Diverticulitis, Causes, SIgns and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

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0:00 Introduction
1:24 Causes of Diverticulitis
1:56 Symptoms of Diverticulitis
2:25 Diagnosis of Diverticulitis
3:25 Treatment of Diverticulitis

Diverticulitis, specifically colonic diverticulitis, is a gastrointestinal disease characterized by inflammation of abnormal pouches—diverticula—which can develop in the wall of the large intestine.[1] Symptoms typically include lower abdominal pain of sudden onset, but the onset may also occur over a few days.[1] There may also be nausea; and diarrhea or constipation.[1] Fever or blood in the stool suggests a complication.[1] Repeated attacks may occur.[2]

The causes of diverticulitis are uncertain.[1] Risk factors may include obesity, lack of exercise, smoking, a family history of the disease, and use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).[1][2] The role of a low fiber diet as a risk factor is unclear.[2] Having pouches in the large intestine that are not inflamed is known as diverticulosis.[1] Inflammation occurs in between 10% and 25% at some point in time, and is due to a bacterial infection.[2][4] Diagnosis is typically by CT scan, though blood tests, colonoscopy, or a lower gastrointestinal series may also be supportive.[1] The differential diagnoses include irritable bowel syndrome.[2]

Preventive measures include altering risk factors such as obesity, inactivity, and smoking.[2] Mesalazine and rifaximin appear useful for preventing attacks in those with diverticulosis.[2] Avoiding nuts and seeds as a preventive measure is no longer recommended since there is no evidence these play a role in initiating inflammation in diverticula.[1][5] For mild diverticulitis, antibiotics by mouth and a liquid diet are recommended.[1] For severe cases, intravenous antibiotics, hospital admission, and complete bowel rest may be recommended.[1] Probiotics are of unclear value.[2] Complications such as abscess formation, fistula formation, and perforation of the colon may require surgery.[1]
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I've ;ooked at 4 videos for my disease and none of them have been as helpful as this one. Thank you.


Just been diagnosed with this i know it wasn't appendix ( had them out when 12) never experienced such excruciating pain & the diarrhea 🤦 suffered from constipation for years due to pain meds but this been worse this really wipes the strength out of you & the nausea is relentless your left feeling so exhausted & hopeless! was a very informative video so thanks 👍 & let's hope we all get some solace in the near future 🤞


Pain is usually on LEFT lower abdomen, rarely the right.


I just got diagnosed with this last night at the hospital. My pain was on the right side not the left which is most common. Not only to the pain, I get a burning sensation in my abdominal that comes in waves


Can you pls share the diet a person should take when they have diverticulitis?


I never had a symptoms nor pain, found out in my CT scan.
My doctor still advice me to undergo Colonoscopy, its been 7 mos.and my OB-Gyne told me to consider for precaution.


I had pain on my left side. I had bloating and tired. The doctor said it was from strawberry seeds. I am vegan so that was what I had to eat that I had not had. I hope it goes away.


"nausea and vomiting, constipation"
Dude, someone from US presented to ER after drinking 2 liters of fiber supplement for dinner with this symptom.


Diverticulosis is not a dangerous disease. But it has no benefits of having it.


Can you have pain in the center of abdomen ?


Can you contact my GP in the UK as fairly sure that none of the 4 senior partners in the practise have a clue about this as these are my symptoms all the time and I must say made a lot worse by a blood pressure drug called ramapril?


Right side pain is not in the case of diverticulitis, its on left side


Iv got these symptons, worse when im lay down, iv also got an enlarged spleen. I think i need another CT scan.


When Feces gets trapped in the sacs is their a way to remove it or does it stay forever?


Can this condition affect blood pressure and resting heart rate?


Does any one get a pulling sensation on their belly button? Worse pain ever especially when you pee


Can you get pressure in your bum and feel like you constantly need to go to the bathroom.
