10 Star Trek Burns That Still Sting

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#StarTrek #Burns #NotTalkingAboutThePuppy
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Very small technical hitch with this video originally. Early reports suggest it was something to do with the inverse variance of metaphasic subspace polarity field but we compensated for it with the bipolar subspace coils and thoron neurotransmitters. Please enjoy a rare TrekCulture re-upload 🖖


Kirk: "I suspect you're becoming more and more human all the time."
Spock: "Captain, I see no reason to stand here and be insulted."


Q to Everyone, “What do I have to do to prove I’m mortal?!”
Worf, “Die”
Q, “Oh very good, eat any good books lately?”


Sean. You missed one of the best ones - Star Trek: DS9 "House of Quark"

Quark enters the Chamber of the Klingon High Council: "I'm Quark, Son of Keldar. Here to challenge D'Ghor, Son of ... _Whatever."_ The Klingons in the High Council gasp at the audacity. Anyone who can make Klingons "clutch the pearls" is #1 in my book.


I always ended up choking in laughter on this one.

Data: The captain and many of the crew are not yet convinced he is truly Human.
Guinan: Really? <stabs Q's hand with a fork. Q writhes in pain>
Guinan: Seems Human enough to me.


Don't forget the one from 7 of 9:
"Remove your hand or I will remove your arm."


Another one is Odo's "With what?" line from _The Way of the Warrior._

Everyone is evacuating the promenade, and Odo walks up to Quark telling him he needs to be in the shelter as well.
Quark: "I'm not going to any emergency shelter. This is my bar, and I'm going to defend it."
Odo: "Really? And how do you plan to do that?"
Quark: "With this."
Odo: "You're going to hit them with a box?"
Quark: "No. This is my disruptor pistol. The one I used to carry in the old days, when I was serving on that Ferengi freighter."
Odo: "I thought you were the ship's cook."
Quark: "That's right. And every member of that crew thought he was a food critic. If the Klingons try to get through these doors, I'll be ready for them."
(opens the box to see a note from Rom) "'Dear Quark, I used parts from your disruptor to fix the replicators. Will return them soon. Rom.'"
Quark: "I will _kill_ him!"
Odo: "With what?"


WESLEY: Since when did you become an expert on women?
LAFORGE: Compared to you, every male on this ship is an expert on women.
WESLEY: Well at least I don't have to find my women on the holodeck!


What about Odo in Trials and Tribble-ations?

Worf : Hundreds of warriors were sent to track them down throughout the galaxy. An armada obliterated the tribbles' home world. By the end of the twenty third century they had been eradicated.

Odo : *Another glorious chapter of Klingon history. Tell me, do they still sing songs of the great tribble hunt?*


My favourite has to be when the doctor tells seven:
"Between impulse and action, there is a realm of good taste begging for your acquaintance "


Worf: Be quiet, or disappear back where you came from
Q: I can't disappear, any more than you could win a beauty contest


Not exactly a burn, but I loved "Unification" when Picard was trying to borrow a Klingon ship and crew so he could get into Romulan territory undetected. He had recently helped Gowron rise to power; now he was calling in the favor. However, he could only get a hold of a low-ranking subordinate. The Klingon subordinate acted like he was put out by Picard's request. He finally asked Picard what Gowron would get in return for helping him. Picard said, "Tell Gowron that he will have our gratitude." The Klingon looked like, "That's it? Your gratitude in exchange for a ship?" Picard said, "Yes. Oh, and also tell Gowron that if he is unable to help us out, I'm sure we can find someone else in the Klingon Empire who can loan us a ship... and then THEY would have our gratitude." I've never seen a Klingon look like he was going to wet himself before.


Q : Without your assistance on our last encounter, I would never have survived. I would have taken my own life but for you.

Picard : We all make mistakes.


A little scene in The Next Generation 7th season episode, "Liaisons." Worf is trying to entertain an "ambassador" who is very difficult and demanding, and he's at a buffet line getting the ambassador some food.

DATA: How is your diplomatic assignment progressing?
WORF: Fine.
DATA: I have heard that in moments of diplomatic tension, it is often helpful to find elements of commonality.
WORF: Ambassador Byleth is demanding, temperamental and rude.
DATA: You share all of those qualities in abundance. Perhaps you should try to build on your similarities.

Best part is the little pat on the back Data gives Worf at the end of that scene. :D (Though I have to say, Worf isn't rude, he's a bit abrupt at times, but generally very respectful).


One of my favourites would have to be in TNG episode Redemption: Part 2 when Data is transferred to temporarily take command of the U.S.S. Sutherland for a fleet operation. His first officer Hobson requests a transfer because just as he doesn't believe a Klingon would make a good ship's counsellor or that a Berellian would make a good engineer, he also doesn't believe an android would make a good starship captain. With the exact same calmness and poise Hobson uses to deliver the bigoted reasoning for his request, Data replies with, "I understand your concerns. Request denied."


Can't believe you left out the zinger in The Undiscovered Country - "I can't believe I kissed you." - "It must've been your lifelong ambition"


You could make a whole list of just the witticisms of Garak alone.

But then, Garak has that business all sewn up.


McCoy:"Go? Where are we going?"
Kirk:"Where they went."
McCoy:"Suppose they went nowhere?"
Kirk:"Then this will be your big chance to get away from it all."


"You ay test that assumption at your convenience" is the classy way to say "F*ck around and find out."


How could you forget Worf's single greatest line ever? I don't know if the doomed Borg heard him, but Captain Picard certainly did.
First Contact, the shootout on the deflector dish, Worf aims his phaser rifle and snarls...
"Assimilate THIS!"
