The Scandalous Downfall of Justin Bieber's Pastor & Hillsong Church | Carl Lentz Documentary

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0:00 Intro
2:23 The God Squad
9:21 Make Me A Belieber
26:03 Pay To Pray
36:58 The Mistress
50:19 An Empire Explodes
1:02:40 Pet Palate Cleanser

Carl Lentz was known as the rockstar pastor of the global megachurch, Hillsong. He was cool, hip, and in with celebrities and Hollywood elite. He even became best friends with Justin Bieber and had the young popstar living with him. Carl Lentz built a congregation of 10,000 a week that drew celebrities like Kevin Durant, Chris Pratt, Selan Gomez, Kendall and Kylie, and more… Every Sunday there was a line that went around the block as if people were waiting for access to a nightclub. Carl Lentz was one of the most prominent pastors in the United States… Until he wasn’t. This is the story of his scandalous downfall and betrayal that involves much more than just a mistress (or three).

Please do not send hate to anyone mentioned in this video.

Researched, written, and edited by: NOT THE GOOD GIRL



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This video is sponsored by Adam & Eve.

#churchtoo #hillsong
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Hi hi! 👋🏾 Video chapters below. Who should I cover next? Apologies for getting this out so damn late... I tried something new in my research/editing process and it backfired, lol. I also had to rewrite Chapter 5 about 3x due to all the scandals that kept breaking. Hope all is well! Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. 🍿

0:00 Intro
2:23 The God Squad
9:21 Make Me A Belieber
26:03 Pay To Pray
36:58 The Mistress
50:19 An Empire Explodes
1:02:40 Pet Palate Cleanser


When a church has a VIP section, run! Biggest red flag there can ever be to let you know things are not right.


These pastors missed the part where Jesus flipped the tables in the Temple


A church with a VIP section should be avoided at all costs


Any Church Leader that lives a lavish lifestyle at the expense of their parishioners with so much need of the poor and struggling in the World has falsely represented God's Word. Sad


One of the best documentaries I’ve watched anywhere! Back in 2008, I remarried and was introduced to a Pentecostal church who was all about Hillsong music. I noticed some strange things, but just figured I didn’t grow up Pentecostal, I grew up non denominational. 3 years into my marriage, I got breast cancer and had to have a double mastectomy. Right after I lost my breasts, my husband filled for divorce. Turns out, he had been cheating with another church member. I was in a bad place health wise. Once he left, the church left me too. It gave me church PTSD. I just worship Jesus on my own. I’m still single. I’m healthy now, reconstructed and my heart finally healed.


As someone who grew up just down the road from Liberty University, seeing a megachurch pastor with tattoos, a leather jacket, and a slicked back mohawk is strange (not bad, just strange) but there’s one thing that all these mega church pastors have in common: the reason it’s a mega church is the money and privilege, not Jesus.


In 2001 I had an invitation to go to Hillsong’s school, right out of high school. A couple wanted to “bless me” and pay my way. I knew nothing about the church; they weren’t internationally known at that time I don’t think. I was so close to accepting but I never did. For over a decade I looked back on that as a missed opportunity as I watch that church grow. But as I matured in my faith I understood the pitfalls of a large church. I look back on that and thank God I didn’t accept the offer. My life would probably look a lot different and probably not for the best. What a trip to think back on that.


she had me at "somehow people were attracted to this" in the snippet of Brian singing in the 80s 🤣🤣🤣


I think there is something very wrong when one asks for money to baptize… baptizing shouldn’t cost a penny. That’s a bad sign.


As the son of a pastor where I played the drums in the worship band, I'll just say I've got some stories. You give people even an inkling of power, it's amazing what the end up doing.


This literally just breaks my heart :(
Imagine? there's a lot of people out there who's seeking for Jesus, then there's also these false prophets who chose to mislead broken people..


The mistress says
“I was devastated” when he called to break up with her… You wouldn’t have been devastated if you had not dated a MARRIED MAN!


I'm atheist and obviously don't go to church, but even I can recognize how big of a red flag a VIP section is with my little knowledge of Christian values.


Aww this is gut wrenching. I was cheated on by a pastor’s kid. Just because someone says they’re a Christian doesn’t mean they’re faithful.


Having young Justin leave with him was an IMMEDIATE red flag and I can't believe no one else saw how weird that was


Lord, may I never be led astray from your word and your ways


I'm Australian where Hillsong originated from. This is NOT a church, it's a cult. The difference to this so-called church is the people who attend go there for blessings. A true Christian must not seek blessings they must be the blessing. How? By feeding the hungry, cloth the naked, give shelter to those in need and generally helping those who need help, this is Gods will.
Also a Christian must understand what 'Church' means. Church isn't a building or a religion, it means "all those who believe and have Faith in Jesus the Christ". You can offer nothing to God but filthy rags, you can only please God through Faith and do what he says, be the blessing expecting nothing in return, it's a real honour to carry out Gods will, the fact that you are doing his word, you are the blessing. Amen😁


As a Christian woman for over 40 years, please stay away from mega churches.


If you are waiting in line to get into a church you are searching for Good in the wrong place.
