The 12 Signs That Spirits Send Us - After-Death Communication

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The 12 Signs That Spirits Send Us – After-Death Communication

“Are your deceased loved ones trying to tell you something? Here’s an early Afterlife TV episode that could awaken you to the signs your loved ones in spirit are sending you. Our loved ones in spirit communicate with us in many ways, and Bill Guggenheim teaches us the 12 most common categories of after death communications (ADCs) in this video conversation.


To Purchase Bill Guggenheim’s Book: Hello From Heaven:

Bill Guggenheim and his former wife, Judy Guggenheim, wrote Hello From Heaven: A new field of research – after death communication – confirms that life and love are eternal. First published in 1995, Hello From Heaven has become a classic on the subject of after-death communication (ADC), a term first coined by the authors.

Bill and Judy Guggenheim have been conducting after-death communication research since 1988. Bill serves on the Board of Advisors of the International Association for Near-Death Studies, is a member of the Association for Death Education & Counseling, and has presented workshops at conferences for The Compassionate Friends, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, the Association for Death Education & Counseling, In Loving Memory, the International Association for Near-Death Studies, Bereaved Parents of the USA, Parents of Murdered Children, as well as other support groups for the bereaved, hospices, churches and similar institutions devoted to personal and spiritual growth.


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Many years ago I lost someone I loved he used to buy me flowers to surprise me. I used to play a certain song for him, a love ballad . I recently moved back to where he died and visited his gravesite 2 days before what would have been his birthday . I got out of the car stood beside his grave and at that exact moment “our song” played on the radio which I did not leave on in the car loud enough to hear outside the vehicle and not from 25-30’ away.But somehow I heard it loud and clearly the exact moment I stood beside his grave. 2 days later on his birthday a total stranger walked up to me and handed me a beautiful bouquet of flowers. No explanation no words passed between us I was so startled by it I can’t even remember thanking her.


I love this show . I experienced my first after death communication that I believed without doubt after my dad died. Laying on the couch in the living room, crying and upset. Talking out loud and suddenly I have a calming feeling come over me. I heard my father say “ I’m still here, I’m not going anywhere . Stop crying because everything is ok “ I heard it loud and clear . Just as if he were standing in the room with me. I couldn’t see him but I certainly knew he was there ! ❤️💜


About 8 years ago I was working with hospice patience. My mom passed away at that time and when I went in to work, a 94 year old hospice patients asked who the woman I brought in the room with me. I told her I was alone and she said 'no, a woman with a big smile on her face was right next to me.'....I was happily surprised when she described my mom to a 'T' ! My patient never met nor did I ever mention my patient didn't even know my mom passed over the previous week. It has made a believer out f


My husband died in a tragic accident due to hypothermia at the age of 36 February 13th, 2000. We were separated for 3 years but very close. I always felt that if he died before me I would not be able to bear this life. Even though we were not together, as long as he was on this earth, I was okay...then came that phone call that completely devastated me. The first year I was paralyzed with deep grief. My husband showed up many times, physically, in dreams, to other members of the family...every time when I felt I could not bear it, he would show up. When the year mark came of his passing..i remember after everyone went to bed, I went downstairs where no one could hear me and cried like I did when I first heard he died..i told God I need help, I need to go to the psych center because I cannot get over it...again my husband the company of a dog named Duke who passed and I loved very much. I knew it was not my imagination, my husband was always jealous of Duke because he said he was my shadow. But when he came he had his arm around Duke and said he brought him to cheer me up. Shortly after the year mark still so deep in grief and praying I wouldn't wake up because I just couldn't deal with it... I was not going to kill myself... But my heart was just too full of grief and I just didn't want to live anymore. It was at this time when I seen my husband in the clothes that I buried him in, a pin striped blue shirt and blue jeans because that's what he loved. He had a glow all around the outside of his body and he looked more at peace than I ever seen him throughout his whole life time. I mentally asked him what he was doing here... And he said back to me I'm here waiting for you because you're going to end up Crossing yourself over if things don't change... In my mind I said to him as I looked down at my children and said I'm not going anywhere... I have got to take care of these children and I've got to get over this... And that is when I realized I was going to die of a broken heart if I didn't stop this... And that's when I began to heal. As I started to heal through the grief my beautiful husband Steven came less and less. I still get signs of him and I know he'll be there when I go but I have things to do here. Life is a journey


My Mom spoke to me 7 times after her passing and made an unbelieveable prediction 2 nights before her passing in 2011. I am now a firm believer that our spirits have the capacity to guide us from the beyond. Profound


when my uncle passed away i watched him walk towards the light the he walked through a door waved at me. the phone started ringing which woke me up. I answer the phone it was my step mom calling me to let me know my uncle just passed away. It was the most beautiful dream iv'e ever had.


One night I was home singing on my karaoke machine. I didn’t really have in mind any particular songs to sing but while I was scrolling for songs, I felt a very strong presence of a recently deceased good friend. I then asked her “I feel you with me. If you’re really here pls give me a strong sign.” Immediately a song came up titled “I AM HERE.” WOW... JUST WOW. My emotions were all over the place!


Just a short story . when my Dad was passing he was unable to speak but I had the strongest feeling he was telling me "He never told us how proud he was of me and my brothers" as I was exiting the chapel with his casket I seen a friend of his I havnt seen in over 25 years and we both greeted eachother with a smile and the first words out of his mouth was "your father would have been proud of you guys" (me and my brother)


OUr son died a little less than one and a half years ago. For the past few months a ruffed grouse flies into our car to get our attention, then follows us up our driveway. When we get out of our car the bird will come close and listen to us, looking directly into our eyes. Sometimes I talk to the bird for nearly an hour... feeling sure it is our son communicating with us. It has become a regular meeting.


I had a dream adc. It happened 25 yrs ago when my step father passed. I was so sad and missed him terribly. He was such a good man and I loved him like a father. I believe it was 6 months after he passed he came to me in a dream. It was so vivid. I was standing in my living room and I turned and he was standing in front of me. I said "Why are you here"? He said "Don't worry about me...I'm happy" He gave me a hug and continued..."You are okay and I'll see you again" Then it ended. When I woke in the morning I felt so refreshed and the sadness of losing him was gone from that day forward. Now I smile at his memory and am thankful for his gift.


My Step Dad passed in our home with everyone that loved him including our dogs.I went outside to cry alone at about 6am. All of a sudden a black and yellow monarch butterfly came and was fluttering around me.A feeling of peace came over me and I put the pieces together. It was him! Black and yellow were his favorite colors. He used to have a black and yellow el camino car when I was a kid that he painted himself. He also personalized his Harley Davidson motorcycle those colors and it still sits in our garage. He was too weak to drive it the last couple years of his life as he passed from pancreatic cancer, I never seen a yellow butterfly, they are always orange. This butterfly would come every now and again and for some reason it was always when I went outside. It's like he would wait in the trees or something. It always comes really close to me and the dogs.Whenever I see it I always say hi Gary! I know he's watching us. RIP Gary. We miss you like crazy!


and my 5yr daughter died and came to me in a dream when she turned 11. She said she had been given permission to come see me. I could see around us people in a kind of rotunda with pillars around this room, I went to bend over to hug her but she was no longer small, she had grown to my chest level I jumped back in confusion surprise and realized it was REAL not a dream, and started to cry I was so confused as all these emotions flew through me. Then she said don't cry mama its ok. Then the dream ended I woke up sobbing. It was so real, I could FEEL her. Thank you so much I know it was real. I never had another dream about her.


When my brother-in-law Channan died suddenly in Fiji everyone was shocked because he had been happiest and heathiest for the last 6 months. But he had warned people for 6 months that he wouldnt always be here to run things and so he began instructing his mechanic sons how to finish building their house without him. On the day he died, it was noticed that where the family was gathered the loungeroom light was flickering. being mechanics, the bulb was changed quickly. But the new bulb flickered also. It was a newly wired up house. So the group moved to another room and the light started flickering in there. The lounge room light had stopped flickering. They moved into room three and that bulb began flickering, and room 2 stopped. The mechanic's quick conclusion was that Channan was following them from room to room flickering the lights to get their attention to message them that he wasnt dead and lifeless at all but just invisible in an adjacent channel of reality, but able to affect lights in our reality channel.
It went a lot further. Deceased Channan turned up flickering lights 3000 Km away in Sydney at 3 different homes of relatives including mine for about 6 months. Channan had never visiited Sydney yet he was able to locate his living relatives in 3 houses and flicker the lights in one room only, to message them that he was very much alive, just invisible, and had near godlike powers being able to flicker electric lights on and off. He was so enthusiastic he kept his daughter awake in her flat flickering the light sometimes nearly all night. She complained. LOL.
He did other things like turning up in dreams. Scaring his superstitious Fiji neighbours with voices coming out of the dark. He had always been a great practical joker.


When my brother was going through his dying time, he shared every step of the way with us. After he died I went into a deep depression.., much I would love to share with everyone. I wrote a poem after Billy died, called, His Dying Time, based on conversations I had with him throughout his last month's. I have no doubt that life continues after we leave our physical bodies.


My uncle came to me shortly after his death, "grabbed" me while I was sleeping and we flew through the universe looking at planets and stars. It was so much fun and so comforting. He had been murdered. It was his way of telling me that he was happy, and I should be too. I love you Onkie! We shall explore the stars again! :)


I saw my grandmother in a vision the day after she passed.  My wife's grandmother's brother passed while we were visiting her on vacation and I had a vision of him in meditation on the plane home.  My beloved dog passed and I had a vision of him running towards me as a puppy.  Life continues after "death".


No a My mom hugged me. That hug from my mom was deeper and more real then any she gave me in life.


I can hear my two best friends on a daily basis. In water noise or fan noise. But they will talk about stuff I haven't even thought of. It's real!! The afterlife is real. They can hear us and do respond. Most people aren't open to it but I've known this since I was a small child. I would love to talk to Bill. And I just happen to have his book right beside me. I have recordings. Clear voices even my husband can hear and he doesn't really believe in it. But he agrees it's real.


We are spiritual beings having a human experience


My mother passed last month.  She had battled cancer twice over a 9 yr period and I think it was coming back.  Mother was 89 and had a strong faith but was tired and ready to join her siblings.  She was slowing down and loosing interest in things.  This summer I made a fairy garden and a garden lamp for her which sat on the patio table.  It was a tall glass jar with a lid,  fairy lights wrapped around a twig, a flower with a butterfly sitting on it.  She loved that lamp.  After she passed, my nephew and I would sit and chat on the patio.  After a discussion about what I planned to do with my crafts the garden light came on.  My nephew and I looked at each other in astonishment.  (You have to remove the lid and press a button to turn it on).  I KNOW IT WAS HER!  I was comforted in that moment knowing that she was trying to let me know she was near and ok.
