Social Capital Theory

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In essence, social capital is a term that describes the power of relationships, the value found in relationship connections and social ties.

Resources Mentioned:
- Bourdieu, Pierre (1986) The forms of capital. In J. Richardson (Ed.) Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education (New York, Greenwood), 241-258.


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This concept seemed a bit complicated from my sociology classes but you have brilliantly and eloquently explained it. Thanks a lot for this. I particularly love the practical applications you outline.


I used my social capital to help me get my new job! I reached out to a family friend and talked to her about her company for a school project and she let me know about an open position in marketing (something I was very interested in!). I also used my social capital and worked with my professor at the time for interview training and assistance throughout the whole hiring process.

I’ve learned to maximize my social capital by keeping in touch with a lot of people that would normally fall off. It’s a lot of work, but it really is all about “who you know”!


Thank you, I need this. This will be the theory I use for my thesis. I use it to apply for sustainability in community development. How common values, norms, and goals strengthen the bond and most of all their trust towards each other so that they can work together independently without any stakeholder beside themselves to continue on the projects.


it all just comes down to good ol' trust between people. And the cliche - 'you wash my back n' I'll wash yours.' Good stuff.


I have to do a presentation on this topic for a health class and l couldn't understand what the book was saying. So thank you SO much for this! Now l understand what SCT is. Didn't know it would be so simple yet important!


This is one of my favorite topic. I work with people in recovery. Those that do best, have social capital. Many people in recovery have major anxiety disorders. They don't want to hang out with other people. Recovery is harder when all your friends use, are dead, or are in jail. Regaining social capital for this population is especially hard. I teach the importance of this and look forward to sharing your video with some of my patients who struggle with this. Comments?


Damn this guy even puts references in the description, top notch!


I work in development sector. There are three hats my role expects me to wear - manager, coach and connector. Connector hat basically focuses on making my people feel connected with the movement and people active within the movement. The video has given me a new approach towards designing my coaching conversations and sessions. I am sure my connecter hat is going to look more beautiful now. 😊😊😊


I am using this theory in my study and you just simplified my understanding.


It's not a theory if it's true!

Excellent topic! Something so basic should be common knowledge, yet it's not. Perhaps the "exclusivity" principal has something to do with it?

Such as, Black owned businesses of the 1930's--, and various mutual aid groups and banks... Perhaps were considered a threat to bigger buisnesss?

Anyway. This is valuable information and people need to learn it. Again.


A brilliant topic. Many thanks.God bless


Thank you for making this video; planning on showing it to my Comparative Politics class this week.


That compliments George Homans Social Exchange theory


When I first seen the SCT video I had to watch it again, then again, and then again because I didn't quite get it. There is an upside and downside to SCT, and I believe I seen a comment in the comments section, but using the concept "for good or evil" all depends on the everyone's (you, me, him, her, whoever) intention. Since it is impossible to measure and prove intention then it is hard to tell if anyone is sincere, really out to help or hinder, and/or giving the helped the run around. It's not WHAT you know but WHO you know. Relying on someone else to do anyone else's bidding for them maybe a point in their life where they won't be able to stand up for their own self if the time comes down to it. There are more upsides to having relationships with people then there are downsides so many people with social anxiety disorder will have a tougher time getting use to the fact that human beings are social creatures and need other humans to function at our top capacities.


I too, am going to use this theory for my dissertation. I enjoyed how you explained it!


Thank you so very much. What a great explanation.


hello sir. i'm from indonesia. thank in advance. if you see this comment, please reply🙏. i want to ask. the point of social capital theory from robert d putnam? and how capital theory of robert putnam can use to analysis "preventive and curative in sexual violences on women's empowerment and child protection agency.


Is it possible to use only Bourdieu to talk about how social and cultural network can help vulnerable kids?


One thing that Putnam does not account for is the social connections that you have online which are very real. Online social connection is the only reason why my younger brother has good social skills and I do not.


Thanks, but to be honest, I still don't really understand what it actually is? Can you measure social capital? How can you telling you have this capital or not?
