Indian Mathematical Olympiad | 1992 Question 8

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We present a solution to question 8 form the 1992 Indian Mathematical Olympiad. The goal of this question is to classify all perfect squares of the form 2^m+3^n.

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This man used the entire alphabet to solve this problem. Great work


I almost ran out of my stack memory trying to follow this.


Each time, i see the problem of your video, i sit back and think to mayself: I wonder, how is he gonna tackle this one. And at the end of the every video, i see that i have much to learn. Well done.☺


Thanks Michael penn for making a video on a question from Indian mathematical Olympiad...NAMASTE


You just cracked the code to get more views.


17:21 Another way to see this is that 3^i and 3^j are two powers of 3 with a difference of only 2. This only occurs when i=1 and j=0.


Maybe if I watch enough of these I’ll actually be able to answer one in a contest


A slightly quicker way to show that m is even is to note that 2 = -1 (mod 3), so 2^m = (-1)^m = 1 (mod 3) => m is even


I received a request for a problem from this very exam! I might put a card to your video as a shout out.


Great problem as always! There's a little simplification: at 12:46 we can notice c+d=2a. With this fact we can immediately conclude from d=1 that c is odd and so c-1 is even (without referring modulo 3), and also when we find at 18:52 that c=3 we can immediately say that a = (c+d)/2 = 4/2 = 2. Since at that moment we also determine that b=1, the rest of the solution becomes trivial.


Finally ! A question from my country's olympiad !!


You took 22 minutes, when probably you already knew the answer. How much time these Olympiad guys would have took when they don't know the answers already. I find this one


First step is to prove both m, n are even. Which makes that is a Pythagorean triplet. So let m=2k, n=2p. also we have 2st=2^k, where s is even and t is odd, but the last equation forces t=1 and s=2^y. Also 3^p=2^{2y}-1. Note that the RHS is factorizable, so just have to consider few cases.


Nice solution. This was also a question in the secomd round of the British Mathematical Olympiad in 1996


Hi guys,
First of all, thanks Micheal for this video which makes me kinda fall in love again with Math.
Then I have a suggestion to simplify the solution (sorry if this was mentioned before) :
Let's go from 10:54.
We have 3^(2b) = x^2 - 2^(2a) = (x-2^a)(x+2^a). Using the same strategy in the video we get x+2^a = 3^p (1) and x-2^a = 3^q (2), with p>q and p+q = 2b. Substract (1) by (2) gives us: 3^p - 3^q = 2^(a+1). Here we easily see that q = 0 (otherwise 2^(a+1) divisible by 3), so we go directly to the point that 3^(2b) = 2^(a+1) +1.
Similarly as above we got something like 2^u - 2^v =2
Or 2^(u-1) - 2^(v-1) =1 with u+v = a+1.
It goes easy from here!!!
We got v-1=0 so v=1 and u=2 then a= 2 and b=1.


Super fun problem, and great presentation! Once you show that the perfect square needs to be of the form 4^a + 9^b, there's another approach that's perhaps less elementary but simpler. Namely, (2^a, 3^b, sqrt(4^a + 3^b)) is a primitive (i.e. all co-prime) Pythagorean triplet, so it must hold that 2^a = 2mn and 3^b = m^2 - n^2 for some m > n (thanks Euclid!). This implies both m and n are powers of 2, and that n = 1 (since 3^b is odd); from that, m=2^(a - 1) follows. So we must have 3^b = 2^(2*(a - 1)) - 1 = (2^(a - 1) + 1)(2^(a - 1) - 1), so both factors are powers of 3 and differ by 2, so they must be 3 and 1 respectively, implying a = 2. Finally, 3^b = 3 implies b = 1.


Try this one : Brazilian Mathematical Olympiad (OBM) 2019 Problem 3 Level 3


When you did the step at 3:37, this is only true if n > 0. There is one solution when n = 0, which is (m, n) = (3, 0). Later there was a similar thing reducing mod 4 which relies on m > 0, and when m = 0 there is the solution (m, n) = (0, 1). "Natural numbers" is a slightly ambiguous term. Some people consider 0 to be natural and others don't. If the olympiad paper said natural numbers on it then I would suggest including these solutions as well and mentioning that they are only valid if 0 is considered a natural number. However, in the olympiads I've done, I can't think of a time when the phrase natural numbers was use. Instead they normally write "positive integers" when they don't want 0 included, and write "non negative integers" when 0 is included, and this way it is not ambiguous.


I actually feel that this would have a better/elegant solution than just doing the same thing again and again


I enjoy the way you can transform the ideas into math in very clever ways. Enjoy your content
