Do You Need An MRI For Your Knee? You Might Not

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Retired ER nurse here: worked in a 25 bed hospital E.R. More than once I told people with injuries they should be re-assessed at the bigger hospital. And, of interest, an ER doctor fell down a river bank while fishing. Did he have to undergo six weeks of P.T., pain, lost wages, and anxiety? Nope. Came in, had xray, followed by MRI, had surgery within a day or two, back to work on a let scooter---


10yrs ago, I had sudden excruciating pain in my right knee. (While moving from one house to another. Could not put pressure on my leg at all. Went to urgent care, xray showed "the worst arthritis they had ever seen in someone my age" sent to ortho. Ortho said knee replacement was the only option, but would not do it until I lost 100lbs. After sleeping, the pain was completely gone until a couple of days later when it was back u expectedly. Saw a different ortho. He said he could do a arthroscopy he thought it was a meniscus tear. I had been also experiencing heal pain from my achilles tendon coated with arthritis. He could not do a knee replacement with the heal the way it was. So we opted to do the heal and knee at the same time. Arthroscopy of the knee, debridment of the achilles. 10yrs larer leg and heal feel great.


Twenty something years ago I had a scope on one knee. I had a torn meniscus.
I had an epidural during the surgery and no pain until the epidural wore off. Afterwards I had the worst pain of my life!
That knee was fine for a while but both knees hurt now. I haven't seen anyone about them since I've had bigger problems with other parts of my body.
I'll probably need surgery at some point but I'd feel better if it was someone like you!
Thanks for sharing another great video!👍


Thanks for sharing this video. I know my old orthopedic doctor wouldh do the x-rays at first if I haven't been there in awhile then we would do the mri in my left knee all the time from meniscus, cartilage repair to a partial knee replacement, acl twice. I remember the pictures from the scopes and I still have them from my knee. Like right know I'm still waiting for my new knee about 3 more years to go before I can get it. When I stand straight I have to keep that left knee bent if not it hurts me to bend it when I try to walk. .❤❤❤❤


When I first went in for my knee pain the X-rays showed not a lot of gap between the bones, especially on the inside of the joint and some arthritis but the thought was I didn’t need surgery yet.
I tried knee injections, they didn’t help all, and was then fitted for an unloader brace and basically told I didn’t really need much else yet as the x-rays didn’t show anything too serious.
While the brace allowed me to walk any thought of hiking or pickleball was just not something I could do anymore.
I still had considerable pain and the brace itself was uncomfortable to wear so I paid for a private MRI and the results showed a large hole in the cartilage on the inside of the joint allowing bone on bone contact.
After my Dr saw this he agreed that surgery was necessary.
So for me, the MRI was worth it
As of today it’s been just over 4 weeks since my surgery and while it has been a lot more painful than I thought it was going to be, as of this week the pain is starting to drop and my mobility and such is returning. If not for that MRI I think I’d still be hobbling around in a knee brace.
My goal is pickleball by the new year. 😃


Back in the mid 80's my cartilage wore out, I had surgery on the left knee about 5 years earlier to fix a tear but there wasn't much help for worn out cartilage so I lived with the pain and actually wore the bone smooth and was able to function normally, then I tore the ACL in the left knee around 2008 and had surgery again, this time the surgeon showed me the scope pictures of my knee because he couldn't figure out how I was able to walk as my knee was ravaged by Osteoarthritis and looked like a course gravel road. Still walking fine minus one foot on the same leg(cancer), right knee complains once in a while but otherwise still functions. Played a lot of sports in my younger years and knew there would be a price to pay later in life, I say thanks to all of the Orthopedic Surgeons I've had over the years that have kept this ragged old body going. Great job guys, really enjoy the videos.


2 weeks of PT and no improvement. Finally convinced my primary to get a mri. After a full 2 weeks of healing and PT the MRI showed clear bone bruising. Ortho thought they were going to have to "unlock" my knee. Thankfully not necessary. But many more weeks of PT


Thank you doctors. I appreciate your time.


i am recovering from a partial knee replacement. I saw several orrthos and only one from Chicago said I was one in a hundred who was a candidate for a partial. This advice was invaluable. Few MDs do partials as they are not appropriate for most.


I had a MRI recently to help diagnose a medial meniscus tear. Initial X-rays did not show any arthritis but I had unrelenting pain. After the MRI the surgeon said I could wait to see if surgery is needed. I’m getting PT and the knee is almost back to normal after just a couple of weeks of therapy. So I’m hoping to avoid surgery and return to normal activities which for me include hiking, biking, and skiing which is how I injured the knee in the first place. I’m 72. I can’t prove it but I’m taking turmeric and I think it is also helping with the inflammation and pain.


Thank you for making these videos. Very helpful.


After damaging my left knee as a teenager in a motorcycle accident I had a lot of instability and an arthroscopy maybe 10 years later fixed that for 25+ years until I started to get issues again. My surgeon than said could do another arthroscopy but recommended I lose weight and exercise (everything bar running). I walk a lot since then and used the gym a lot and so far so good.


24 years ago, I had an MRI on my knee, and my situation then fit the parameters described at 9:21.
The mri was a machine I stuck my leg in. It wasn't bad at all.


Now you have me nervous ... just had an MRI two nights ago for the knee, suspicious of meniscus tear. And yes, was told, nothing could be done until we had the results! *sigh*


I am loving your videos I've been watching for a long while


Excellent, detailed explanation! Have been through a very unnecessary series of testing, including MRI. P.T. at my request helped Immensely.


in my situation, I had an acute injury doing some wall squats.the doctor I went to thought I just had an MCL sprain, he did trigger point injections and I did physical therapy.I kept telling him that I had severe pain that would wake me up in the middle of the night going around my kneecap in both directions.he finally did an MRI. Upon reviewing it with me he said I'm sorry, you actually have a surgical knee because your meniscus is shredded.
this was unfortunate because I kept telling him I knew something more was wrong than he unfortunately part of his assessment.should have also been listening to me. I ended up spending months in pain and spinning my wheels for no good reason. I wore a heavy long brace all that time and as an RN had to keep working :(


I am a disabled vet here in the US. I need 2 knee replacements but have been putting off the surgery. My Dr. prescribed the H-Wave machine in the meantime to use. Have any of you ever heard of H-Wave?


I had an MRI for other reasons and my main memory is being shouted at by the operator for not lying still 🤣


Wonderful informative videos - love your style! 😊 🙏
