Floki protects Muslims from being massacred inside the mosque ( vikings S4E16)

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To those who don't understand this scene. The reason Floki shows them mercy that he was unwilling to show to Saxons is because Floki is a religious fanatic himself. During the Northumbria and Wessex raids, they were screaming, begging for mercy, and were showing fear. He simply did not see them as firm enough in their belief. All they did was talking on, and on about how they believed in God, but their actions were quite opposite, so based to his experience, Floki never learnt to appreciate the Christianity and was constantly mocking it.
In this scene, he witnessed people who won't even flinch and will continue their prayer even if the bloke's head was lopped off right in front of them, so unlike Saxons(at least in this show), these guys are not just talk, but truly devoted to their religious practice, and Floki knows how to respect that, even if his beliefs differ to theirs.


I for one actually liked this scene because it showed a different side of Floki. Floki has always had disdain for other religions because he believed no one could match the fervor and desire he has for his own gods. He's both confused and impressed at first because here are these people whose religion should make them beneath him, but as he says, they're praying with as much passion as he does, and in the middle of the Vikings killing and pillaging their whole city no less. It's a big wake-up call for Floki seeing that other people can have the same type of mindset and ideals regarding their different religion as he does his own.


Floki is a man who believes that only the fearless may enter paradise: when the vikings enter the mosque, covered in blood and toting their weapons, the people keep on praying. Floki does not truly understand their religion, but he recognizes their bravery in the face of death. It's a good scene.


Usually durning war when prayer time comes a group stays to protect the ones praying then they switch turns.


This is probably how Ragnar felt about the Christians. He didn't really understand the way the Christians thought or saw the world, but he sought to understand their ways and admired that.


Floki respected the fact that the mosque was simple, not stealing the wealth of the poor or used as exploitation.


“Where are their gods?”
“I don’t see any.”

The best part is that is something pretty much any and every polytheistic culture that has come into contact with an Abrahamic faith throughout history has said. Judaism, early and Protestant Christianity, Islam, the one shared feature of our faiths that we cannot deny is we worship and fear a God who’s face we cannot see nor should have to in order to believe. 👍


This was Flokis biggest character development in my opinion.


Floki’s journey was spiritual as well as physical. This portrayed a step in his spiritual development. Death is not always the way.


The great passion, heedfulness and love has been shown for prayer.Floky and his companion standing before worshippers having saith that, there is no any kind of distraction in prayer performer's mind.When they killed the imam, the next person came and stood on the imam place without thinking that he would be next.This is what is called true perseverance.


I just heard of this scene and watched it now, I am in tears of how the Muslims are portrayed. This is the heart of a true worshipper, who would fear bloodthirsty Vikings in the presence of the Almighty Creator? Every brother in that mosque would gladly accept the honor of being martyred while in prostration to the Lord of All Creation.


Harald was a good leader, saw how much this meant to Floki, realised it meant little to him, so he let Floki have this concession


This scene reminded me of the imam who continued to pray during an earthquake


Because Faith is greater than Fear. Dying while doing the shalat, is also a form of jihad. Absolute submission to God. Another door to heaven ❤


Harold thought he was kidding at 1st and planned to kill them anyways, then he looked in Floki’s eyes and saw he was not at all kidding.


If I was in there, I would've also lead the Salah after the Imam was decapitated if I was in the first Saf. There is no death more honorable than dying while worshipping God the Almighty.


I remember reading a comment said they're going to stop watching this show because Floki has or going to become a Muslim. How is defending anyone means you believe in their religion? Lol


Floki begin to respect other religion like ragnar after he killed althestan and ragnar's death

His beginning to understand what's right and ragnar belives
Great character development


The Muslims fought the Vikings out of Spain later that year


Halfdan just straight up decapitating a man because he got angry at their chanting lol.
Insane how Scandinavians would be able to just kill people in a heartbeat like that, for no big reason.
And nowadays Swedes and Norwegians are more known for their polite manners and coffee & cake than anything else lol.
