How to Fix the Dreaded Lateral Shift - Side Glide in Standing for Low Back Pain & Sciatica

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Dr. Sam Schroetke of Physical Therapy & Hand Clinic of Hillsboro demonstrates How to Fix the Dreaded Lateral Shift - Side Glide in Standing. The lateral shift is a condition that is often very painful and can take a lot of time to correct. So be patient and if your lateral shift is stubborn, perform this exercise in sets of 10-15.

If you have a lateral shift, to dosing for Side-Glide in Standing is 10-15 reps every 1-2 hours or anytime you feel yourself becoming shifted again.

If you don't have a lateral shift, the dosing for this exercise is 10-15 reps every 2-3 hours.
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I’ve been shifted for about three days now this is excruciating. I have ruptured L4 and L5 in the past and made a full recovery with no surgery but sometimes when I get away from my core exercises, I will begin the shift. This exercise is actually helping although I’ve tried it many times through the years and it never worked before. Lord God have mercy on all of us with this horrible back pain!


I’m a builder in the UK and this has happened to me 3 times severely. The first time I called 111 and they said take pills and rest, I was out of work for 2 week wondering how I was going to make money and would I ever work again it was frightening. The second time it happened I was so worried and had spent hundreds trying to get better so I thought I’ll go on YouTube and I followed this video and it worked and the third time it happened I had to find this video again follow the instructions and it worked. I walked into the lounge like a cripple and came out like an athlete. Unbelievable. Thank you for this video it’s changed my life and made me realise I shouldn’t take my health for granted.


You’re the first person to explain this detail by detail, step by step. Even regarding retiring to neutral position, expected pain, etc. Thanks!


I cannot believe how powerful this exercise is... My husband is currently suffering from this problem. After watching this video, he started to do the exercise. In the beginning, it was too painful but as you say to move on, he did not stop. After completing approximately 200 rep with multiple breaks, his posture is fixed! Thank you so much! Incredible!


I’ll always remember when I went to my doctor and she said “stop standing like that”, thanks Doc.


I‘m a physiotherapist and i treat patients with McKenzie all the time. If there is a lateral shift other treatments just do not work! You got to get rid of the shift first! And that‘s the way to do it! Very well explained - thumbs up for this video! 👍🏼


Had this problem four times now and finally have an exercise to fix it. I can’t thank you enough. It works everyone...just get through those ten reps.


Thank you. my nephew sent me this video six weeks ago. It took me three hours to get out of bed and do this the first time. That's the kind of pain I was in. Foot drop, numbness, blinding pain. The whole siatica package and this exercise saved me. Thank you for this video.


I've been dealing with this for a couple years. Randomly will happen and I have no clue why. Out of everything I've seen this is the most in depth.


I have more than a year with back pain and scoliossis. Only a week with this exercise and im feeling 99% better. Thank you 🤗


I've been like this for almost 2 weeks now. Haven't been able to do any of the other exercises I've seen due to pain. I just did one set of this with about 8 to 10 reps. My butt area (kind of on the side) definitely hurts more BUT the pins and needs in my foot and down my leg are better! So far the most improvement I've seen in the last 13 days. I'm actually super motivated finally! I've been really down not being able to do anything. I will keep up this exercise!!

Sorry for the long comment, I'm just REALLY excited right now!


thank god i found this video, 3 sets of 10 and my back was straight again. so happy


I had the apparently rare case when I was tilted to the right and the pain was on the same side. Do not be discouraged, try this exercise nevertheless. I can't believe how efficient this was for me, literally felt better after 10 reps. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this wonderful video.


Spent time in therapy, had a shot in the butt nerve to relax the joint then an adjustment, stretches for months with little results. After watching this video and 1 day of following your instructions I'm 80% better. Hurt like hell the first stretch but got better as I went along. Well worth it. Thank you very very much! Your the man!


I’ve got a large herniation to L4/L5 and have the shift to the left, which strangely is the side the herniation is compressing the nerve root. This video has literally made me cry - everything he says is me!!!! I can’t do flexion or extension and every PT exercise exacerbates the sciatica in my left leg. I’ve been suffering for 2 months and started imagining never standing up again. I’ve just tried this once and the improvement with just one set is unbelievable. Thank you so much I will be doing this every 1-2 hours. You are WONDERFUL.


Dude!!! You are an absolute genius! I deal with this 2-3 times a year for a couple days and it is VERY painful. Coming from someone with a really high pain tolerance. This has INSTANTLY given me relief!! I cannot thank you enough for this wonderful tool!!!


This is still one of the best videos I’ve ever watched on YouTube. Thank you.


THANK YOU!!! Sideline Standing for the win!!! This has been so helpful! I’m leaving for Coachella Music Festival (camping) tomorrow and yesterday had a severe Lateral Shift from an inflamed previous injury (torn lower disc). It was bad! Like, couldn’t sit, could only wobble-walk and lay flat on my floor. I was crying. My chiropractor is on vacation this week too, which is what led me to you! That lean against the wall stretch has REALLY helped me out. The stiffness really did let up after a few repetitions. I’ve been doing them often and IT WORKS!!! It was so cool when i could feel it releasing! I am still continuing to work through this pain and keep me limber for the next few days by using these stretches. I feel like I have tools to make it now. Thank


Thank you 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
I stood up from my dining chair and was not able to walk. My back was shifted I was scared, went straight to my bed. I googled my symptom and this was the first video to pop up. As soon as I did this exercise I heard a crack on my back and I was able to walk straight. Thank you!
