Risen (2016) - Jesus Heals the Leper Scene (8/10) | Movieclips

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Risen - Jesus Heals the Leper: Jesus (Cliff Curtis) heals a leper.

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Roman military tribune Clavius (Joseph Fiennes) remains set in his ways after serving 25 years in the army. He arrives at a crossroad when he's tasked to investigate the mystery of what happened to Jesus (Cliff Curtis) following the Crucifixion. Accompanied by trusted aide Lucius (Tom Felton), his quest to disprove rumors of a risen Messiah makes him question his own beliefs and spirituality. As his journey takes him to places never dreamed of, Clavius discovers the truth that he's been seeking.

TM & © Sony (2016)
Cast: Antonio Gil, Cliff Curtis, Jan Cornet, Joe Manjón, Joseph Fiennes, Manu Fullola, Mish Boyko, Selva Rasalingam, Stavros Demetraki, Stephen Hagan, Stewart Scudamore
Director: Kevin Reynolds
Screenwriter: Kevin Reynolds, Paul Aiello

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When the guy looks back after being hits square in the feels


I was once a Christ mocker. How could I know one day Christ would touch me? My sin, like the leprosy this man suffered, would be cleansed. A life that surrenders to Christ will never be the same.


This scene has always stayed with me. I think its 1 of the most powerful scenes I've seen. Like the people that beat the leper so many people in todays world are quick to judge to cast out the one that is different. Not enough people are like Jesus who shows love and compassion.


When Jesus touched and the leper says " No one touches me" really touched my heart. Thank you Jesus


i really would enjoy a conversation with Jesus


That love and that kindness, that is what I love about Jesus! Not only he gave that man food but he also embraced him something that I imagine he hasn't felt for a very long time!


His compassion will win hearts everywhere


He is the Lords of Lords and the Kings of Kings


they see a miracle, I see more than that.
extending kindness to a man in need of kindness.
while others would simply use violence.


Great and emotional scene of a great film. The Master's kindness in this scene touches my heart. The great and infinit love of Jesus!


Just watched this movie in Netflix and it made me and my mom cry GOD BLESS US ALL🙏🙏🙏✝️✝️✝️


I don't know why this movie has bad reviews, gives you an amazing perspective that all the other movies don't


I wish there were more people like Jesus: Compassionate, generous, selfless, kind, caring, understanding, gentle, and loving. That’s what Jesus taught us what is right and to understand right from wrong. Some may disagree but we should forgive each other, put our differences aside, stop hating/hurting each other, and stop being ignorant and inconsiderate to one another. God wants us to do good, love each other, and forgive each other.


True followers of christ is not those who goes to church everyday and bragging to be good and saints...

True followers of christ is the light of the world.... they lighten the dim world of other they reflect Him by their actions and word...


Only men & women who witnessed such miraculous events as well as the resurrection of Jesus could be willing to endure becoming martyrs in the most horrific ways with the certainty that they were not dying in vain, that they were fulfilling God's wishes & that they would rise again with our Lord. I thank God every day that I have lived to see the day when the entertainment industry or at least a part of it has become willing to spread the good news through such well made & technically accomplished movies.


I met Jesus Christ during my second psychosis. This scene makes me cry like no other. Amen.


When I was much younger, I was the first to mock believers, every time people wanted to talk about Jesus to me I refused, I even refused to get baptized when I was 15 or 16 in Middle school and now... The spirit of God touched me in Brazil in 2015, years later I have accepted Jesus as my Savior and Lord, and I get baptized at the age of 30, 1 year ago :), Jesus said : What is impossible to people is not to God. God is limitless and all powerful and His love transformed us through His word. And yes today I'm able to say, Jesus saved me from my sins too. Alleluia!


What a loving god this scene made me tear up but in a joyful way in the name of lord Jesus amen 🙏✝️


Great scene. This is what the world needs right now. A healing from our lord.


So the healed leper walks away like he was handed a pack of chewing gum or something….
I’d be in tears, screaming and jumping up and down in joy like I’d won the $100 million lottery, or better !!!
