Atheist Struggles to Answer the BIGGEST Question of All

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Watch as Cliffe Knechtle challenges an Atheist student with the question: "Why trust your mind if it's the result of an accident and not God?" This thought-provoking conversation delves into the biggest questions of faith and belief.
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Your mind doesn't automatically tell you the truth. You need to test your beliefs.


Not looking for the truth in reality but keeps telling you what the real truth is.

Romans 1:22-25 KJV

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man.


Poor guy, he’s not seeking; he’s running.


Bro disproved himself right off the bat by saying, “he’s not looking for the truth in reality”. This is kind’ve a problem when dealing with absolute truth


I love this dude. They try to, but never catch him lacking. Praise God


Bro said he's not looking for the truth... color me surprised.


1 Thessalonians 5:18

“Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”


Satan wants us to think we are just an accident because it takes away just how amazing and special we really are


All the kid did was make a big loop lol. I hope he comes to the truth nevertheless.

Edit: Seems I've started a bit of a commotion here lol. To all of you athiests I've got a few points to make clear to you:

1. I''ve no interest in speaking to you unless you're seaking Christ and His truth. To do so would get us nowhere. After some years of experience I've learned that unbelievers are all the same when it comes to "proof." We can give all the proof in the world and you still wouldn't believe because proof is not what you're looking for.
As a matter of fact, it's the last thing you're looking for as acknowledging God means that you have to face your sin, your human nature, and especially the wrath of God's judgement that is coming to you swiftly.

2. Your insults, mocking, hypocrisy, and karen comments only solidify the faith within me and every other believer reading said comments as we were warned ahead of time by our Creator Himself that we would be facing the very persecution you people are putting us through.
No other belief suffers as much scoffing, hatred, and even extermination as we do, as our Creator warned us as well.

3. Believe what you want but our hope is that you repent and turn to God before it's too late. Quit thinking we're speaking out to control people, it's simply not true. You think we want to do this knowing we will recieve this persecution when we could all be relaxing and not worrying about it? Of course not, at least from a human perspective. The love of Christ however gives us a new heart and spirit. One that wishes that none shall perish just as He does. It baffles me how hatred and arrogant you can be to people who's intentions are simply to help but again, we were told this would happen.

4. We believers are not special by any means but the One who saved us and called us His own is. Because we belong to the One who is the way, the truth, and the life; it is the Saints, we the Children of God who seem to be the only ones who know what's going on in the world. The rest of the world cannot see what is happening. No. They are blinded by a veil of darkness and God has given them all up to their sin and desires.

If you desire to repent of your sins and turn to Christ, please speak with me, another believer here in the comments, or someone who knows Christ in real life. Have someone who wants to help walk you through the process but above all say a prayer to God confessing your sins and accepting His love, grace, and mercy.
Otherwise don't bother as we will never see eye-to-eye as we are two different peoples.


I overheard a discussion between two teenagers over the existence of God. One replied to the other who held He did not exist, saying "You have great faith in your own mind, don't you?"


All animals, including the HUMAN animal, were designed with the ability to feel (emotions), to think (mind) and to "stay and fight or run away" (nervous system). Only humans were designed with a MORAL CONSCIENCE "to discern right from wrong" (animals cannot do this, they can only discern safe or not safe), as well as to do right or wrong, as well as good or bad, which can only be achieved via the human EGO (an animal does not have an ego, only strong or weak survival skills, a predatory or a prey nature).

Many think an ego is a bad thing. It is not. It is the FORCE behind our moral conscience. If our moral conscience is good, we can want to build a hospital and a strong healthy ego will get it done. If we have a bad conscience, we might want to blow up a hospital, and an equally strong, but "out-of-control" ego will get it done.

Animals are not men and women, though they might 'appear' "human-like".

Men and women are not animals, though they might appear "animal-like"

God did this for a reason... and today, unlike in the past, the majority of Godless Atheist scientists today are desperately trying to suppress any science that leads away from evolution... and away from the farcical Gore to Biden "climate scam' that heavily taxes men and women on a free, and essential to our existance, chemical.

A weak or narcissistic ego (and an equally weak or a wicked moral conscience) can really stir up a lot of misery for the men and women just trying to get along in life, enjoy their family, even enjoy a degree of prosperity. Their motto being, for the most part, DO NO HARM.

Paganism is a religious theology for children, both "superstitious" and "transactional". Out of it come both good and bad 'children

Atheism is a a humanist ideology for "God's not the boss of me!" teenagers. It's a necessary part of growing up, it's shen the soul breaks free from dependent childhood, into an independent phase where all is questioned. The mature teens eventually transition into adulthood, but, many do not, indiscriminately questioning everything and rebelling against all authority. In this sense, out of Atheism comes good and bad teenagers. Good teens grow up. Bad teens do not.

Judeo Christianity is a religious theology designed for young adults. It wants to you to lnow about Jesus, to do good, to be respectable, to be kaw abiding, to not go without some worldly prosperity, to have some fun (while waiting for Jesus) and that suits young adults very well. They can be good and hardworking, but they still enjoy a little worldliness and fleshliness "on the side" They know about Jesus, but they do not know Jesus. These are the Bible-led, but not the Spirit-led. Thus, out of Judeo Christianity come good and bad men and women.

Anyone can choose to become Pagan, Atheist or Judeo Christian. Find a like minded person, or group, snd join.

What people can't join is New Testament Christianity. It is known as the Body of Christ and Jesus is its Head ("life force").

Only our Father in Heaven can place us in the Body of Christ. We can want it, we can strive for it, we can get baptised and " go to church" and start ministries, do "good works" as all good and decent Judeo Christians are inclined to do, but we cannot place ourselves in the Body, as only God can do it. When it happens, it changes everything. However, it must be said, bad and indecent Judeo Christians do not strive for the 'priviledge' of being a New Testament Christian, as it would interfere with their worldly ambitions and fleshly indulgences. And this is why Judeo Christianity ends up with snakes, wolves, goats, dogs and pigs among them, just the same as Paganism and Atheism.

Judeo Christianity is the Christendom (civil culture) supposed to help the Body do what the Head asks of it. Does it? Less and less each passing year. Many times throughout it's history, Judeo Christianity has sneered at the Body as being "too heavenly minded to be of any earthly use.".

And, if that's the attitude of worldly Judeo Christianity toward Spirit-led New Testament Christianity, how much more so do "anti" Christ Atheism and "anti" Christ Atheism greet NT Christianity with hostility, disdain and callus indifference?

Read. Pray. Trust. Obey. God help and bless you if you're thinking about things... searching for truth. Judeo Christian, Atheist or Pagan.

And stay away from anyone ir any group that believes "WE educated enlightened FEW must think for and direct YOU uneducated unenlightened MANY.".

Judeo Christian. Atheist. Pagan. Do NOT let others do your thinking for you. Receive guidance, but, discard it 100% if it proves false. God be with you.


what is inside your heart, it goes outside by your mouth.


That was a long drawn out verbal dance that guy just did.


The point being made by Cliffe is that if someone handed you a computer that they told you was the result of "natural processes" you would remain highly skeptical of its use and viability as a computer. The same can be said of our brain. If you are a staunch materialist, this is an issue. Even Darwin admitted as much.


Understanding the world doesn’t start with just receiving answers from your mind. It starts with observation and analyzing the data.


Woah! I came across this passage literally just a while ago from the Gospel of Luke!!

Luke 7:23
"How happy are those who have no doubts about me!"

Luke 7:35
"God's wisdom, however, is shown to be true by all who accept it."

May we all believe and accept the Lord God our Savior! And the wisdom/knowledge from God will flow!! May we also pray for all of the people who does not believe to attain clarity coming from the Holy Spirit! God bless us all! 🌼


That young kid is speaking facts.He doesn't care about religion or the fact about the big bang that he cares more about that he is here now


The "Heart" is a very important one to consider: the heart vs the mind.


Cliffe caught him with his own hypocrisy!


The amount of people that think evolution is just stuff appearing out of thin air (while not accepting that in the modern world), amazes me.