After Death Communications - Signs from the Afterlife | William & Hotan Judi

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William contacted me wanting to update his story about new experiences he's been having with contact from his brother Hotan from the other side.

Ever since Willams brother Hotan passed over on Jan 15th, 2019 William has increasingly had more signs and visions from his brother.

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Hey William, I believe in you and keep making videos about your experiences please 😇😊. What you’re doing here is really important for the world and thanks for that ❤️❤️


I 100% believe you. I saw my sister that passed away, she had a huge smile on her face and was very healthy looking


I normally don’t leave comments but I have today. I totally believe everything that you experienced. Thank you, for having the courage to post this video. You give everyone hope in the life after this one. God bless you and your family 🙏🏻


No one should laugh at you. You have had some very special and profound experiences. I loved your video, thank you so much for sharing. 😇


They are never far away from us, they are energy and it never dies just transforms. Thank you for sharing your part 2 lovely experience, much love 🙏🏽🌹


I believe you and am very much enjoying hearing about your experience. It makes me want to have a very close relationship with Jesus like you. Thank you.


The school oflife has seen me fail
in many of life's things but the love of Christ out weighs the falls and yet my heart still sings. Bless you my dear brother and thanks for sharing your experiences


Awesome account William! I had my own out of body experience so I know it is real. Keep standing in your Truth. You are helping to enlighten the masses with your experience. God bless you brother! ❤️🙏❤️


I believe you. Disregard the demonic spirit comments they are irrelevant to your experience. The world is going through an energetic change, and more and more people will be able to reach their loved ones from the other side. We are all one, and soon the truth will be known.


William, thank you so much for the video. Your experiences are real, profound and heartfelt. When my mother crossed over, I had several experiences where I woke up and she was sitting on the edge of my bed. I became frightened, so my mom left. This experience also happened in Dayton, when I was away on business. Then, one day, at a business lunch, the man I was with became flushed. He was beaming light, right there in a Lexington, Kentucky, restaurant. He said my mother was present and that she had a message. The man said that when I was young, I didn’t feel as if were loved enough, but I was. Then, the man’s face returned to normal. He said he channels spirits, but he had no control over when it happened. I didn’t write down the message, but that is the gist of it. At the time, I thought maybe my mom was trying to say that to me those many times she appeared after her passing. But because I was afraid, she found a different way to approach me with this message. I really don’t know. All I know is that people do have spiritual and extraordinary experiences on earth. I think we are here to learn forgiveness and unconditional love. Jesus loved everyone all the same. And he asks us to love all humankind just as he did. It is a tall order! We are shining lights in a finite body. But, we aren’t really separate. We are all connected and share one consciousness. Please share more videos. I enjoyed listening to your video. Thank you.


I know for a fact this is true as it happened to me. After my mum died she came to me and my brother in dreams several times. Its hard to describe but during these visits they were NOTHING like a dream. I cant stress that enough. You have to experience it to understand. Me and my brother also experienced what William said about his brother, we both saw the most perfect version of my mum.


I totally understand you needing to share this and thank heaven this is no longer a brave thing to do as so many people have now spoken about these experiences! It really helps to put it "out there" because I understand these communications with your brother change and uplift your life, don't they!? You are blessed to have felt this after so much sadness.


What a great gift. Life, here, is the illusion, and you are blessed to see beyond the veil.


Thank you so much for having the courage to tell your story. My son took his own life two-and-a-half years ago. Although I was absolutely sure he was in a place exactly as you described, I was still unable to find complete peace. Your video brought me so much comfort. Bless you for sharing it with the world. If you ever doubt whether making these 2 videos was worth it, I'm living proof that you have made a difference in someone's life by doing so.


Thank you William and Jesus for this beautiful helpful story. I fully believe you William and commend you for your courage. Thank you for bringing forth the loving good that came from your brother’s passing. He is in the most loving place now, as you are well aware. 💗😇💗 Thank you!


Thank you for being brave enough to share your story publicly William. I've had a different, but similar NDE. I've been unable to reconnect directly again, but I'm trying my best to Astro Travel. Don't listen to people who don't believe you. It's YOUR gift, not theirs. I for one don't just believe you, but KNOW you experienced everything you are saying.


Wow I needed this I lost my son a year ago it's been so hard I'm just happy to know he's ok I just wish I was 🙏🙏


What a beautiful video from a beautiful soul! Thank you for sharing this beautiful experience! ♥️


amazing storyteller, i believe you 100%, i to have heard "the voice" while i was reading the bible! i nearly died when that happened i can tell you that, tears are flowing very powerful, my name is William also


Loved your story and thank you for sharing 🙏❤🙏 I lost my Dad in December and your story gives me hope that he is home and with Jesus ❤
