How to Fix Roblox Not Launching - Fix Roblox Won't Open

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How to fix Roblox not launching? In this tutorial, I show you how to fix an issue where Roblox won't open on your Windows PC or Laptop. So if nothing happens when you select the Roblox play button to open Roblox, I'll show you how to fix that. Fixing Roblox not launching is easy to fix by reinstalling Roblox on your PC. Let me know in the comments if you have any questions while you fix Roblox not launching on PC or Laptop.

Follow the steps below to fix Roblox not launching or opening on PC:
1. Select the Windows Start button in the bottom right of your taskbar and search Roblox.
2. Right click Roblox and select Uninstall.
3. A new window will open. Find and Select Roblox Player, then select Uninstall. Go through the Roblox uninstall process.
4. Once Roblox is uninstalled right click the Windows Start button and select System.
5. This will open the Windows system settings. In the left menu select Storage.
6. Once on Storage, select Temporary files.
7. Ensure the only selected item is Temporary files, and then select Remove files.
8. Now go through the process of reinstalling Roblox on your Windows PC or Laptop. Once reinstalled, Roblox should now open without issue.

#Roblox #Robux #RobloxGame

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I've tried this 3 times now and it isn't working for me. It tells me its loading roblox, then it stops and just disappears


This video is the most straightforward of all the "fix roblox" videos, has helped me fix it twice now.


Literally suffered a week playing the microsoft app version, which hightened my ping (lowering my fps) so this really helped. Cheers man. :)


I haven't uninstalled Roblox or anything but in my case it gets stuck on the "You're moments away from getting into the experience!" screen. This just started yesterday and is very weird and annoying. Would you happen to have any idea on how to fix it?


hello Gauging Gadets thanks for this tutorial but on my computer it still won't work. the part that does not work is when you click the play button and roblox starts opening it appears down it that bar and then when in the video it disapears for a second and then the game opens, with my laptop it just disapears and thats it. I think im stuck like the rest people on you're just moments away from joining the expierience. Can you please help me?

Edit: i fixed it via Microsoft store


it didn't work.
K so, my problem is:it loads up normally, then the "Initializing roblox. . ." part [the white window] just shows up, closes and nothing happens. this started like, a week ago.


tysm my friend thought I ghosted her u saved my friendship ur a real one man<3


I tried everything and roblox is still not working I hope this issue gets fix ASAP


The thing with my roblox is that when I open it, it keeps opening. When I try to uninstall it, it crashes and keep opening. When I try to delete the launchers from the files, and download them again, it keeps doi g the same thing again. I discovered this by going on task manager, and saw roblox continuously opening and shutting itself over and over again (around 3-4 times per second) while there were error sounds nonstop in the background. One year ago, it was working, but now, whatever I do, it doesen't work. What should I do?


I have literally done everything, no exaggeration. Ive gone to the point of factory resetting but im still having this issue


Thank You! I've been trying to fix my issue for the last 4 hours and your video explained it better then I could,


omg thank you so much, man. I was worried I wouldn't be able to play roblox on my pc anymore

Nvm, it still gets stuck on the "you're moments away from playing!" idk what to do. it won't load me in


I Watched the video fully by uninstalling roblox then installing back and when the game launches it just come up with a white screen saying Roblox is not Responiding and sometimes the lunch still will not come please help i could not play roblox for a whole month becuase of this stupid bug.


Very helpful! thanks for the clear instructions, despite the length, it's 100% worth it and simple to understand!


It Doesn't work! please help edit: nothing happens when I download it.


Whenever I press play, the game won't open as usual, what is going on? I have tried rebooting my PC but it is still not working, I then uninstall and reinstall the launcher but it didn't work as well....


THANK YOU. Nothing else has been working, I've been trying to fix this for half a week now and was on the border of giving up. I really appreciate the video!


this helped me. you deserved my respect. a like and a subscriber


Didn't work unfortunately for me, hope anyone else got it fixed!


Nope, its stuck on "You're moments away from getting into the experience!" screen.
