CRAZIEST Sleep Sound to HELP you FALL ASLEEP = Gas Heater Sounds

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00:00 Intro
00:33 Sleep Goodness White Noise

Wow, I had an exciting time creating this sleep video for you all! We traveled to a local art studio in Tucson, AZ where they had massive kilns for making pottery. These huge kilns are natural gas powered, and create a wonderfully relaxing woosh white noise as they heat up to bake the pottery.

My cousin is an artist and has been telling me I should capture this unique experience to share with the world in the form of a long white noise sleep video. To get started we put a few pieces of pottery in the kiln, set the camera up, along with multiple microphones around it. Then we heated up the kiln and captured the effervescent dancing of the blue flames. I find them visibly meditative to watch.

Finally, after putting all the footage in Adobe, I cut out the gap between the blue dancing flames and brought together either side of the kiln. This allows use to see from an up close perspective. I hope you all enjoy!

Welcome to the channel! This channel is a community of like minded individuals that enjoy external soundscapes as a background noise for relaxing, working, and most importantly, sleeping. Together we aid in each others well being by contributing to each video through comments that provide feedback to me so I'm able to further tailor each video to suit the communities needs. In this manner the channel has become a living, evolving, project that helps millions of people get a great nights sleep. Good sleep improves ones overall health and well being, which then enable each of us to go out into the world to give our best.

I reply to each and every comment on the channel. Please feel free to reach out and share your thoughts. To capture the entire sonic depth of my videos, I recommend listening with headphones or an external bluetooth speaker.

Here are some of my most popular ambient sleep soundscapes:

In each of my videos you'll notice a constant theme of an amplified lower end sonic appeal. This maximizes the depth of each sound, while minimizing sounds considered to be antithetical to relaxation. To create these sleep masterpieces I use a variety of equipment such as a Nikon D7500, a Tascam DR 100, and other unique sleep components indicative to this channel.

#whitenoise #sleepvideo #craziest

If you'd like to reach me directly just sent me an email. Go to the channel page and click the about section. Always listen to any relaxation sound at a safe volume. You should still be able to speak over one of my sleep videos. If you can't, turn the volume down to a reasonable level until you can. The relaxing sounds provided by Randall's Rest & Relaxation are for entertainment purposes only and are not a treatment for sleep disorders, sleep problems, tinnitus or any other health concerns. © Randall's Rest & Relaxation LLC, 2021
Рекомендации по теме

To me, this is very much like the sound of the car heater. It puts to mind riding in the backseat as a child, the warmth of the heater on my legs, the soft murmur of my parents in the front, the warmth of my brother leaning next to me, and the feeling of comfort that only comes when all whom you love are present and accounted for. Of course, upon arrival home, I always pretended to be asleep so my dad would carry me in the house. :-) Thank you for another virtual warm hug.


I'm not able to keep both my electric and gas bill paid. So I sacrificed my gas. Rather then heat the house I have an electric blanket that even on low does very well. Having this recording playing in the back round creates the perfect illusion of a furnace. And the ambient light from the blue gas flames is just right illuminating my way to the bathroom. So thank you, I'm actually looking forward to another Southwest Michigan winter! 😁


This actually sounds a lot like a train ambience, I love it. Thanks Randall


It makes me happy to read the comments and see how you’ve truly impacted peoples lives with helping them sleep more soundly. I’m a listener that falls into the relaxation part of your channel but I’m truly grateful for the incredible amount of effort, creativity and dedication that you put into your craft. Your videos always helps me focus on my reading and sometimes I just close my eyes and listen. You’re the best, Randall! God bless you bro


Ended up getting a loud commercial at 2:30 a.m. that woke me up. This is one of the best ones to listen to and you feel warm just by listening to it.


The king is back! Everytime I fall in love with one sound you come with an even better one!


Randall, you creativity knows no bounds. I have never slept better since I discovered your channel. I can't thank you enough!


I'm from northern Michigan and this heater really hits the spot. It is very relaxing, I can almost feel the warmth.


Oh wow this is perfect! The sound is exactly like the furnace at my parent’s old house. Reminds me of being a kid and being warm and cozy in my bed on a cold winter night. Also the blue flames is such a nice touch!


This is 100% the most relaxing white noise I've ever heard. It brings a feeling of nostalgia, like a warm blanket for my soul. That feeling like when you were a child and had no worries, falling asleep as the sun goes down in the backseat of dads car on a long family road trip.
Thank you for this 🤙


This one is just right. No harsh high noise, low rumble, warm feel to it and nice random texture


Als Kind habe ich es geliebt, wenn am Samstag gebadet wurde. Unser Bad hatte keine Fenster. Das Wasser wurde über einen Gasbrenner erhitzt. Ich habe es geliebt, auf der Toilette zu sitzen, während der Gasboiler brannte, das Badewasser in die Wanne plätschert, die Wärme mich eingehüllt hat und das Licht aus war 😊. Hier fehlt nur die Wärme und das einlaufende Badewasser😊😊😊


Randall: Once again, you hit the nail on the head. You have an unbelievable talent for finding the best in audio relaxation. It's almost like a mental massage. Thank you for what you do.


This is my current favorite. Such a comforting one for the winter.


Perfect timing for me. About to hit the sack & Randall delivers the goods yet again! 🙌🏼


This is my favourite video, helps me relax and sleep, it's a cure for my depression


Randall! i just need to say thank you so much. for the past 4 months your videos have helped me sleep almost every night. i’ve had sleeping problems for years & these videos help calm my mind at night! thank you SO much!


Finally, after few month searches I found it: the relaxing and soothing sound to cover outer noises. I sleep in just few minutes with this one. So smooth and without disturb it is


You've struck gold once again my dear friend. i had an old heater that sounded like this and I used to fall asleep watching the flames


My all time favorite sleep aid is Dark and Stormy Night. Thunder, rain, WI d and eerie sounds. I tried different videos but this one has all that I love. ..nature and nature sounds.
