God Doesn't Want You to Just Go to Church | Inspirational Christian Video

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Should Christians Attend Church? YouVersion Bible Reading Plan

PLEASE READ: I get a lot of comments on this video about how the Bible talks about church being a good thing. Let me briefly explain my heart behind this video. The point of the video was not that God doesn't want us to go to church. I understand that the message in this specific video gets lost sometimes (sorry for that). The point was that God doesn't ONLY want us to go to church. He really wants our hearts. He wants us to trust Him with our whole hearts, and there's more to trusting God that just attending church.

For a long time, I attended church thinking that I was earning God's love by what I did. We cannot earn God's love. Despite our sin, He loved us perfectly by sending Jesus to die on a cross. Now, we can be forgiven and begin a relationship with Him by believing in Jesus as our Lord and Savior.

I believe that attending church is a great way for a believer to grow spiritually and to be encouraged in the Lord. The point was simply that God desires more than that.


God Doesn't Want You to Go to Church on Sunday. He doesn't want you to throw some money in the offering. What He wants is a great deal more valuable. When we gave Him our worst, Jesus gave us His best. He lived the perfect life, died on the cross for our sins, and rose again to new life. He gave us everything.






Copyright 2017 by Inspire Christian Books.

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church, Christian, should I attend church, go to church, Inspirational Christian Videos, Christian Videos for Youth, Christian Videos about Church, Troy Black, Christian Devotional Videos, Christian Videos Inspirational
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PLEASE READ: I get a lot of comments on this video about how the Bible talks about church being a good thing. Let me briefly explain my heart behind this video. The point of the video was not that God doesn't want us to go to church. I understand that the message in this specific video gets lost sometimes (sorry for that). The point was that God doesn't ONLY want us to go to church. He really wants our hearts. He wants us to trust Him with our whole hearts, and there's more to trusting God that just attending church.

For a long time, I attended church thinking that I was earning God's love by what I did. We cannot earn God's love. Despite our sin, He loved us perfectly by sending Jesus to die on a cross. Now, we can be forgiven and begin a relationship with Him by believing in Jesus as our Lord and Savior.

I believe that attending church is a great way for a believer to grow spiritually and to be encouraged in the Lord. The point was simply that God desires more than that.


We are the Church 7 days a week. 24 hours a day. Praying and singing to Him daily. He deserves it all.


I went to a church and grew spiritually. I moved away to a different location and just could not find a church that settled in my spirit. I read my bible, pray and live according to scripture. I find that my husband and I are blessed. We will hopefully find a church one day. For now, we're just enjoying God's presence in our lives.


People also have to realise that the building isn't the church, we are.


this is something i've always believed in.That church is us, our body and not a building with a cross on it.


Worshipping is not only about going to "church". 1 Corinthians 10:31 Whether therefore ye eat or drink or whatsoever yo do, do all to the glory of God. Let Jesus be the center of our lives..Our Friend that loves us at all times😊


I'm so very ashamed to say that this video was 100% relatable.

Thanks for the message, I clicked on it by accident but God's timing is always perfect and I needed this message today to make me realise how disorganised my life is. Instead of "fitting God in" whenever we have time, He should be our "All in all". We should work our other commitments around serving Him. "Him that honours me, I will honour." Because His love for me is so great, I wanna serve Him and Him alone with every single breath from here on.


I Just realised i focus more about others relationship with Jesus, then my own relationship with him. I feel so ashamed. Please forgive me Lord


Lately ive been crying when i hear about jesus. Thank the lord im saved. Im so grateful.


I would just like to say your videos have been so inspirational and faith lifting .. I'm 14 years old and got baptised exactly 1 year ago, Ive always known about Jesus in my life and over this past year IVE felt the Holy Spirit and Jesus leading my life the way it should be! These videos have helped me so much in my faith as it's not always easy, I regularly feel like a fish out of water being an christian that people don't accept.And that's why I am so thankful to have God in my life and I would just like to say thank you so so much ☺️❤️


Jesus is the best friend I could ever ask for and I am so.grateful for having this relationship with Him 'cause it means everything to me. If it weren't Him I would'be able to go through my journey here. God bless you bro ♡ I've very happy for having found your channel here :)


"NO longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, 'Know the
Lord, ' because they will all know me, from the least of them to the
greatest." Hebrews 8:11 Love it!!!


He wants us everyday not just sunday. My church along with the Bible is where I came to know the Lord. It is where I grew in my faith and became a born again Christian. Do we need to go to church, I dont think so but nothing is better than fellowship with other Christians and the bonds we form. Each child of God is CHRIST'S CHURCH....we make up the church not the building we walk thru. God does not need our money but we freely give to feed the hungry and the poor, only one of many things we are asked to do as followers of Christ. The most important is "LOVE " your neighbors as you love yourself.


Going to church doesn't make you a christian as going to MacDonald doesn't makes you a hamburger.It's about your personnel relationship with Jesus and god.


This is what my dad was telling all about before he died five years ago from now (I'm 14 years old now). I'm glad that he taught me this and what being a REAL Christian is. It's all about Jesus! I miss my dad though but I know why God let it happen, I accepted it even now.


I agree with this guy totally. People depend on the church service too much. I'm not saying you shouldn't attend a Christian gathering. I'm just saying that people have depended on the church for their spiritual growth instead of saturating themselves in prayer, Bible Study, and personal worship. There are many people who don't even pick their bibles up until they walk out the door on Sunday morning on their way to church. "Christians" (and I use the term loosely) are lazy. They want a pastor to carry the water for them. In reality, they miss out on an amazing life if they just depend on a preacher for their spiritual fuel.


I agree with you
We can find Jesus in our heart 💞
But we have to go church to praise Jesus Christ with others people's
When hundreds and thousands sons and daughters of God
gether to worship his name then misricle happened


Mature minds will understand the meaning of what he is saying, , only mature GODly minds.. So inspiring and a wake up call.. Salvation is not attending Sunday service alone, it is to surrender all to our Lord Jesus Christ~


"He wants my everything." Amen.


God bless you, brother...it is sad but unfortunately, there is many people that go to church every Sunday but after coming out they go out there and do not practice what God continually tell us in the bible. Loving, serving others and preaching the word is our mission here in earth and the way we can change is by accepting Jesus as our personal Savior, praying constantly and to live righteous life. We come to God us sinner with repentance and watch how God works in our lives.
