Four Things You May Not Know about Jews and Israel

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‘Four Things You May Not Know about Jews and Israel' stresses the importance of sincerity over geneology. Many people wrongly believe that the true Jews are physical descendants of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. This video explores how even Jews teach that true children of Abraham (or children of Israel), are those individuals who have true faith in God. This has nothing to do with a person's genes but whether they choose to obey God, and the way to do this best is by following Jesus Christ.

Produced by: Jude
Narrated by: Dave
Written by: Dave

What is "A Voice in the Desert"?

A Voice in the Desert is anonymous. Its purpose is to point people to the message, rather than the messenger. Most modern day prophets promote themselves more than the teachings of Jesus and the true message of Revelation. A Voice in the Desert challenges that error and more. Some of the things you hear on this channel may be difficult to understand, and may offend you. The goal, however, is to sweep away dogmas and traditions to reveal what Jesus actually taught.


Waiting For The Word. Jesus Returns 05

Waiting For The Word. Second Coming Jesus 03

Waiting For The Word. Jesus Ascension to Heaven 15 - EDITED (made background transparent)

Waiting For The Word. Jesus Returns 02

- "Sand blows on the Great Sand Dunes" by Kelly Kochanski
Creative Commons (reuse allowed)
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Amazing so very well taught in such a small space in time.


Man you are knocking it out of the park. Do you have a website?


In only 4 points the speaker in this video was able to summarize a great amount of the truth found in the Holy Bible, especially about the True People of God.
I encourage every person to watch this video and listen carefully to what is said.
Praying that many will correct their views about this truth, and that many will come to Jesus in confession and repentance of their sins and accept Him in their lives as Lord and Saviour.


I just realized that none of our Foremothers whose names we say for blessing girls on Shabbat were jewish... Truly, tradition and heritage are just other names for idol and image...


I always felt it was unfortunate that Hagar and Ishmael were cast out. Simply because she was the slave, woman and Ishmael, her son. It doesn’t seem fair. I realize that Ishmael, being older would treat his half brother, who was younger and weaker, as any older sibling would, and bully him. But had Ishmael and Isaac been given the same blessing and opportunity than the tragic family feud, which endures until today would have been avoided.


are absolutely correct.
Thank sharing.


Learning alot, thank you for sharing ❤


Interesting video, only thing I would say you should change is the beginning when you talked about Ishmael and Isaac, The bible clearly states Ishmael will be a "Blessed Nation" however the Covenant will stay with Isaac.


Well said, taught and Spirit filled word♥️7


How did you get James Earl Jones to narrate?!


Be very careful, if you read the scriptures we are grafted into the Jews and do not be arrogant and think you are better. We all are not righteous because we all have fallen short. Love one another and those who love all, including the Jews!! Will be part of God's Kingdom!! Christianity does not trump the Jews!! We equally love one another!!!!


I would encourage all to look to the Historicist view of eschatology . There is much historical evidence that the 10 Lost tribes entered Europe and spread to evangelize the World. Three hundred years ago you do not see Christianity spread throughout Asia, China, Japan etc. It was only during the Philadelphian Church age when the true Israelites spread the Gospel throughout the world.What did Jesus mean in Matthew 15: 24 ? And yet because of the great faith of the Woman of Canaan he delivered her daughter.


Abraham's wife, Sarah was his half sister?.


‭‭Galatians‬ ‭6:16‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

"And as many as walk according to this rule, peace and mercy be upon them, and upon the Israel of God."


I had forgotten about book if James mentioning 12 tribes. My wife & I have been married over 42 years. I became a believer in 1977, married 1979. We had 6 children and attended thru the years anthing from Baptist to UPC. I learned this truth in early 80s with no internet lol. Started with Pauls definition of what a "true Jew" was. I may have over simplified by calling us spiritual Israel, the other natural Israel. I often wondered why in childrens church the song "Father Abraham has many sons, many sons has father Abraham, I am one of them and so are you, so let's just praise the Lord, right arm, left arm. ...." But I said we we're the true jews or such, I waa anti-semtic. I love and wish for natural israel salvation. I also know the land is special to the Lord. I know in a paradoxical way there is an interaction with natural Israel, Jerusalem, & ENDTIMES . But I am not anti-semtic. NOT UNLESS JESUS IS CALLING THE LEADERS OF NATURAL ISRAEL & RELIGIOUS SYSTEM THAT THEY ARE DESCENDANTS OF SATAN. Or Paul, or others. We are grafted into the SAME ROOT, not a different or new one. All the scriptures say in original language Abraham is father of MANY NATIONS, Not just one.


You dropped the ball when you said Jesus is the Jewish messiah . He is not . He does not fulfill the requirements of the Jewish messiah, that’s why Jews reject him lock, stock and barrel . If you really want to know the truth, ask a Rabbi. Or do your own research.


history wise this is interesting, gospel wise it is completely void


But the bible says that Israel the nation will be super naturally protected from all countries that try harm it and Jesus is the Covenant so regardless everyone that believes in Jesus and is in his will and doing his work will inherit the promise


Hi Luke, I am surprised the descendants of Abraham are the ones that faith in teachings of Jesus. I learned that the blood line of Jews are not chosen by God. Its hard to find out who are the 12 tribes of God. I am surprised that it takes true faith of Abraham. Please pray for me to one of the descendants of Abraham.
