Why Successful Women Quit | Jordan Peterson

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I quit because my body started telling me you can’t continue doing this.


This happened to me. I burned out. I quit. Now I do bare minimum to live and go ride my horse. Newsflash: it wasn’t worth wasting my life. I wish I had a do over. I’d change so many things


Happened to me. PhD with no debt, worked like crazy, but the best thing I’ve ever done is be a SAHM.


That’s right. I lost interest in the corporate ladder at 34 and fell out of love with my profession. Something inside me now makes romantic a simple life, staying at home in peace is now priceless and investing my attention to the home life ❤


Glad to see this change of attitude ! In the 70's and 80's, even married women looked down on stay at home married Moms.


I quit at 36 and became a stay at home mom and a wife! God, thank you. It was a rat race before my children were born


Im 29. Im done. I want to make bread and clean my house all day. I've been with my husband for 8 years now, i just hope we can achieve this way of living one day 🙏🏻


I quit a well-paid job from a big corporate because I knew what really happened inside and I could not be a part of it.


lol im 28, worked my way up the ladder over the last 8 years and am now at the top in my field as of this year. I’m getting married soon and am SO READY to settle down and have a family.


I quit at 33, 🎉 I refuse to waste my youth behind a desk. I would rather live in poverty with a happy social life than live behind a desk that causes me anxiety.


You can afford to quit when you're married to someone rich and accomplished. Most women do not have a spouse who can afford that for them. It may be different in CEO echelons but, generally, the average working woman works until near to or at retirement age, and a small percentage past 70. I was a nurse for over 30 years. So glad I had those experiences because when I look back I see they were so enriching, tough but still rewarding. No regrets. PS: Yes, I was a working mom. Kid turned out great. Couldn't have asked for more.


Exactly!!!! Having engineering and MBA degrees I quit to stay home with my kids. Thank you for exposing this !


I experienced this exactly! Fresh out of college was working at a small company that serviced several Fortune 500 companies. I came to know several women in sales, liaison positions, management, etc… all of us in our early 20’s. At 30 the women vanished! Gone! Out of there. Long established business relationships cast aside. It was incredible. This was mid late 90’s.


Never been more seen by a video 😅 F 32, lawyer, reached the top, married and now I’m always thinking about how to have a balanced life. I would however disagree that money is not part of my why. I would still want to be financially secure (without depending on husband’s income)


My husband retired me at 34. I was so over it.


When we got married, hubby said if I would stay home, he would do anything he needed to provide for us.
Yes, it was hard at times, but it so worth it.
For us, this was the answer & we haven't looked back.


I also quit. But I only did that after setting up passive income.


I was always the best. One day on my 28 working in a very competitive and full of conflicts environment among men, I noticed women carrying their babies outside the street... And I wondered what the fuck am I doing here trying to convince and compete all these men?? (Because even if they knew that I knew better they would not easily give up the fight... ) And I thought: I should be better raising my children, at a lovely home, advising my husband and enjoy beautiful moments, instead of arguing with a bunch of idiots, or chasing money, or trying to be at the top for fame etc.
Took me 3+ years to change and establish a business that would allow me to enjoy my time at home as a true woman.


I have a PhD in chemistry. It was hard to find jobs in my field so I had to travel around to work. Despite never being unemployed, return on investment was not worth it. People say "but you do it for love" Love does not pay the bills.


Winning the contest is how a man can obtain and provide for a family.
