ULTIMATE Plumbing Tips & Hacks You'll ALWAYS Use!

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ULTIMATE Plumbing Tips & Hacks You'll ALWAYS Use!

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Hello, we have read many of your comments and realized errors in the content. Especially in the tip about combining vinegar and baking soda. We will improve in the following videos, thank you for your comments!


Vinegar and baking soda neutralize each other (vinegar is an acid and baking soda is a base). To dissolve mineral buildup, use vinegar alone.


Where is the coiled pipe shown in the thumbnail?
0:57 Also a great way to break it.
6:34 Heat the hose and it will stretch to fit quicker.
18:24 Soldering, not welding.


@14:37 The narrator is clueless about sweating copper pipe fittings. “To solder copper you need to melt it with materials that have much higher melting points” -No, that would melt the copper pipe! 😂


Actually when you mix baking soda with vinegar the result makes salt. It won't clean as well as using just vinegar.
After the cleaning is completed you might use baking soda to neutralize the acid in the vinegar.


As a heating -n- a/c mechanic I often must deal w/ WATER lol, there's a bit of scuttlebutt between these tradesmen but I must
tell you that Plumbers are the gods of water/pipes and solutions for one of the toughest things to deal with. I've seen folks berate
men of this trade & heard guys within my trade try to bash them as less than another in intelligence = WRONG! The innovations of
plumbers is astounding & some of the wittiest I've seen are in Asia whereas they do some real tricks w/ plastic bottles.
My hats off to them peace & GB ALL


As someone with 14 years in the trade, many of these 'hacks' are bodge jobs that won't last long. The best DIY jobs can be done properly with a few fittings and a conversation with a shopkeep.


What happened to the heat exchangers that brought me to watch this in the first place ?


12:10 reminds me of when you're impressed at that one log that just won't snap off when you're on the toilet 😂


Yes! As a service plumber I love it when people plunge their clogged sinks and blow apart the plastic connections underneath the sink. Or blow fittings apart inside the wall. I get paid good money to tear open and get to those. And you still have to pay me to clear the clogged line I was summoned for in the first place So yes please advise these people to shove pressurized force through their slip joint assembled plumbing fittings. Also the people who make the replacement vanities and cabinetry will love you for it. The people watching your video aren't going to go get a bottle or do it with their hand they're going to grab the plunger which is meant for plunging against a sealed system.


Nice CRACK in the pipe elbow at 13:41, and what's with the firecracker/carrot/epoxy in the next sequence? What is that is that supposed to accomplish? Perhaps an epoxy-coated carrot canon?


My favorite is the carrot seal. What kind of bunglers make videos like this.


Instead of the shuttlecock end rather stuff the pipe with stale bread, this will stop the water long enough to complete repair and the bread will soften and flush out of the pipe.


If your going to use your palm to unplug a sink you have to also plug the overflow, otherwise the pressure just comes out there instead of going down the drain.


Fajne udostępnianie👍 To jest świetne przesyłanie👍Dzięki za udostępnianie świetnych treści👍 Czekam na następne przesyłanie!


Great hacks for the most part! As a pro plumber of 40 yrs, some are a little sketchy but they work! Worst example: Female PVC (or any plastic) is a BIG no no for threaded connections


I did learn something from this video.. it’s that most people should just call a plumber and have pipes fixed/ installed the correct way unless they want to be replacing floors and drywall because when the insurance adjuster figures out that the homeowner used a balloon to install a pipe and melted sewage pipe together than they are denying any claim you make due to unapproved and illegal fitment of the plumbing in the house which will also flag you in the future as well as cost you possibly a hefty fine or even attempted fraud charges for doing it.. seriously. Just like hvac, if the right person see’s you messing with your central air and you end up knowingly venting the refrigerant to atmosphere it’s punishable by up to 10 grand and time in jail.. never knew anybody who had to do any of that but have seen a few diy jobs flagged and shut down by the city after sitting their old pipe on the curb for garbage to pick up but an inspector saw them and saw they didnt have a permit of work condemning the house until proper facilities were involved to verify safety and all..


“When your plastic welding machine breaks down” sent me flying🤣


The problem with heat tape to keep pipes from freezing are twofold: one, the tape or the thermostat controlling it will eventually fail and then your pipe freezes again and two, the heat tape should be plugged in and unplugged seasonally, you'll remember to plug it in after the pipe freezes, again. Solution: find another option such as re- routing the pipes; install shutoff and drains, allow heat to reach the pipes and finally, insulate adequately the pipe from the cold.


As an actual plumber I can safely say that the only good tip in this is the vinegar and shower head.... You don't want or need the baking soda.
