How CHARITABLE is The Mormon Church?

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Holy shit! That Monson quote at the end is the real gut punch 😮😅


When I heard that number I wondered how much of it was free labor from members converted into hypothetical dollars or how much went to the Tabernacle choir and BYU as charity.


Seeing as they ask followers to give 10% of their income, it is extremely greedy for them to only give 1%.


I have personally attended on multiple occasions, in Arizona, a church house with a woodburning stove in the chapel to keep them warm in the winter. It was on the Navajo reservation. The kids met in a privately donated 5th wheel trailer outside of the building for Primary. The church didn't give a crap about their conditions when we went up the chain of command inquiring about why things were so bad. The reason, they don't pay enough consistent tithing to merit a better building.
Yet, in a white community in Montana, I know they built a brand new building and spent 1 million dollars just on the landscaping. Both congregations had the same amount of people attending.
I could go on and on with examples where I witnessed persecution of the poor, the widows and fatherless by church leaders. Grateful to be out of the corporation.


🎶🎶🎵🎵 "follow the profit, follow the profit, follow the profit, dont go astray" 🎶🎵🎶🎵


Mormons give 10 percent, the church gives out 1 percent, Awesome !!!


Their lips grow close, but their hearts are far from Him


It’s all PR they spend more on mega malls than on charity


The church published a slick brochure last year outlining their charitable giving. It appeared to me that they were including time "donated" by members. For example, if a missionary couple volunteered five hours at a soup kitchen, the church counted that as 10 x minimum wage.

The shame was that many of the church's charities are truly commendable. Just do more of those.


Spot on is what I think. They condemn themselves by their own mouths. Thanks for the vid.


Im so glad I'm a member of a church that lives what it preaches. To save for a rainy day. A church that teaches and assists its members to provide for themselves.
Helps its own members first, but also gives to non church organizations that provide relief to people across the world.
Most people will never understand the higher law of tithing because they are too busy judging those that do.


Not only that, but the Church makes the poverty / homeless situation worse, because it actively advocates importing the poorest, least employable, and most destitute (and often destructive) people from the third world into the industrialized / civilized world. It essentially signs them up for tax-funded welfare plans, and then preaches to the TAXPAYERS that they need to be more "charitable, " evidently conveniently forgetting that the U. S. alone is over $32, 000, 000, 000, 000 worse than broke with just short-term Federal liabilities. Yes, they're all about helping out the "refugees" and "asylum seekers, " even though the numbers exceed the U. S. taxpayer population by many, many fold. And in process, they aid the drug cartels, the human traffickers, and every other kind of predator and parasite. High time to extricate the cranial parts from the rectal parts.


Yes they could give more to charity but, even more than that, they could take better care of their own members, employees, and missionaries. Maybe not make the members clean their own buildings and hire janitorial staff again. Maybe not cut back on youth programs and ward activities. Maybe not make missionaries pay $10k out of pocket to serve the church. Or, for God's sake, not make them live with members just to save a buck?


I think if the church were inclined to be more serious about charity, RMN could have a revelation that tithing is no longer required.


1% Cmon members! Sacrifice paying your bills. We have a Profit to make…….I mean follow.


"Do as we say; not as we do."


The charitable help is embarrassingly pathetic.


Hmmm….They should be paying, At Minimum, 10%! Not a very good example being set for their members.


I don't go to Mormon Church. But far too many people are not wise enough for the questions you seem to be asking. You ask amiss shall I say. Giving to charity is mot necessarily a virtue - not when you are a corporation. Giving to the poor should assist them to live worthy lives and by this I mean they live esponsibly so they are giving what they can and doing what they can for themselves and others and always looking to do this.

It us my experience of the grace of God that He never goes out of His way to much to help the lazy or the covetous or the resentful; rather He let's them struggle along until they come to their senses, learning 'by the things which they suffet' as the apostle Paul said of Christ.

'The poor you have always with you' - remember?

Without being able to vouch for the goings on in the Mormon temple, but taking these temples as their most sacred places I see no problem with adorning them as one would their most Holy place, perhaps to uplift, to encourage and to entitled dIvine attributes of individual consciousness.


Monson perfectly described what the LDS church does with tithing money and other donations - it is not used to care for the poor.
