Jesus’ Blood Found on the Ark of the Covenant!

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On January 6, 1982, after years of hard labor and excavation permits issued by the
Israeli Departmant of Antiquities, Ron Wyatt crawled into the cave and found the Ark of the
Covenant. In this cave there were numerous artifiacts from Solomon’s Temple that gave proof
to their discovery.
Most amazingly there was a dark substance that had dripped out of the ceiling onto the top of
the golden lid or Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant.
It was in that moment that Ron realized it was Jesus’ blood – His DNA. After multiple tests
science has concluded that this dark substance was blood indeed and was unlike any other
human blood sample ever tested before.
Join Scott Laird and Kevin Fisher from Ark Discovery International as they display replica
artifacts found with the Ark of the Covenant and video footage from Ron Wyatt himself.

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Kevin Fisher joined us to share even MORE information!
Watch HERE!


I was raised in Church and my Mom is a born again Christian. As I showed her this video she told me God is showing me that he is real, I believe he is and I'm so excited to get to Heaven.. The Lord is coming for us and it's going to be soon, very soon we are going to see the king.


Jesus spilled his blood on the ark to fulfill the sacrifice.


Jesus Christ is coming to get the children and those worthy. 🌷


Thank you Ron Wyatt, and family. Be with our father in heaven Mr. Wyatt.


I am surprised the people who did the test on the blood have never spoke out. Surly someone would have talked


i believe the y chromosome was to ensure that Christ would be a male and could in no way be confused with being a female Messiah.


I don't think the video was meant to be put back into the cave with the objects that are supposed to be there. It serves no purpose there. I like Ron Wyatt's work and believe he has discovered several biblical sites, but this story of the video is hard to swallow.


I'm not a doubter but I'm wondering how you KNOW it is Jesus' blood and not animal blood or something else?


Why would Jeremiah have access to the ark? Second Maccabeas tells that Jeremiah took the ark to the mountain where Moses died, to hide it in a cave. But Jeremiah wasn't too popular back then. I don't believe these stories, not either one.


So when did Jesus submit a blood sample, so that you guys could go around and find his blood on stuff ?
And did he sign an affidavit of authenticity ?
You guys need to change the name of the Bible from the King James version to the Barnum version .
Rewritten bible #263 or is that #264 ?


His Blood is unique, His Blood is alive, His Blood has cleansing powers, His Blood has the power to save, heal, deliver, transform, change etc etc etc. Alleluia. Jesus is Alive


I bet God directed Jeremiah to hide the ark under Golgatha, so Jesus blood could run down to the ark's mercy seat. God knew where Jesus would be crucified.


I watched Rons video 5 years ago and felt Gods spirit so strong i cried my eyes out and fell to my knees and worshiped. I feel the same spirit today and hes telling me the day of his return is at hand.


Learning about this in 2020. God is so good, but mannn the enemy is working to keep this silent!


I would love to see the DNA results of Jesus see the DNA of God


Lord Jesus Christ, Thank you for what you have done on the cross.I trust and love you.I adore you all the days of my life.


Satan has worked hard to keep this information from being spread because this is by far the most important information ever revealed in all of history. We need to get this information out so people will understand how Jesus' blood actually made atonement for our sins.


They will not be able to get close or touch the ark of the covenant because the ANGELS of God are guarding it !!! Or they will die !!


The Lord gave me a dream as a child about this. That was in the 70’s. In the dream I was shown a strong large angel standing guard on a hill. He told me the spot he protected was the exact place the blood of Jesus entered the Earth. He showed me a huge city spaceship coming out of the sky from a long way away. He said that was the New Jerusalem. It would land right on that very spot.

The dream was so real. I had no idea what the Angel was talking about as to why that spot was the most important spot on the Earth. Now I understand.
