The ARK and the BLOOD The Discovery of the Ark of the Covenant

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"Ark Files" creator Rebecca Tourniaire and her husband created this masterful telling of Ron Wyatt's discovery of the Ark of the Covenant, including "what is the Ark of the Covenant?" and what does this discovery mean to all mankind. Please share this with everyone you know.
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I was asking God for direction and he put a man in my path that instantly shared this and many other things with me over the next few hours today.
I have to tell you that I am so grateful and emotionally moved (to tears)...and I don't have any more words right now.
We are living in the end times.
May Our God in heaven give us all the strength that is needed to make it through these final tests; in Jesus name, amen.


Thank you so much for this visual. It made my unclear images of Ron’s experiences so clear. Holy Spirit guided this precious, humble man to find these things. We are so close to the end. Praise Jesus!


God the Father used Ron to unveil Sodom Gomora, Noah's Ark, Red Sea crossing, and the Ark Of The Covenant. So the makes him the greatest archeologist that their ever was, Hello Can we give God a shout Amen


Ron Wyatt was telling the truth, I believe it. I grew up Mormon and was Mormon for 37 years but around the same time I found Ron Wyatt I began questioning my birth religion (for other reasons as well) but I believe he's telling the truth I'm sure this will come to light within the next few years.


Thank you Rebecca for the journey with Ron Wyatt. I have learned so much in this last 45 minutes I'm speechless!


I was only a teenager when I read about Noah’s ark possibly being revealed in Life magazine. I stumbled across Ron’s YouTube videos and followed his discoveries ever since. His findings and the Shroud of Turin make for strong validation to trust the Bible as our guidebook for our return to our Father in Heaven.


Gracias, gracias. Visto por mi varias veces, es como un imán para mí, lo veo y lo comparto. Gracias por la clara explicación y las imágenes, así como por el audio tan claro. Oremos por la pronta paz en Israel. Shalom aleijem to all my brothers and sisters in Yeshúa our Mashiach ❤


This video was stunning, the Lord led me here just after We had Easter. I was amazed at how God has planned HIS STORY down to the last vital piece of evidence and how Ron found our Lords’ blood on the Mercy Seat. What an awesome life Ron had discovering the Tablets and the Temple furnishings. The World will be Gobsmacked when these will be Revealed!!!


The way you show John Root how hard he worked through these single films is amazing. It's in a way that everyone can understand...🙏🙏


He looks like the new generation Moses. I can see the He has seen the glory of God


Ron Wyatt one of Gods chosen people what a blessing to be allowed to handle the most important blood sample in creation, i would have love to see the faces of the lab technicians handling this precious sample, 13;36,


Praise I renewed my repentance on this day and have a new zeal for our Lord Jesus Messiah and his narrow path. That He would empty me of myself and create in me a new heart as a spring of Living Water that overfloweth.


I never thought of the mark of the beast in this viewpoint I always follow the chip Crowd, this is very enlightening. Give God the Glory Thank You Lord Jesus


Wonderful! Outstanding work! May God bless your continuing quest for truth!


Amen glory to YAHWEH
...I'm in tears. Such a uniquely profound video i have been dying to get hold of for my global project. Credible info with accompanying animation that brings life to it. Only wish it was done in series.
May the LORD so richly bless you guys in as much as he has done with the zealous and persevering Ron Wyatt.
The excruciating way he endued to find the ARK symbolises how the LORD persevere into the very heart of fallen humanity for eternal salvation as well as how hard it is to delve deeper into the mysteries & deeper things of GOD(Prov 25:2, Prov 21:1). This divine capacity is uniquely endowed upon the chosen in CHRIST as Mr. Wyatt. May we all fulfil our unique call in GOD. AMEN.


I am so stunned by this. I’ve never heard it until now!! Wow 😢❤the Blood shed is the fulfillment of all prophecy and the law. God is tremendously good! He is worthy to be worshipped. May we have faith and courage to stand until we see His face


It has blessed me so much i have tears in my eyes that the Son od God has given His life for all of us.


Thanks for this upload. I covered this finding on my channel and it is awesome how the blood of the messiah fell upon the ark.


After contemplating deeply about the nature of blood sacrifice in the Bible, it actually makes perfect sense why the blood of Christ found on the Ark is still alive today. This means that the sacrifice has remained ever active ever since that original sacrifice. This could be the only reason why we can still accept Christ's offer today for the remission of our sins: the blood is still active on the Ark. Normally, the blood sacrifices the Israelites performed only forgave past sins, not future sins. But if the blood of Christ is still alive on the Ark, that means His sacrifice didn't just happen once: it happens every time someone accepts Christ's sacrifice. When Jesus was resurrected in His glorified, immortal body, all of the blood outside of His body must have been made immortal as well.


God bless all of you, I cannot express the way I feel about this. Pray for the U.S.A Pray for our president and have hope. I'm here to tell you all to not be afraid because our God is real and he is with us. Worship his name in glory forever Amen.
