knee.
Chondrocalcinosis is present within the menisci.
Marked narrowing of the medial compartment of the knee
itself in keeping with degeneration. Lateral compartment is
Very early degeneration developing at the patellofemoral
Right knee.
Chondrocalcinosis is present within the menisci.
Marked narrowing of the medial compartment of the knee
itself. Lateral compartment is maintained.
Early degeneration of the patellofemoral joint.
The degeneration has worsened bilaterally compared to
previous imaging.
The private knee consultant prescribed and MRI scan then charged me £150 to rewrite the radiologist report. Then demanded £18K per knee for total knee replacement.
I only found the cost of the MRI when I was entering the scan room £689.00p I got up set.
I was then referred by my GP to a private hospital paid for by the NHS. The second knee consultant talked me into having a cortisone injection in both knees which lasted 4 days. and blocked me from having knee surgery for 6 months. They just used x-rays from the NHS hospital.
After 4 months I found a Lithuanian clinic who stated 3 months was the waiting period. They just used x-rays.
Just before going to Lithuania I saw the Practice Plus knee consultant in North Dorset and they just used x-rays. I did not like the facilities.
Had my left knee replaced more recently I have been trying to get my right knee replaced. Currently I am wearing an off set brace.
I have been accepted at Salisbury NHS Hospital for a knee replacement they just used x-rays. Wait time is 6 months to 1 year.
I also been to a Practice Plus Group hospital in Southampton where the wait time is 6 weeks. They just used x-rays.
Circle C health care have been chasing me to pay for the MRI scan which I refused as I believe it was totally unnecessary,


You briefly mentioned scoping the knee. I know 2 people who had arthroscopic torn meniscus removed and wish they hadn't. Somewhere I read how that's only beneficial if the joint had trauma.


Bone on Bone on x-ray (right knee) starting popping behind the knee for the past 6 months and keeps getting worse.. Dr. recommended an MRI as he thinks it may be baker cycsts or possible bone spurring. We shall see what happens next.


I decided to forgo the recommended MRI by my ortho after my xray was normal with almost no sign of arthritis. Intense PT and taking a break from running cured my knee pain and I'm back to doing what I was doing before activity wise. Make sure they treat your condition and not an MRI/image.


Xrays don't always show everything but I agree MRI's aren't needed for everything either. Ultrasound can be done for soft tissue too. I have insider info lol spurs n spikes torn tendons ligaments you name it. Loved this as always Thank you guys💜


Great video! Will an MRI show evidence of a previously healed injury? Specifically a muscle, tendon, ligament or nerve injury in the leg?


Good info as usual…no point in getting tests etc. if not absolutely necessary…


My Ortho guy ordered one before my first TKR but not my second which was also bone on bone. He said it helps them know exactly the paths to trace during robotic surgery. Not sure why then, he did not do one on the 2nd. I'll ask him when I go for my final appointment in Feb.


My left knee is stiff, like it can't move back and forth after a prolonged sickness that affected my kneecap, I've been so skeptical about having a TKR but after going through your videos I must say I'm kind of now relaxed on getting a TKR. Though I'm still gathering the funds for it.


Good afternoon docs. Had my meniscus repaired 20 ish years ago it didn’t help. The doc said I needed a knee replacement in my mid 40 s no thanks now early 60 it swells up big time. I guess I will live with it till I get it fixed. Y’all throw some more wood on the fire . Florida going down to freezing tomorrow night . Thanks doc for the video.😊
