The Rubber Soul Recording Sessions | Beatles Documentary Film

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Everything you need to know about the Beatles' 1965 album Rubber Soul. |

0:00:00 Introduction
0:02:32 Drive My Car
0:09:25 Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)
0:17:40 Rubber Soul talk (1)
0:19:57 You Won't See Me (1)
0:20:42 Muted segment due to copyright issues
0:23:32 You Won't See Me (2)
0:25:07 Brian Wilson's jealousy
0:25:55 Nowhere Man
0:33:53 Think for Yourself
0:39:28 The Word
0:46:04 Michelle
0:59:05 What Goes On
1:01:09 Girl
1:08:34 I'm Looking Through You
1:17:10 In My Life
1:31:12 Wait
1:39:28 If I Needed Someone
1:45:09 Run for Your Life
1:50:59 Rubber Soul talk (2)
1:52:20 We Can Work It Out
1:58:55 Day Tripper
2:04:30 Rubber Soul talk (3)
2:07:31 Conclusion

@TheBeatles @johnlennon @PaulMcCartney @GeorgeHarrisonOfficial @ringostarr
#thebeatles #beatles #johnlennon #paulmccartney #georgeharrison #ringostarr #rubbersoul #music #history #documentary #documentaryfilm #beatlesforever
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Due to copyright issues, we unfortunately were forced to mute part of the "You Won't See Me" segment. 😕 YouTube is like that sometimes.

Also, a mistake happened in the image for "If I Needed Someone." Instead of saying "Lennon/McCartney, " I forgot to copy and paste to say "Harrison." Sorry for that.

It’s finally here: the Rubber Soul sessions! Hope you all like the new fanfare. Please like and comment to help us with YouTube's algorithm. Thank you all for the support; the channel would be nowhere without the fans. "Peace and love, peace and love, ” as Ringo would say. – Gustavo


I've always viewed this album as the gateway between early Beatles and late Beatles. Probably my favorite record of theirs.


Every Beatles album is a jewel, but Rubber Soul has always been my favourite.


My favorite Beatles album is always the one I'm listening to at the moment.


I have been listening to and been enthralled by the Beatles for over 60 years now and it never gets old and I never tire of the wonder they created. If you weren't there you'll never really know and in whatever days I have left I will forever revel in the experience.


The Beatles reached a height of fame no other performers have ever reached.., to a place called "The toppermost of the poppermost". John told them in 1961 that's where they were going, and that where they went. Brian Epstein said, "The Beatles will be bigger than Elvis.", and "The children of the 21st century will be listening to the Beatles." He was right about both. They pushed the boundaries of live concerts, studio recording, and how albums could be a complete piece of art. Over 60 years later their music is still being listened to, analyzed, and revered around the world. We will never see anything like the Beatles again.


Had a trip last night and just realized how big the Beatles really were. These guys were a godsend. Getting bigger than Elvis then releasing things like Norwegian Wood, Michelle, Eleanor Rigby, Tomorrow Never Knows, Good Day Sunshine. Wow


I love how thoughtful and thorough this documentary is. I like how it appeals to musicians and goes a little further in depth


I was 9, or 10, in Yalta (USSR), when I heard "Girl", accidentally, on somebody's tape recorder. It really, spiritually, changed my life. Later album "Help" doubled, or tripled this impression, if it's possible, and "Still my Guitar Gently Weeps", that I heard on the radio, made it to stratospheric leap of consciousness... and all that, even, without deep understanding the meaning of the poetry, except I knew what words Girl, Help and Guitar were, of course


In my life - one of best songs ever and now this documentary is one of my favs😊


It is my ambition to smoke a marihuana cigarette and listen to this for the first time. I'm 83 and have never consumed marihuana or listened to the Beatles but have heard good things about both.


As much as I love ALL of the Beatles albums, Rubber Soul still remains my favourite (along with Abbey Road). It’s the album where they truly matured as songwriters, doing away with the ‘yeah yeah, yeah, boy-meets-girl stuff and showing an experimental side not seen before.
Oh, and they looked so damn cool in mid-65! ❤😎


Help!, Rubber Soul, Revolver, three records in two years . Such growth in a short period of time. They will always be an inspiration for musicians. Beatles forever.


As a young teenager, I remember blowing up a speaker on my dad's expensive Bang and Olufsen hi-fi, listening to Wait at full volume!


My all time favorite album.
Being ten years old, I was blown away by the lyrics and the more bluesy sound - not that I would know it, but as reconstructed afterthoughts in my teens.
It's hard to pick out ONE Song, but I remember always being in love with a girl, and always having a hard time breaking up, so "I'm looking through you" have always been one of them.
But this album AND Revolver will always be the peek for me - I "matured" in an early age, so to say ...


The group's "main catalogue"—songs released between 1962 and 1970—consists of 213 songs.
It’s amazing how much music they made.


Rubber Soul was the first album I ever bought and it is still among the best I have ever heard.


I guess my favourite track on Rubber Soul has to be Nowhere Man.... thank you for the interesting video.


Wow...this is cool. The U.S. version of Rubber Soul is my favorite album of all time.


My Favorite Album ... Thank you My Dad for listening always this 33 rpm vinyl wax when you played this in our wooden sanyo stereo in 1977 till this year 2024 i always listen to this beautiful 1965 album of the fab 4
