The Country You Never Knew Existed - Karakalpakstan Autonomous Republic of Uzbekistan 🇺🇿

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You have heard of many "STAN" countries, including Uzbekistan. But you probably never knew there was another "STAN" country inside Uzbekistan. Karakalpakstan is officially the Republic of Karakalpakstan, an autonomous republic within Uzbekistan. It occupies the whole northwestern end of Uzbekistan. The capital is Nukus. Join me to explore this unique and unusual country's capital, Nukus.

0:00 - Intro To Karakalpakstan;
7:00 - Breakfast Experience;
13:02 - Arrival To The Market;
19:30 - Karakalpak Cap;
25:44 - Getting Kicked Out Of Restaurant;
34:28 - Super Friendly Shop Owners;
38:56 - Covered Bazaar Area;
48:29 - Metting Drunk Man;
52:09 - Buying Kara Kalpak Hat;

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The Karakalpaks are an ethnically diverse Turkic-speaking people who mainly inhabit the isolated delta region of the lower Amu Darya, situated to the south of the Aral Sea. Their exact numbers are unknown but are probably close to 600, 000. Their homeland is the Autonomous Republic of Karakalpakstan, formed by the Soviets in 1925. Despite its Autonomous Republic status, Karakalpakstan is effectively little more than just another province within the independent Republic of Uzbekistan, albeit the largest province, accounting for over one third of Uzbekistan's land area. However, most of Karakalpakstan is occupied by barren and inhospitable desert. In the Soviet era its main use was for the production of cotton and the provision of isolated and secret testing sites for chemical and biological weapons. During the past decade or so, sizeable oil and natural gas reserves have been identified under the Ustyurt plateau and the bed of the Aral Sea.

The Karakalpaks make up less than a third of the inhabitants of Karakalpakstan, and live alongside large populations of Khivan Uzbeks in the south and Qazaqs in the north, plus some Yomut Turkmen along the western border. The Karakalpaks are one of the poorest ethnic groups within Uzbekistan and they suffer from high unemployment, generally poor living conditions and bad health. In recent decades they have had to contend with the full effects of the desiccation of the Aral Sea and the lower Amu Darya. The desertification of the northern delta has led to an evacuation of its rural population and the growth of the southern urban towns, especially the capital city of Nukus.


Woow, Hi from Karakalpakstan. Welcome to our magnificent and unique country. I've never seen such vlogs about Karakalpakstan especially in English. We highly appreciate that. I believe that this vlog could help the world to know our country better. Thank you for visiting and representing!


Karakalpaklılar ülkesi/diyarı kardeş ülkeniz Türkiye'den selamlar! ❤ Sizi yeni duydum. Özbekistan'ın merkezinde otonom bir bölge. Davut yine güzel bir iş çıkartmışsın! 👏


Привет! Добро пожаловать!Спасибо вам за ваш труд!Я сама родилась и выросла в Нукусе, но живу в Турции.Я лично извиняюсь за всех кто обращался к вам грубостью, ..и желаю вам удачи!!Allah'a emanet olun !❤❤


Finally a place that when you say you're from Azerbaijan they don't look at you with confusion lol. Central Asia is very beautiful and unique.


This is a country I have never heard of, thank you for bringing this up in your Uzbekistan series.


Respect from Karakalpakstan
Welcome Brother


I'm Karakalpak and from Karakalpakstan. Let us know before your arrival to our country, we will welcome you as a guest and introduce you to Karakalpakstan❤


Wow! I’ve never heard of this place! Thanks for the enlightenment


Davud her turlu Turkceyle anlasmak ne kadar hos, gozel,yahsi,bazi anlarda duygulanmamak elde degil bizden birileri olunca


Hello everyone I'm from Karakalpakistan. Firstly thank you for the explain our story about Aral sea we are so appreciate. We were so happy if you visit to Karakalpakistan again.😊


🇱🇰🇱🇰🇱🇰🇱🇰 seems like a peaceful calm city.thank you Davud.budu saranai.🙏🙏🙏


I haven't been to Karakalpakstan yet, but your video on Nukus was fascinating! I appreciate the insights into the history and culture of the region. I would love to feature lesser-known destinations on my channel in the future, so Karakalpakstan is definitely on my travel list now. Keep up the great work, and safe travels!


it is great to see Uzbekistan being represented in English, enabling English audiences to watch it and learn about our country🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿


I have a teary eyes you're so nice to others .God bless you more 🙏🙏♥️idol David👏👏👏👏


This is the first time a video with this title was actually true. I didnt know about this place and I`m visiting Uzbekistan next week.


Astonished. I never thought of it that such country is in the world. Thank you very much Mr Davud. Your journey your exploration provide us more information and knowledge of the world. God bless you. Love you from assam India


Very interesting! Thanks for introducing us to Karakalpakstan, it looks like a very peaceful and clean country. The hat looks good on you. Take care on your travels. Davud! 😊


Thanks for video about my country. Respect you!
Saw bol.


❤looks good country .HPE to see new places from you.cs this is totally out of my knowledge never heard about it.keep going watching u always.
