How to Repair Broken Dreads | Get Dreads

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So I'm going to demonstrate how to repair broken dreads. First I'm just going to describe a little bit about Kylea's hair here. Kylea, who has a beautiful head of dreads had been shaving his head on the sides and then just mainly wearing the top and all of this was shaved. So he's in the process of growing out his sides and also, we're trying to keep up with his ever-growing roots, because his hair grows really fast. So he's going to have not only loose hair areas, that just have loose hair, that needs to be blended like this one we have pointed out, but he also has a couple of dreads that will split or try to merge together or congo it.

Because his hair texture is fine, he has a lot of hair, but he has a fine texture. His curl is kind of wavy and curly in his natural hair, so that will cause his hair to kind of puff out a little bit and look a little bigger than what it is in terms of his lock size. It will look a lot bigger than what it is. So I'm going to go ahead and combine two of his dreads because they were splitting, and instead of splitting them all the way to the roots to make two, I'm going to keep it as one, but just make it a little thicker. And this time I'm going to use a needle and thread.

Now when you do this yourself you can definitely use a smaller needle. I'm using this needle that is large and curved for demonstration purposes, so you can see exactly which direction I'm going in, so you'll know exactly how to do it yourself. I'm doing a soft twist, I just like to twist to combine the two to make sure that these are the two that are going to combine as one. It gives me an idea of the size that it will end up being. So I'm going to go in from the top, I'm going to go right down the middle there in between both dreads.

I've already made a knot at the end of my thread, so it should stop right there, and I actually want to slide it where it's on the inside, so you don't even see the knot there. Like I said, I'm using a large needle and thicker thread. You can use thinner thread. You could use a smaller needle, whichever is easier for you to handle. Then I'm going to go back in, I'm going to take this portion that's twisted, go a little bit in the inside, and then we're going to come through with my thread there, as you can see, I'm making a knot.

Since I have a slight knot, I'm going to go in, as you can see, these two are twisted here. I'm going to twist them around, just so you can see what the two dreads are doing. So I'm going to go in one and then grab the other. I'm just making like a single stitch and with every stitch I'm going to pull it tight into the dread, because what's going to happen then is the dread is going to lock around the thread, and that's what you want. Same thing going a little further down. I'm not making any other added knot, because I go down. I'm just letting the dread twist on its own and I'm picking up in both areas.

Because the lock itself is the knot, so you don't have to put a lot of knots in it for it to hold. You just want the two to stay together so when they do lock, they lock together and they don't split. And because Kylea's hair has a little frizziness to it, it has-- well, not frizziness in a bad way, but his texture is a little more curly and spongy, I can use a needle this size. For textures that are a little coarser and your curl is a little tighter you definitely will want to use a smaller needle. Because in hair texture that is coarser and tighter, a needle this size may make holes or you may be able to see the hole pattern, and when you went down when you use a needle this size, so you want to use a smaller needle.

I'm just going to continue down, picking it up over here, picking it up over there and do the other one. Like I said, I'm just making a single stitch, because it is dreaded so you don't really need a lot of knots in it. It's going to stay. So you would continue this motion or this stitching all the way down, until you get to the end of your dread, and then until they are both sewn together, so that is one way to repair broken dreads.
Рекомендации по теме

Is it me or is this video satisfying and relaxing ash😂


She did say this was just ONE way to repair your locs!! Just realized from watching several videos what to do with my son's locs he cut off years ago..., especially since we have the same color!! I can use it to repair my locs when necessary!!


This is so frustrating. U keep saying, "as u k c", but no I can't. Please re-do


Lol this is the same way I repair my locs.and believe it or not too save from cutting off my dragon twins I sew them together also my thinning loosely ends works great


is root is too thin and putting the locks together will only apply more pressure for is hair to fall off, he needs proper hair maintenance.


Pulling human afro kinky hair into the loc with a ventilating tool will give the loc more strength also, with out the addition of a synthetic string. The human hair can be left in place for life, while the string should be removed because the synthetic fibers will cut into to Loc over time and require more extensive repairs in the future.


I find that crochet hooks are not ideal - they are too big. I created my own little tool to fix my dreads, whether they are fraying, splitting, or thinning that works much better.

You need: a needle and and 6-8 inches of fishing line & fire.
Send both ends of this fishing line through the needle, burn the ends of the fishing line slightly so a small ball beads up on the end to stop it from going back through.

Now, crochet your locks back together with much better accuracy and you can work even the tightest dreads (which crochet hooks can't do). Sometimes the needle or line breaks - just replace the broken part and continue.

Hope that's helpful to someone.


I agree with what you are doing. I am not a professional beautician, but I am very good at what I do. My bf has the same issue as the gentleman in the video, he was getting his sides cut and the barber kept going up and up. He eventually lost all the ones on the side and in the back, then he would leave his style in for months. He developed alot  of damage, I am in the process of repairing and bringing his hair back to life. It is going to be a struggle because he is stubborn, but I am up for the challenge.


When giving a presentation you have 30 seconds to capture the audiences attention or you'll lose your audience.


Hi. I just got my one moth and a half dreads maintenance with needle and thread because I had a lot of loops. But I wonder if that will avoid my dreads to get thicker. I really want them to get thicker, I hope this needle and thread technique doesn't prevent that. I would love some advice. Thanks!


I have a question, the ends of my locs have been breaking for years which has severely stunted the growth of my locs, I been browning my hair for 14 years and its kind of embarrassing to have to tell people that my hair is short because of breakage. I want to know how you can prevent that. I seems like the ends get really thin and then you can just pull it right


This is the same lady that made that horrible interlock video. She has no idea what she's doing and should NOT be doing tutorials!


I got a question for you, one dread on the side got too thin and broke right in the middle, I kinda sew it back, so is it gonna be okay?


Why are you guys angry at her for using a thread? What's gonna happen if anyone uses a thread?


How can i do my dread and i don't have wax, tell me there's another way i can do please


my dreadare becoming weak and thin at the ends. Is there a way to make sure they dont break off?


I don't like when she say Drear its locks


Thanks for sharing. 2 suggestions: camera should angle to show where the needle is inserted. The shot showed the back of your hand instead and we can't see. Instructions would be easier to hear if you maybe have a sip of water if lots of talking makes your mouth dry. The tooth sucking/swallowing in between directions made a smacking sound which was a bit distracting. We really want to hear your helpful tips. Thx again


Do you have to use a needle and thread, or can you just palm roll them together?


How long do I leave the thread in my dreads?
