10 Most Hated Star Trek: The Next Generation Episodes

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These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise that we dare not embark on.

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Worf smashing Geordi's lute against a tree and his whole demeanour in the episode is one of the funniest things in Star Trek. The episode's production is meant to homage Errol Flynn's version of Robin Hood and be a light episode. Vash being shocked at Picard not telling his crew about their relationship is meant to be a bit of light hearted banter. I am not a Merry Man!


"Sir, I protest. I am NOT a merry man!"
Probably one of the best lines in all of Star Trek.


Worfs line of 'Captain, I am not a merry man' in Qpid is one of the greatest lines in all of Star Trek.


using Data as a third wheel was perfect ... because Picard knew that data wouldn't shut up ... thats why he invited data along


I've always had a soft spot for, The Royale. It always felt like an episode from the second season of TOS. The episode could easily play out like it did with Kirk, Spock, and McKoy being the ones trapped in the Royale.


I would put "Up the Long Ladder" on the list above "Manhunt" or "Qpid". The idea of one colony ship seeding two disparate types of colonies - one agrarian, one technologically advanced - is an interesting idea to be sure, but the overly stereotypical Irish country bumpkins were way over the top, the clone colonists came off as unsympathetic, and the solution was just... bad.


I was really shocked to see Royale on this list. I find it one of the funniest episodes of TNG, and deliberately calling out the cliches was really nice.


To be fair to Lwaxana, the going to her wedding naked is because that's the Betazoid custom. It WAS powerful of her to show that she wasn't going to hide who she was just because that wasn't part of her fiancé's culture. And Alexander's grin with noone trying to hide it from him was an amazing moment and lesson of acceptance

Aside from that, the episode bored me. LOL


How can people dislike the Robin Hood episode!? It's merry good fun!


The Royale is one of my favorite episodes. It's like an escape room episode. They are trying to push the limits of the simulation to see where the cracks emerge.


I actually really love Qpid. It's great lighthearted fun, and John de Lancie is always amazing. What do you mean no laughs? "Sir, I protest. I am NOT a merry man!"

Though I agree Cost of Living isn't a great episode, and Alexander is a little annoying, I certainly don't think he deserves all this hate. I don't think he's even that bad. He's not a model child by a longshot, but who can blame him? His mother was brutally murdered (she died before his eyes), and he had to go live in a new place with this father he never knew, who struggles to connect with him. It disturbs me to hear you say that you "want to slap him", even though you probably meant that as a joke.

Sub Rosa is ridiculous, but it's not actually as bad as everybody makes it out to be. The episode is supposed to be cheesy, and it's more fun to watch than a lot of stuff from S1 and S2. It's a shame that Gates McFadden didn't get better episodes to feature in, but she still does a great job with what she's given, and is always fun to watch.


Journey's End is by far the stupidest episode of Star Trek TNG. It taught us that all you have to do to stop time is yell "NOOOO!" real loud.


I loved the Robin hood episode. When worf smashes Geordi's little guitar is hilarious. Also when troi accidentally shoots data with the arrow. Any Q episode is good


I am NOT a merry man! That line justifies the entire Robin Hood episode.


What, "The Child" didn't make the list? The Star Sperm that knocks up Troi is bad enough, but the throwaway line Data gives about Eichner radiation, that it is generated by "certain cyanoacrylates, " aka Krazy Glue should have earned it a Razzie award.


Season 2 Episode 1 "The Child" So horrible, not only did Ellie not list it, everyone else in the comments forgot it existed too.


Although I agree with many of the choices on this list I must disagree about The Royale and Q-Pid. I've always liked Q-Pid and I think it is one of their best funny lighter episodes, while not a great episode I don't think it derserves to be called hated. The Royale is one of my favourite TNG episodes, it's great, it's funny and I think their are many more episodes that deserve to be on this list than either of these.


"Shades of Gray" was an unfortunate consequence of a big ol' writers' strike, so they had to go clip-show as there was nothing else they could do to make that episode, given it was the season finale, so they had to put something out to avoid missing scheduled airing, and sadly, that was what we got as a result, poor dialogue, set dressing lacklustre, and of course, clip clip clip, so was doomed from the outset...


I enjoyed The Royale, and I disagree about Gates' performance in Sub Rosa - I think she really went for it. I also like Cost of Living, I know it gets criticized but I found it sweet and funny - probably my favorite Lwaxana episode.


If you are going to come out with videos like "The Ten Most..." I think you owe us an explanation as to who is deciding this. This is a terrible list. Manhunt is not one of the best episodes, but it is not one of the worst either. Qpid is a fun episode. John de Lancie is always excellent, and the Q episodes always have far more depth than they appear. I don't usually say stuff like this, because everyone has their own opinion, but if you created this list, then you should own it. Do not pretend that this is somehow a consensus list put together after asking thousands of Star Trek fans. This is your list, so call it, "My List of 10 Worst Episodes."
