Is The Mormon Church Careful with YOUR Money?

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The Presiding Bishopric, when asked in 2019 about Ensign Peak, tried to deflect by saying the church is careful with your money. Do their recent actions sound like care was taken to use the money in a way members would be happy with, given they tried to hid the way it was used from the view of members by forming shell companies?
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We are so careful, so very careful. 20 years later, Damn who forgot to fill out the right tax forms.


Such a tender-sounding tone of voice as he tells verifiable lies, as the church does something it knows is 100% illegal and wrong, while never apologizing or accepting full accountability. It's totally insulting, if not intentionally manipulative on a sociopathic level. It pains me to see members fall for it, but I feel better knowing I took action and got the hell out.


Strike 1: Found out they spent $2 billion on a mall.
Strike 2: Found out they have over $100 billion and less than 1% of that goes to the needy.
Strike 3: They created 13 shell companies to knowingly break SEC regulations for 20 years. Since Hinckley, every prophet cannot answer the temple interview question, "Are you honest in your dealings with your fellow man?" with a yes.


I listened to the Mormon stories podcast about it. The money paid was trivial for the laws broken. The real penalty was having a 9 page order published. The lawyer that they had on the show who specializes in this type of work pointed out a few things about the order.
1. The order is negotiated before posting and is thereafter considered the official factual record of what happened.
2. The church is not allowed to say or publish anything that contradicts anything inside of the order.
3. When you take the churches press release into account with the above knowledge. That means the church has already broken the agreement. The press release states that it was a "mistake", the church was informed on two separate occasions that it was breaking the law with the way it was using shell companies.
The press release states that they followed the advice of their lawyers and the church didn't prepare the filings. The order from the SEC states that each time something came up, they went to "the senior leadership of the church" which was defined as the first presidency and the presiding bishopric. After getting together with these two parties, ensign peak was instructed as to their actions they should take. These actions were at times the opposite of what they advised the church to do.
I really recommend listening to the whole thing, so much more from the podcast that what I shared above didn't really scratch the surface.


I am so sad that they have been dishonest. They are not sorry. They are sorry that they were caught.


The whispery voice makes me feel like they're scamming me


"The real wealth of the church... is its members."



I'm convinced but there are entry-level auditions for general authorities and other high up church leaders. The casting directors are looking for that perfect, convincing, conference -talk voice to manipulate the members.


"Ignore the man behind the curtain! The members are so loved!" This kind of makes me gag!


Took out all the people working for them that were working for their families. I was a custodian. When they took that job, I had to keep cleaning the church and get a job. So sad they had to put the money into the world and not the members. Members who paid tithes and offerings while they took pride in working for the lord


Who is this person? The real wealth of the church is not in it's possessions. It is in the church and it's money. The Church leaders and Ensign Peaks behavior is disturbing. They didn't just do this for one year. It is my understanding they have done this for 20 years. Correct?? 5 million dollar fine on 32 billion is not enough. It should be coming out of the pockets of the men or whoever made these choices otherwise no one really pays and it becomes a business expense. No I am not pleased. It is dishonest. SEC did a fine of less then 1% is hilarious. How is that going to stop any organization?


I’m just glad I stopped paying as of last year


They are very careful that you don’t find out how much of your money they have…🤫😡🤫


'who seeth us, who knoweth us...'


How much profit can a prophet make if a prophet can prophecy profit?


I don’t believe him. Which is worse? Their deception towards their precious members, or their precious members being fully informed and not Paying tithing.
I’m disappointed, feeling like we’ve been played.


If that were true, why hoard the money?


If they are careful, that's good! But if I leave the church, justice demands that they pay me back for all I've contributed, including investment gains.


All lies. Money is thier god. The BoM is self-fulfilling. 3 Ne 27:32 "But behold, it sorroweth me because of the fourth generation from this generation, for they are led away captive by him even as was the son of perdition; for they will sell me for silver and for gold, and for that which moth doth corrupt and which thieves can break through and steal. And in that day will I visit them, even in turning their works upon their own heads."

We are in the 4th generation from the founding


Prevarication and denial seem to be the most used tools of the day.
