5 Creepy Disney Movie Secrets : Dark Hidden Disney Moments

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Some of the dark & creepy things hidden in Disney movies you love! Disney & Pixar seem to hide some very dark things in its movies, but they're right there if you look closely. Is it just a disturbing sense of humor by the Disney team or something more sinister.

In this list we cover the stranger side of all Disney movies from modern hits like Frozen and Tangled. All the way back to classics like The Little Mermaid, Toy Story, the Lion King, Aladdin, and Beauty and the Beast.

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Both parents alive:
1. Moana
2. Brave


Dude I don't need kids or younger siblings to watch Disney movies.


I died at the part he said andy's dad nowhere to be found 😂😂


*gasps so loudly* OH MY GOD I didn’t notice the scar one in Hercules


In Mulan both her parents are still alive, and she has a living grandmother.


Disney's creepy line in Aladdin was probably removed so either kids don't get the wrong idea, or so they don't get shit for something that could have been innocent


In #5 i dont the beast killed the servants because in the movie Beauty and the Beast when Bell goes into her room she picks up a brush and thinks it is a live but then the candle and the clock tell her that that brush is not alive so everything in the castle isn't alive


I always thought that there were way too many enchanted items in the beast's castle to be reasonable for staff. So I like the idea that while the servants were turned into furniture and items, many of the items that move about on their own are just enchanted to be animate instead of actually all being transformed humans.


Disney films are notorious for their artists sneaking in stuff. The original Little Mermaid case had a d*k-shaped castle turret behind the characters plain as day.


for the beast thing, I'm sure there wasn't a staff member for each piece of furniture in the castle. I think the cursed staff members are the only ones that are "animated" and the others weren't staff at all, just furniture.


Hercules!!! Both of his bio-parents and his adoptive parents are alive


About Aladdin: They probably got tired of people bitching about the "good teenagers" thing and decided to just take it out so everyone would shut up.


forgot to mention how the lamp always murders the letter I in Pixar to symbolize that they are trying to stop our eyes from seeing the truth


The one problem I have with the beauty and the beast theory, while legit as it sounds, it could also be previous furniture they had before everyone suddenly became furniture. They had to have had something before everyone got turned into the furniture so it would make sense if the furniture he destroyed is the furniture they had before the curse, and why they wouldn't have furniture to return to when they turn back. Because honestly, it can't just be the souls taking over the furniture to begin with, because then what happened to their bodies? If it's just the soul, there would be bodies all over, so instead of the souls possessing the furniture already there, their bodies were turned into furniture and the old furniture was stashed in the west wing, where it's proceeded to be destroyed in his fits of rage.


Now, I may be remembering things incorrectly but not all of the furniture was alive. I don't remember the table being alive for example, or Belle's bed. I always took it as all of the servants were turned into things related to their roles. A castle would have dozens of servants, not thousands. The beast didn't kill servants, he just destroyed inanimate objects that he'd already owned. The servants that he'd had at the time of the curse didn't replace the items he'd owned, they just added to the number of furniture items and objects in the castle.


Okay, first of all... if you EVER take a writing for children class at
college, you will learn that there are really only a small number of
stories to tell. You will also learn that a child sees the world
differently when they are with parents and when they are without and
stories that remove the parents from the story, allow a child a first
hand experience of problem solving when you don't have that help or
support to rely on. In many cases this allows for the introduction to a
moral lesson, such as heeding a parent's warning of danger and what
might happen if you don't. The story was a safe way to introduce the
true and often nasty dangers in life that we don't want our children to
experience in a safe and non-traumatic way. So you need to understand
the craft behind WHY something is written, before you add it to your
conspiracy theories. Point of fact, I do believe there ARE sick and
twisted subliminal messages in some of these cartoons, but not that one.
That is actually a writing tool and has a positive purpose, although it
IS my belief that the parents should be removed from the scene, but not
killed off in most cases UNLESS your story is meant to teach how to
cope with and deal with loss and how to navigate yourself through the
stages of grief. Many kids go through this without any guidance and so
it DOES hold a value to society, but there is a right and wrong way to
use it and I see it being used to introduce trauma instead of using it
for the value it contains, which is messed up.


Wouldn't the Beast have furniture that was just furniture? They didn't live in an empty castle before that witch showed up.


“Or in this case, maybe I should say Beast Shit.” 😂


I read somewhere that Disney's mom died when he was young due to I believe it was because of a mishap with their home furnace. Thats why most disney characters dont have a mother or the mother passed.


I actually caught the Alladin one as a child and asked my mother about it, she played it back and listened and realized what he was saying.
