The Sign of the Cross and Its Power (Pencils & Prayer Ropes)

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Sound Editing: Uroš and Mira Nikolić
Music: "Wander" by Emmit Fenn
Illustration and Narration: Me (Reader Bojan Teodosijević)

In this video, we talk about the most typical prayer and ritual gesture of Orthodoxy - the Sign of the Cross.
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My favourite relative was 95 when she died. She was a bad tempered battleaxe, during WWII she made tanks and lost an eye from a welding accident. She was a hard women but a faithful one. During her final week on earth, she was bedridden and did not speak or eat or do anything except repeatedly make the sign of the cross, slowly and reverently over her body. Her final battle, glory to God!


>"Greek, the most Serbian of all languages"
>doesn't elaborate futher
>moves on
Sigma as hecc.


I have to do the sign of the cross with my left hand because it's the only one I have. I have had a few tell me not to because you can only use a right hand.
They recieve a prompt eyeroll from me.
Once I asked a woman if she would be my permanant caregiver and follow me around to bless me with the cross at my need since she forbade me to do so, and she quickly, stuttered walked backwards and got a fear stricken look on her face.
good times.
If you're ever persecuted for being handicapped, offer your persecuter a job taking care of you. They will quickly vanish into thin air.


"We are called to witness Christ, but that does not mean that our faith has to be in your face"

Great advice for the Orthodox *online* and offline. Great advice for all Christians really, but extremely good advice for us Orthodox.


If I had a dollar for every time I've triggered a wave of people making the sign of the cross in church, when I was just adjusting my eyeglasses, I could sponsor infinite more videos.


I want to thank you for your videos. I'm a Southern Baptist but the Lord has been guiding me me to the deeper truth found in Orthodoxy. I went to my first Divine Liturgy this past Sunday and it was amazing. Hopefully this time next year I'll be an Orthodox Christian.


I’ve heard that, during times of persecution, some Armenians would make the sign with their tongue, closed in their mouth.


I live in a rural small town in the American South. Most people in my area don't know the Orthodox Church exists and all they know about Catholics is that their preacher told them Catholics are evil. When my family and I make the sign of the cross in public, we will often receive some very dirty looks. I actually love this. It feels to me like a signpost that I am on the right track. These looks are especially bad when praying before a meal with beer in front of me. Lol


Granny is my favorite character in this lore... she reminder me of some of the babushkas you see in Greek small community churches. When I was in Greece there were almost only grannies in the church. When they found out I wanted to convert they became so happy and I was on great terms with them the whole vacation. Can't wait to see them again


"If it's Holy and not bolted to the floor" Love it!


I’ve been Orthodox for like 2 years at this point and didn’t know you were suppose to go left to right when blessing something! Thanks!


My two favorite cross making techniques: 1) the Greek Bouzouki player: such a rapid and small movement of the hand, making the sign three times in succession, to appear you are playing an invisible musical instrument. 2) the Russian Cosmonaut: the very methodical and extremely curvy arm motion, as if you are trying to simultaneously control your arm in zero gravity while having to navigate around your body's bulky space suit.


I’ve heard of people imprisoned making the sign in secret with their tongues in their mouth when doing so normally would cause the guards to beat them.


I remember once I was carried off by a large demon. He said the sentence of death given to all people was to come upon me.
I resigned myself to the mercy of God and made the sign of the cross. You never saw anything so big run away from something so small..


9:06 “Saudi Mosque of Salafi Al-Kablooey.”

Yeah. Perhaps not the place to do a big ol’ cross to show off.


Not Orthodox myself, but your vids always bless, educate, and help me appreciate my siblings in Christ---and this one especially today. Don't really know how to put it into words, but it blessed me more than usual. I learned an appreciation for the sign of the cross at my yia-yia's funeral. She was protestant, but my grandfather returned to his Greek Orthodox roots and found a community when she got dementia. A


Apparently my priest recently made the sign of the cross WITH a newly illumined baby in hand. So you could add blessing folks with babies to your list, maybe🤣


This is one of your best videos so far. The quality of jokes and funny references, the drawings and the information presented... Perfection!


I’m a new Orthodox Christian (you had a lot to do with my conversion) and this video is extremely helpful. Thank you.
